A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2131 Not found

Roy was so angry that he almost fought with Long Yun, but Long Yun and Wade were smiling and calm, and Lu Fei was even more calm.

Obviously, these guys have a much better mentality than Roy.

A good mentality is an essential quality for a hero, and obviously, Roy does not have it.

Ques pulled Roy away and sat firmly opposite Long Yun.

"Mr. Long Yun, there is no basis for what you said."

"Mr. Lu Fei's brother is missing, and our family has also suffered a huge loss."

"The maid we arranged for Mr. Lu Fei disappeared together with my favorite butler, Mr. Jack."

"If we were the ones who did it, we could have made Jack and the maid pretend to be comatose without letting them disappear at all. Wouldn't this be a better way to clear up the relationship?" Quasi said.


"That's not necessarily true. Maybe it's a cover-up?"

"Anyway, your family is the most suspect." Wade sneered.


"Maybe you don't know yet, but we have reached a preliminary transaction intention with Mr. Lu Fei."

"If nothing else happens, we will be able to complete the transaction today."

"In this way, we can get the golden sword openly, why do we need to go to war?"

"Isn't this what you've been eating for a long time?"

"On the contrary, I doubt you even more."

"If you receive news of my negotiation with Mr. Lu Fei, you will definitely try your best to prevent our transaction."

"It is reasonable to use the kidnapping of Zhu Tianbao to frame our family."

"Am I right, Dear Mr. Wade?"

Quess is worthy of being a wise man, and he turned the situation around with just a few words.

Wade was slightly surprised when he heard that Lu Fei and Ques had reached a deal.

After looking at Lu Fei, Wade quickly calmed down again.

They may have really reached a deal before, but what happened later disrupted their rhythm.

Anyway, what Lu Fei is most suspicious of now is definitely the Thomas family. If they continue to trade, it is estimated that

It's simply impossible.

This is actually beneficial to myself.

What's more, Wade has already received Lu Fei's promise, so he will be even more relieved.

Lu Fei was true to his word, and the promises he made absolutely stood true.

Wade chuckled.

"Dear Mr. Quess, what you said makes sense."

"However, those are all conjectures and there is no evidence at all."

"So there is no point in us continuing to discuss this issue."

"Mr. Wade is right. In fact, I don't want to continue a useless argument."

"The most important thing at the moment is to help Mr. Lu Fei find and rescue his friends, and to protect Mr. Lu Fei's safety."

"I came here in person today to investigate this matter."

"I came out for experience when I was young and worked as a detective for fifteen years. I have some experience in solving crimes."

"I will check the situation of the villa carefully now. Maybe I can find important clues."

After Kuisi finished speaking, he ran upstairs without asking Lu Fei's permission.

As he walked upstairs, he gave Murray and Roy a look.

This was all discussed by them in advance.

Roy was responsible for guarding the living room and observing every move of Lu Fei and others.

Murray went to the garage and basement to check, and Quess went to the second- and third-floor bedrooms to check.

Lu Fei didn't stop him at all, and still sat on the sofa drinking tea with a gloomy face.

An hour later, Quess and Murray returned to the living room with sullen faces.

Because they found nothing at all.

There were no traces of the fight, and neither the clan leader nor the maid could be found. Moreover, a special smell remained in Lu Fei's room.

Quess took a deep breath and felt his eyes dazzled. Apparently, the smell was still there.



Is everything Lu Fei said true?

Did someone really sneak into the villa last night, stupefied Lu Fei, and kidnapped Zhu Tianbao, Nina, the patriarch and others?

its not right!

The secret surveillance did not see any abnormalities.

No one came in or out at all that night. .??.

However, there is no secret passage in this villa at all. How could this happen?

Where is the patriarch?

Who did it?

Damn it, it’s so weird!

"Mr. Quasi, have you found any clues?" Lu Fei asked.

Quess shook his head helplessly.

"The other party must be a very experienced master, and he didn't leave any traces."

"Sorry, no clues found here."

"But please don't worry, as long as the other party is still in Europe, we will definitely be able to rescue your friend."

"Mr. Lu Fei, the location of this villa is a bit remote."

"To ensure your safety, I suggest you find another place to live."

"I will increase your security force to ensure that you will not be harmed at all." Quasi said.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Thank you for the grand hospitality your family has given me these past few days."

"We have just discussed it, and I will leave my security work to Wade."

"I will leave the villa now. If there is news about my friend, please let Mr. Kuis inform me as soon as possible."


"Are you going to Wade's place?"

Quess suddenly became nervous after hearing this.

Lu Fei wants to go to Wade, obviously he doesn't trust their family.

This makes it almost impossible to continue trading.

Now that the patriarch is missing and his life or death is uncertain, and if the trading plan goes bankrupt again, the Thomas family will suffer huge losses.

Yes, of course Quess was anxious.

"That's right!"

"It's safest to fly to my place."

"Fei is my best friend and I will protect him with my life."

Wade glanced at Roy and continued.

"No matter who wants to threaten Lu Fei's safety, he must challenge our Robert family."

"And our Xiao family!"

"If someone dares to harm Lu Fei, our Xiao family will definitely not let him go!"

The two of them looked at Roy at the same time, and the latter shivered with goosebumps all over his body.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I don't think this is necessary at all."

"Our Thomas family has been operating in London for hundreds of years and it is safest to stay in our family."

"Yesterday was just an accident. I promise that no one can hurt you in the future."

"My opinion is that Mr. Lu Fei should stay." Ques said.


Wade sneered.

"Maybe it was an accident last night."

"However, Lu Fei lives at my place and I guarantee that no accidents will happen."


This sentence was so humiliating to Chi Guoguo that even Quess almost went crazy.

"Wade, nothing you say is of any use."

"Where to go depends on Mr. Lu Fei's choice."

"Mr. Lu Fei, we have agreed to your transaction conditions."

"As long as you still have the intention to trade, we can go to the treasure house to take stock now."

Although Ques found no clues in the villa, he had a hunch that the disappearance of the patriarch must have a lot to do with Lu Fei.

However, there is no evidence.

Therefore, now he must keep Lu Fei.

If the clan leader's disappearance is really related to Lu Fei, then the clan leader's safety can be guaranteed if Lu Fei is in his hands.

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