A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2132 Adding fuel to the fire

The whereabouts of the patriarch are unknown, and the situation has seriously exceeded the Thomas family's expectations.

Ques had an instinctive intuition that the patriarch was directly related to Lu Fei, but he had no evidence.

In order to save the life of the patriarch, to stabilize Lu Fei and control him, Ques decided to continue trading with Lu Fei.

Although he knew that Lu Fei's knife had no value, he still had to do this.

Otherwise, once Lu Fei is out of the family's control, it will be even more difficult to find the clan leader.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Thank you Mr. Quess and the Thomas family for your sincerity."

"I really like your family's collection of Chinese treasures."

"If you had said this one day ago, I would have agreed to it without hesitation, and I would have even been extremely excited."

"But the situation changed today and I feel that my life safety has been seriously threatened."

"Compared with valuable collections, I think my life and wealth are more important."

"So, I still choose to live with Wade. I think Wade can better protect my safety."

"Wade, do you have any objection?"


Wade laughed loudly and felt even more happy.

"My friend, it is my honor to protect you. You are welcome to come to my place."

Wade was proud that Lu Fei lived in his place and promised to give him the priority in trading.

In this way, the third knife is almost certain, how can he be unhappy!

On the other hand, the expressions of Quasi-Murray and the other three were even uglier than those of their dead mother.

Even if you spend such a huge amount of money, you can't keep Lu Fei. This young man's determination is really terrible.

The only way now is to forcibly retain Lu Fei, that is, to put Lu Fei under house arrest or in prison.

If Wade and Long Yun hadn't been involved, they would have done this without hesitation.

However, with these two people here, this plan cannot be implemented at all.


They represent the Robert family and the Xiao family. They will definitely not stand by and watch as they deal with Lu Fei.

And it is very likely that for this reason, the two families joined forces to deal with the Thomas family.

Now that the treasure map has not been obtained, and the whereabouts of the patriarch are unknown, if these two families join forces to deal with them, the Thomas family will definitely die without a burial place.

Hundreds of years of foundation may collapse in an instant, and Ques will never dare to take the risk.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I promise you my family's honor. Please think again."

"In addition, if you are not satisfied with the bargaining chip, we can discuss it again." Ques said.

"I'm sorry Mr. Quess, I've already made up my mind."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, he left the villa surrounded by Wade Longyun and Xiao Ma.

The bodyguards from both families got in the car and left in a grand manner.

"Second Elder, we can't just let Lu Fei leave like this."

"If he leaves, it will be difficult for us to deal with him."

"Second Elder, give the order!" Roy shouted anxiously.


Quess used his backhand to slap Roy in the face.

This slap knocked Roy to the ground, and two of his teeth were chipped.


"Tell me clearly, did you do what happened last night?" Ques shouted.

Roy felt extremely wronged.

"Second Elder, how can you doubt me?"

"I swear it wasn't me."

"I do hate Lu Fei, but for the benefit of the family, I have always tolerated it!"

"I will never cause trouble to Lu Fei until I get the map."

"Last night

I went to bed last time I got home and never left. I don’t believe you can investigate! " Roy argued.


"Even if you didn't do it, Lu Fei doesn't believe us, and it has a lot to do with you."

"You are arrogant by nature and even more selfish."

"Having a stupid bastard like you in our family is a shame to our family."

"From now on, you don't have to participate in intra-family meetings."

"You go to Manchester immediately and cooperate with Mori in managing the work of the Steel Group. You are not allowed to step into the family without my instructions." Quasi roared.


Roy was really dumbfounded now.

I originally hoped to enter the family council of elders, but now I am kicked out directly by the family and cooperate with the family puppet to preside over the work.

For him, this was simply a life worse than death!

"Second Elder, what did I do wrong?"

"Why did you do this to me?"

"Isn't this fair?" Roy shouted excitedly.


"Everyone knows that you resent Lu Fei. As long as you are here, it will be impossible to restore our relationship with Lu Fei."

"No need to say more, leave now."

"Otherwise, I'll let you go to South Africa to oversee the diamond mines."

Roy was so disheartened that he broke out in cold sweat.

If cooperating with the puppets to run the steel group is a life worse than death, then going to South Africa to supervise the diamond mines is simply a life worse than death.

Roy was so frightened that he knelt down in front of Quess.

"Second Elder, I was wrong, please give me another chance!"

"I want to make meritorious deeds, and I have a plan to turn defeat into victory!"

"You forgot, the patriarch arranged for me to use Nina and Carlos to seduce Lu Fei, so that Lu Fei's reputation would be discredited and force him to follow us.

trade. "

"Although Nina is missing now, I still have Carlos in my hands!"

"My plan has been arranged, and I will definitely succeed tonight."

"Don't you suspect that Lu Fei has something to do with the clan leader's disappearance?"

"If we get Lu Fei's clues, we will definitely make him hand over the clan leader and the treasure map."

"Please give me another chance!" Roy begged with tears streaming down his face.

Murray snorted and glanced at Roy like he was an idiot.

"You're such an idiot!"

"After what happened last night, Lu Fei is extremely cautious about his safety."

"How could he meet Caroline privately?"

"After something like this happened, your plan has long been worthless."

Murray unceremoniously suppressed Roy.

Among the younger generation, only he and Roy stand out.

If Roy is sent out, Murray will definitely enter the Presbyterian Church without any suspense.

This is great news for him, so of course Murray doesn't mind adding to the fire.

Of course Roy understood what Murray was thinking and was immediately furious.

"Murray, you bastard."

"Now that we have reached a critical moment of life and death for our family, you still want to add insult to injury to me. What is your intention?"

"Second Elder, don't listen to Murray's nonsense. Lu Fei will definitely meet with Caroline."

"I'm really sure!" Roy shouted.


"Roy, it's now time, so stop fooling yourself, okay?"

"Think about it with your stupid pig head. If you were Lu Fei, in this situation, would you risk your life to see Caroline?"

"Besides, the relationship between them is just friends, which makes it even more impossible."

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