A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2133: Peeling off the cocoon

Quess was extremely disappointed with Roy, and with Murray fanning the wind and fanning the flames to add fuel to the fire, the arrogant Thomas Roy was completely miserable.

No matter how he explained, Ques refused to listen and sent Roy to Manchester to take up his post.

Before leaving, Quess warned Roy again that if he caused trouble again, he would be sent to South Africa next time.

Roy burst into tears and suddenly felt hopeless.

The only competitor was sent away, and Murray beamed excitedly, only to be glared at by Quess.

"Murray, you are not a good person either."

"It is also a taboo for someone who is the leader of the younger generation of the family to exclude his brothers and cause internal conflicts."

"You'd better remember what I said today, otherwise you will suffer the same consequences as Roy." Ques said unhappily.

Murray shrank in fear and nodded repeatedly.

"Second Elder, you misunderstood me. I'm not laughing at Roy. I just thought of a good way to test Lu Fei and deal with him." Murray said.


After hearing this, Ques became immediately interested.

"What can I do? Let me tell you."

"Second Elder, like you, I also believe that what happened yesterday was a prank directed and performed by Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei is extremely smart. He definitely doesn't know that Jack next to him is our clan leader."

"However, he must know that the patriarch and the maid are the spies we arranged around him to monitor his every move."

"After getting along with him for a few days, he may have noticed that the patriarch's temperament is unusual, and he may think that he is an important figure in our family."

"Using this method to control people he considers important, he will use them to blackmail us in the future."

"If we go against him, at the critical moment, this is also his life-saving talisman."

"Last night, Lu Fei did not appear in the surveillance equipment installed by Nina, and Nina herself did not even appear again."

"I judge, Nina

Probably exposed. "

"Lu Fei learned about our purpose from Nina's mouth, which prompted him to take action in advance to control the patriarch and the maid."

"As for Zhu Tianbao, it is probably hidden by Lu Fei."

"Lying that Zhu Tianbao and Nina were kidnapped is just to confuse the public and make us believe his lies."

"Even Long Yun and Wade were kept in the dark." Murray said.

Ques nodded seriously.

"What you said makes perfect sense."

"But, what's the explanation for the surveillance video?"

"In the video, it is true that no one came in or out last night!" Quess said.


"After all, monitoring is a technological product. It is not impossible for a master hacker to invade the system and tamper with the monitoring content."

"Do you remember?"

"Last night, a drone sneaked into our family headquarters."

"How strict is our family's technology prevention and control?"

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is comparable to the US Security Headquarters."

"Under such a strict system, it is possible to sneak into a drone, and our scientific and technological talents have not yet cracked the drone's program. This shows that the other party must be a highly skilled hacker."

"I now suspect that this hacker master is one of Lu Fei's people."

"The drone that was invaded last night was probably put in by Lu Fei," Murray said.


Quis gasped.

"Oh my God!"

"Lu Fei has only been on the scene for two years. How come he has such great talents under his command?"

"If the truth is true like you

It's the same thing, so what's Lu Fei's purpose in letting the drone infiltrate our family? "

"Could it be that Lu Fei knows the true purpose of the Seven Star Sword?"

"The purpose of letting the drone sneak in for reconnaissance is for our family's seven-star sword?"


"The treasure of the Seven-Star Sword is the ultimate secret of the three major families. How could he, a tattered king with no background, know about it?" Ques asked doubtfully.

"Second Elder, there are no absolutes in this world, everything is possible."

"Lu Fei is young, but he is a master of treasure appraisal, and he is also a magical hand."

"This is also not normal."

"The secret of the Seven-Star Sword was passed down orally from our ancestors, but our ancestors also learned about it from Queen Nomazhen's secret decree."

"And the sword was made by Queen Nomazhen. Although it was given to the five overseas vassal kings for safekeeping, she must have backup."

"The five vassal kings know that the descendants of the Yuanmeng royal family must pass on the inheritance, otherwise wouldn't it be an advantage to the five vassal kings?"

"So, the secret of the Seven-Star Sword must not only be known to the five vassal kings."

"Lu Fei's knowledge is unparalleled, especially in history."

"It's possible that he learned the ultimate secret of the Seven-Star Sword from some kind of royal treasure or ancient book!"

"All our previous doubts about Lu Fei and various unexplainable analyzes were all based on Lu Fei's ignorance of the secret."

"Just imagine, if Lu Fei really knew the ultimate secret of the Seven-Star Sword, all the doubts would be solved."

“Think about it, for many years, the three of us have paid close attention to major auctions in the world.”

"I just want to find the two lost seven-star knives."

"The Seven-Star Knife appeared at Hongxuan Auction Company in Malaysia. The three of us immediately sent people to buy it, but they were all a step too late."

"The knife ended up in Lu Fei's hands."

"This is the trigger for the next series of events."

"How powerful are the three of us? We have been monitoring the Seven-Star Sword for decades, yet Lu Fei was able to get there first."

"And it was the day before the auction started. Lu Fei took the initiative to come to find Ji Hongxuan."

"Do you think this is normal?"

"Could this be a coincidence?"

"How did Lu Fei know that Hongxuan Auction Company has the Seven-Star Sword?"

"The knife was supposed to appear at the auction the next day. Why was he so eager to come to the door overnight?"

"If Lu Fei hadn't known the Seven Star Sword and understood the secret of the Seven Star Sword, would he be so eager?" Ques said.


Listening to Murray's analysis, Quess was completely stunned.


If Lu Fei didn't know better, why should he be so anxious?

Wouldn't it be better to go to the auction the next day and bid?

Ques still remembered that on that day, the three major families sent the top forces in Geelong to ask for the purchase of the Seven-Star Sword, but Lu Fei strongly refused.

This is obviously not normal!

"Second Elder, I have been thinking about these things for a long time, and the more I think about it, the more I feel there is something wrong."

"The knife was corroded to the point of losing its appearance. It can be said to be in dilapidated condition."

"Even an ancient sword from the thirteenth century is only worth ten to twenty million."

"But the three of us offered him numerous priceless offers one after another, but Lu Fei didn't even agree."

"Lu Fei is an expert. He knows the value of that knife better than anyone else."

"He refuses to trade under such huge interests. Isn't he, Lu Fei, a fool?"

“But it turns out that he is smarter than anyone else, so it’s even more abnormal when you think about it carefully.”

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