A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2138 Showdown

Lu Fei and Wade had a showdown, and there was no need to hide it.

Only in a showdown did Wade realize the importance of his understanding of the Seven-Star Knife.

Only in this way can benefits be maximized.

As for the consequences, Lu Fei didn't care at all.

If the Robert family wants to deal with themselves, they must at least complete the deal.

It would be wishful thinking to deal with it after the transaction is completed, because Lu Fei still has the biggest trump card, and that is his true identity.

Once the identity of the eldest son of the Xiao family is revealed, the Robert family will definitely not dare to act rashly.

Even if she has to fight to the death, my mother will definitely protect herself with all her strength.

Therefore, Lu Fei has nothing to fear.

When Lu Fei said this, Wade felt bad.

Shock, horror, fear and shame.

At this moment, Wade, who prided himself on being extremely intelligent, felt as if he was a clown being played around by Lu Fei.

This made him feel a little ashamed for the first time.

Facing Lu Fei, Wade even felt a little guilty.

Even he himself found this feeling incredible.

"Fei, I don't understand."

"Since you know the importance of the Seven-Star Knife, why do you want to trade this knife with the Thomas family?" Wade asked.


“What happens if we don’t trade?”

"There are five Seven-Star Swords, and it is said that there is a treasure map of the Great Yuan Treasure hidden in them."

"But the three of you have been studying for hundreds of years and still haven't found the location of the treasure map."

"I have been studying this knife for some time, but I still have no clue."

"I even suspected that it was a lie from the beginning."

"Besides, it's useless even if it's true."

"Five seven-star knives, each of your three families will occupy one."

"Originally, I had two in my hand, which gave me some advantages."

"It's a pity that I was deceived by the person I considered my best friend, and now this is the only one left."

"With my strength, trying to collect five swords is simply a dream. I know it."

Ming. "

"Since it's impossible to collect them all and we can't find the location of the treasure map, let's just make it more practical."

"So, I thought about it. Whichever company offers the most attractive conditions, I will trade with that company," Lu Fei said.


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Wade's white face instantly turned into a red cloth.

"Fei, um, don't misunderstand me."

"I'm not lying to you. The bargaining chip I gave you for the knife before was not too high, but it was considered sincere."

"At the very least, I've always considered you my best friend."

"There is no doubt about it, I can swear it." Wade said awkwardly.



"Wade, why do you have the nerve to say this?"

"Indeed, the treasures you gave me are quite a lot."

"But can it be compared with the Seven-Star Sword?"

"If I knew the importance of the Seven-Star Sword back then, do you think that thing would be able to impress me?" Lu Fei said.


Wade was speechless.

Lu Fei was right.

Those things are simply incomparable to the Seven-Star Sword.

If Lu Fei knew the details, he might not be able to get the knife even if he had five times more chips.

It can be said that the Robert family has made a huge profit.

Thinking about it this way, Wade had no doubt that Lu Fei had only recently learned the secret of the Seven-Star Sword.

However, that is not important. What is important is maintaining a relationship with Lu Fei.

Only by maintaining the relationship can we get the knife we ​​have now.

And the transaction must be completed as soon as possible.

The Xiao family and the Thomas family have been eyeing each other all day long. If the delay continues, something will definitely happen.

This is what the Robert family least wants to see.


"You did suffer a little loss last time, but that was not my personal intention."

"How about this!"

"If you are willing to continue trading with us, our family will give you certain compensation."

"What do you think?" Wade said.

Lu Fei waved his hands and said.

"never mind!"

"I said just now that the mistake last time was my fault. I didn't think that the knife was so important."

"There is a rule in the antiques industry: after the transaction is completed, the grudges will be settled."

"Looking at it, I think I am not a Confucian teacher and my academic skills are not high, so I can't blame others."

"I only hate myself and have no intention of blaming your family."

"As for this knife, you now understand my attitude."

"Although the Seven-Star Sword is of great significance, it may be a hot potato for me."

"Not only will I not get any benefits, but I will also be thought about day and night by the three of you."

"So, I decided to sell this knife and exchange it for a bargaining chip that I like. That would be more economical."

"I promised you before that as long as you help me find Tianbao, I will give you the first right to purchase this knife."

"But my leverage won't change."

"If you want to get my knife, the minimum bargaining chip must not be less than the bottom line of my negotiation with the Thomas family."

"If you want to get the Seven-Star Sword, you can only trade it with 70,000 divine treasures."

"And it requires high quality. The number of unique treasures must be no less than 10,000."

"If you can't do it, I can negotiate with the Xiao family."

"If the Xiao family can't do it, I can still trade with the Thomas family."

"You can figure it out yourself!" Lu Fei said.


70,000 pieces of precious treasures, and no less than 10,000 pieces of peerless treasures.

This condition is too abnormal.

The Robert family does have a lot of Chinese collections, but they can’t get them at all.

Not so much!

If you want to collect them all, you have to collect them from many personal collections, but that will cost an unimaginable amount of money!

This condition is really fucking scary.

But now it seems that this is the only way out.

Ques has already set a precedent. If he can't do it himself, Lu Fei will definitely be able to successfully trade with the Thomas family.

Once the transaction is successful, it will be too difficult to get the knife from the Thomas family.

In fact, if the Xiao family will take a preemptive strike, the Robert family will have no chance.

Wade thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said.


"Although I am a direct descendant of the Robert family, I cannot personally make the decision on such a big matter."

"I need to discuss it with my family, can you give me three days?" Wade asked.

Lu Fei shook his head.


"I can't wait three days."

"It's not safe here. I must return to China immediately after finishing my work."

"I will give you one day at most. You must give me the answer before nine o'clock tomorrow morning."


"I promise you."

"But, I have one more request."

"I hope you won't have a showdown with the Xiao family before this happens."

"This is a plea as a friend, please agree." Wade said sincerely.

"Isn't this bad!"

Lu Fei acted quite embarrassed.

"My time is limited and I hope to trade the Seven-Star Knife as soon as possible."

"If your family can't meet my conditions, wouldn't I have waited all day in vain?"


"Can I beg you?"

"I will definitely convince the family to meet your conditions."


"Then I'll wait for you all day."

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