A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2139 I’m here to attend the board of directors

London, Ruixin Group Headquarters.

Lu Fei and Wade got out of the car.

Looking up at the huge billboard of Ruixin Group, Lu Fei sneered in response.

That's right!

Lu Fei is here to collect interest.

As soon as Lu Fei arrived at the door of the building, a familiar voice called his name from behind.

Looking back, it was Ye Jiannan, the chairman of Heyang Trading.

Ye Jiannan was in high spirits today.

He was wearing a crisp, custom-made black suit, and the wax on his hair was so shiny that it dazzled his eyes.

With excitement on his face, Ye Jiannan strode up to Lu Fei with his female secretary.

"Good morning, Mr. Lu Fei."

"Who is this?"

Ye Jiannan asked, pointing at Wade.


"You don't need to know."

"Mr. Ye is in high spirits today, and it looks like there is something happy going on!" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Mr. Lu, you are such a noble person who forgets things so much."

"Didn't Mr. John inform you at the door of the auction yesterday?"

"Today the group held the final board meeting for my agency for Ruixin Pharmaceuticals."

"The meeting will be held on time at ten o'clock."

"After the directors vote, I will be Mishima's general agent."

"You are a senior, and I hope you will take good care of me." Ye Jiannan said pretending to be humble.


"Of course it's okay to take care of the juniors, but I'm afraid you won't get the right to act as an agent!"

"Young man, it's best not to get carried away before the results come out."

"We have a saying in China that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

"So, at this time, we need to be calm and low-key."

"If things change and you can't bear the blow, someone will die."

"Young man, I'd like to warn you that mentality is more important than wealth."


Ye Jiannan was so angry that he almost vomited three liters of blood.

Son of a bitch!

I'm pretending to compliment you, but you're still kicking me

With your nose on your face, you really act like an elder.

Who do you think you are?

I really don’t want Bilian.

When I got the agency rights of Mishima, I immediately used my uncle's power to expand into China.

I want your Tengfei Pharmaceutical to go bankrupt in one year at most.

Until then, let me see what else you can do!


Ye Jiannan was still a person. He cursed Lu Fei in his heart, but on the surface he restrained himself perfectly.

"Mr. Lu's teachings are something that Jiannan will remember from the bottom of his heart."

"But I think you're a little too worried."

"Regarding the matter of our company's agency rights, the head office has held two board meetings and the matter has basically been finalized."

"Today is just a routine statement and it will be OK if it is passed. There will be absolutely no changes."

"From now on, you will be in charge of China, while my little brother will be hiding on three islands."

"If the market changes, I hope Mr. Lu can inform me in advance so that I can be prepared." Ye Jiannan said.

"No problem at all!"

"But again, wait until you get the agency."

"There is a saying in China that plans cannot change quickly."

"Before the results are announced, everything is nothing." Lu Fei sneered.


"All right!"

"The results will be available soon, we will wait and see."

"By the way, Mr. Lu, why are you here at the headquarters?"

"Are you here to congratulate me?" Ye Jiannan said coquettishly.

"Mr. Ye, you misunderstood. It's really not what you think."

"I'm here to participate in the board of directors. My vote may be very important to whether you can win the right of proxy!"


"Are you coming to the board of directors?"


I heard from Lu Fei that he would come to the board of directors, Ye Jiannan

First he was shocked, then he laughed.

Although he didn't have much contact with Lu Fei, he also investigated Lu Fei's details.

Lu Fei just took advantage of Ruixin's last crisis and obtained the agency rights of China.

To put it bluntly, Lu Fei is a distributor of Ruixin. Where did he get Ruixin shares?

Participating in a board of directors, isn’t that bullshit?

Is Lu Fei crazy?


"Mr. Ye doesn't believe it?" Lu Fei asked with a frown.

Ye Jiannan was filled with contempt in his heart, but his behavior was still satisfactory.

"Believe it, of course I believe it."

"Mr. Lu is a magical person who has created miracles many times."

"It's no surprise that you can join the headquarters board of directors."

"However, I need to remind you that to participate in the board of directors, you need to own the group's shares."

"Do you know this?"

These words may seem polite, but they are completely humiliating.

That means, do you have shares?

Why do you join the board of directors?

Can you die if you don’t brag?

Lu Fei was not angry, he shook his wrist, and a diamond-filled dragon watch appeared from his sleeve.

Under the sunlight, thousands of rays of rays of light were shining, making Ye Jiannan unable to open his eyes.

Lu Fei looked at the time and smiled slightly.

"The time has come and I have to rush to the meeting."

"If Mr. Ye doesn't believe it, you can go in with me."


Seeing Lu Fei's calm and confident look, Ye Jiannan suddenly had an unpleasant feeling.

Could it be that Lu Fei really has shares in Ruixin?


He is just a rag collector, how could he own shares in Ruixin?

Ruixin is a leader in the European pharmaceutical industry. All board members are locals and there has never been any infiltration by outsiders.

Why should he, Lu Fei?

Ye Jiannan is a stranger to ten thousand people

Xin, I think Lu Fei must be showing off in front of him.

In order to witness Lu Fei sitting on the wax, Ye Jiannan accepted Lu Fei's invitation and entered the building together.

But after taking a few steps, two security guards stopped him.

The security guard knew Ye Jiannan and greeted him politely.

"Good morning, Mr. Ye."

"Congratulations on becoming Ruixin's first-level agent."


The security guard who was flattering Ye Jiannan suddenly turned cold when he looked at Lu Fei.

"Sir, who are you looking for?"

"Do you have an appointment?" the security guard asked.


"I come to my own company and I still need to make an appointment?"

"Did you make a mistake?" Lu Fei said coldly.

"your company?"

The two security guards looked at each other and laughed.

"Sir, you must not be awake yet!"

"There is a cheap hotel just around the corner from here. You'd better go there to get some sleep!"

"This is the headquarters of Ruixin Group, the largest pharmaceutical company in Europe. This is not a place for you to mess around."

"Otherwise, we will have to send you out ourselves."

The security guard was so sarcastic, Ye Jiannan was elated.


You should be punished for showing off!

What an embarrassment to the Chinese people!

Hearing this, Lu Fei's expression became serious.

"Ruixin Group is well-known in Europe, why do we have such unqualified security guards like you?"

"If you dare to talk to the boss like this, I think you don't want to do it anymore." Lu Fei yelled.

The security guard was startled by Lu Fei's momentum and laughed so hard that he almost burst out laughing.


"Young man, I think you must have a mental problem."

"Okay, okay, we don't know each other like you, get out of here right now."

"Otherwise we will be rude to you."

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