A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2143 Do you understand?

Lu Fei appeared at the board meeting and spoke very domineeringly.

Ye Jiannan felt like he was mourning, but he still held a trace of luck in his heart and looked at John with expectant eyes.

John was no better, completely stunned.

"Lu Fei, don't deceive me."

"I own thirty-one percent of the company, and you can't have more than me."

"No way," John growled.


"You idiot, do you have donkey hair stuffed in your ears?"

"When did I say that I was the largest shareholder? I am just the representative of the largest shareholder." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Who do you represent?"

"Who else has more shares than me?"

Lu Fei glanced at John with disdain.

"Is thirty-one percent a lot of shares?"

"There are still nearly 70% of the shares floating around outside. If you can get 32%, it will be more than you."

"I really don't understand where you idiot got the confidence." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, stop talking nonsense."

“It’s useless to say it with words, only equity can prove it.”

"Who do you represent?"

"Does he have a share certificate?" John shouted.

"Equity book?"

"Of course."

Lu Fei smiled and took out several thick documents from his bag and placed them gently on the desk.

"John, open your eyes and see clearly. Is this an equity document?"

"This share is the Ruixin shares that Ms. Wang Xinyi acquired in the secondary market some time ago, accounting for 32% of the company's total shares."

"These are shares purchased at a high price from twelve shareholders of the company, accounting for 19 percent of the total shares."

"Total all together, Ms. Wang Xinyi owns 51% of the shares of Ruixin Group and has absolute control."

"That is to say, from now on, this company's surname will be Wang."

"You understand!"


Ye Jiannan, who was behind him, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this.

At this time, Ye Jiannan's intestines were filled with regret.

I had previously investigated Lu Fei and determined that Lu Fei had no shares in Ruixin, but I had not investigated the people around Lu Fei.

Damn it!

How did they achieve 51% of the shares?

Also, how arrogant are those twelve shareholders?

How could they sell their shares to Wang Xinyi?

It's incredible.

In fact, there is nothing difficult to explain.

During the last Ruixin crisis, the stock price fell to the bottom.

Lu Fei and his brothers went crazy to acquire shares in the secondary market.

In fact, John and other shareholders also suspected that someone was maliciously acquiring shares.

However, after investigation, it was found that the shares were widely dispersed and it was definitely not the work of one or two people, so they did not take it to heart.

But they never expected that on the surface, the shares seemed to be scattered, but in fact, Lu Fei ordered his brothers to take action at the same time.

Afterwards, Lu Fei paid for all the brothers' shares and transferred them to Wang Xinyi.

Moreover, it was purchased at the highest price in full, making the brothers all make a fortune.

Of course, Lu Fei is not short of money, so this can be regarded as a little benefit for the brothers.

In order to keep it secret, no one including Xiao Nai Gou and others know until now that all the shares have been concentrated in Wang Xinyi's hands.

The only people who knew about this were Wang Xinyi, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang.

The reason why Lu Fei let Wang Xinyi hold these shares was to prevent Ruixin headquarters from sabotaging it.

If they don't follow their duty

If you do it yourself, treat these shares as primitive accumulation and make a little money in the market.

But once they have a wrong idea, this is a deadly counterattack weapon.

Sure enough, John took action and planned to control Ye Jiannan and use Ye Jiannan's background to suppress himself. Of course, Lu Fei would not sit still and wait for death.

In fact, with 32% of the shares, Wang Xinyi is already the company's largest shareholder and has absolute say.

However, for the sake of safety and for the sake of settling things once and for all, Lu Fei decided to kill John once and for all.

When he was in Tiandu, Lu Fei started to operate.

Please ask Li Zhengrong to purchase the shares of Ruixin's twelve shareholders evenly and evenly.

Ruixin's shareholders are not idiots either.

Knowing that Ruixin had a bright future, he initially disagreed with the sale.

However, this did not stop Li Zhengrong from moving the Xiao family out to coerce and induce them, and they did not dare to resist.

Moreover, Li Zhengrong did not acquire everything, but only squeezed a little bit out of each shareholder's hands, and offered a high price, so the cooperation was quite pleasant.

Afterwards, Li Zhengrong used twelve offshore companies to diversify and acquire these shares.

After a few more moves, it finally fell into Wang Xinyi's hands.

After all this trouble, even if they wanted to investigate, they couldn't find it at all.

With the pressure of the Xiao family, the twelve shareholders did not dare to make mistakes. On the surface, they were acting with John, but secretly they had already become Lu Fei's confidants.

Therefore, when Ye Jiannan and Liu Sisi threatened to obtain the agency rights of Hong Kong Island in front of reporters at the Hong Kong Island auction, Lu Fei simply ignored them.

There are twelve shareholders who are insiders, and Lu Fei Lu Fei already knows it clearly.

Even in the first two board meetings, shareholders dealt with John, and that was Lu Fei's arrangement.

It was just a cover-up for John, waiting for Lu to fly over to clean up the mess.

Therefore, Ye Jiannan was destined to be a tragedy from the beginning.

Why didn't you attack John earlier?

Of course not.

Lu Fei had long known that the Thomas family was behind Ruixin Group.

Moreover, there is Zhao Yuanchao who is eyeing Ye Jiannan's side.

It's hard to succeed if you're caught between them.

But it was different when Lu Fei came to London in person.

Lu Fei can deal with John in front of the Thomas family.

The rivalry between him and John was a normal business battle. He pretended not to know that the boss behind them was the Thomas family, and of course the Thomas family did not dare to admit it in front of him.

Because he has the Seven-Star Sword in his hand.

Compared with the Seven-Star Sword, a Ruixin Group is nothing.

Therefore, in front of themselves, they could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, unable to express their suffering.

However, things went far beyond Lu Fei's plan.

After obtaining the evidence, Zhao Yuanchao's party was dealt with, and the patriarch of the Thomas family was controlled.

Now Lu Fei has no worries anymore.

John looked at the equity book in despair and trembling. After reading it, he suddenly slumped like a deflated ball.

It’s over!

It's all over!

After being stunned for a while, John stood up, pointed at Lu Fei and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Lu Fei, you, you are despicable!"

"And Paul, you are all Ruixin's traitors."

"What benefits has Lu Fei given you?"

"Why did you sell your shares to him?"



"Mr. John, please don't be angry."

"If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth."

"Mr. Wang offered us a price we can't refuse. Wouldn't we be fools if we didn't sell?"

"Besides, we only sold a little bit, and we are still shareholders of the company!"

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