A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2144 Lifeline

Twelve shareholders collectively rebelled, and John was stunned.

John didn't understand that these were his old friends who had been working with him for decades.

Six of them are his cronies, and they have always been on his side unconditionally.

Those that remain, although they often disagree, they only disagree and generally present a united front.

After all, everyone wants the company to thrive.

Because the more brilliant the company develops, the more benefits they get.

Therefore, we are all grasshoppers on a rope. When we are prosperous, we are all prosperous.

When facing outsiders, everyone has always been united and united.

But what happened today?

Why did everyone suddenly rebel?

Even his cronies, even Paul, the second largest shareholder, turned against him. This is simply unbelievable.

Needless to say, there must be a special reason for this.

Although John suspected that there was something inside, he had no time to investigate at the moment, let alone think too much about it.

The comrades can no longer count on them, and the overall situation is still decided.

However, it is absolutely impossible to surrender.

"Lu Fei, you are indeed a despicable person, so scheming!" John said coldly.


"I was fighting back in self-defense."

"To tell you the truth, I got the shares half a year ago."

"At that time you were no longer the largest shareholder."

"Originally I didn't plan to deal with you, but you didn't care about life and death and kept making things difficult for me."

"Since I debuted, there have been countless people who have opposed me."

“Some are as rich as the world, and some are as powerful as the world.”

"But they are the ones who die in the end."

"And I finally stepped on their shoulders and got to where I am today."

"Ruixin Group's market value is only 100 billion dollars, and your John's wealth is only 30 billion dollars."

"And it's still an imaginary number."


"I really don't understand how you have the courage to challenge me."

"Who do you think you are?"

"But you don't know how to live or die, so you insist on going against me."

"It turns out you lost."

"Now you have two options. First, sell me the shares you hold at a high price, and then get out of Ruixin Group."

"Second, you continue to challenge me, as long as you have the courage and strength."

"However, I have to warn you that you will be responsible for any consequences."

At this time, Lu Fei's eyes were cold and domineering, so that no one around him dared to look directly at him.

However, at this time, John was close to a magic wand and didn't care about Lu Fei's threat at all.

What's more, the backer behind him is the great Thomas family.

The Thomas family has stood in Europe for hundreds of years and has a huge heritage.

Compared with the Thomas family, Lu Fei is just an ant, and there is no need to be afraid.

Thinking of this, John burst out laughing, laughing extremely wildly.

"Lu Fei, do you think you won?"


"Fight me, you're still far behind."

"What will happen if you get absolute controlling rights?"

"The lifeblood of Ruixin Group is in my hands. If I say anything, Ruixin Group will go bankrupt soon."

"And the shares you get for spending huge sums of money are just pieces of paper."

"The worst we can do is perish together. Let's see which one of us suffers the greater loss." John roared.

Upon hearing this, the faces of the twelve shareholders suddenly fell.

Lu Fei also frowned.

"John, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean by lifeline?" Lu Fei asked.


"Lu Fei, you idiot."

"You also run a pharmaceutical company, but you don't know what the lifeblood of a pharmaceutical company is?"

"You still claim to be a miraculous doctor, which is simply ridiculous."

"Although you have obtained absolute controlling rights, Ruixin Group has 25 pharmaceutical production companies and two exclusive research and development institutions."

"Including the 112 patented formulas developed by Ruixin Group over the past century, all are in my hands."

“Without a recipe, you can’t produce.”

“Without my R\u0026D facility, the company cannot continue to grow.”

“Without a production company, there would be no Ruixin Pharmaceuticals.”

"Without these, Ruixin Group is just an empty shell. If the stock of patent medicines is sold out, you are just waiting to go bankrupt!"


"Young man, you are too impetuous. If you fight with me, are you my opponent?"

John laughed unbridled.

Ye Jiannan, who was mourning for his heir, also recovered.

He knew clearly that the Mishima general agent he had been dreaming about day and night had come to nothing.

This is already a definite fact.

However, if John said this, Lu Fei wouldn't be able to take advantage.

Not only would he not be able to take advantage, but the company would go bankrupt and the shares Lu Fei had purchased at a sky-high price would become garbage. That would be a huge loss!

Quack quack!

Lu Fei, if you don’t let me get better, you can’t even think about it.

At worst, I won't be the general agent, but I won't lose anything.

Looking for an opportunity later, I can still use my uncle's relationship to deal with you.

And not only did you not succeed, you also lost tens of billions of dollars in wealth, which would definitely devastate your vitality.

You have so many enemies, and they will definitely take advantage of your illness to kill you. This is your retribution.


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