Lu Fei took out the acquisition contracts for two pharmaceutical research institutes, and John collapsed.

Both of these institutes were founded by their families, and are filled with the world's top medical experts.

These are all elites that Ruixin Group spent a huge amount of money to dig out from all over the world.

It is because of these world-class talents that Ruixin's pharmaceuticals can continue to innovate and lead the industry's top trends.

Moreover, more than a hundred secret recipes that the family has developed over the past century are all in the research institute.

His confidants broke down all the formulas and handed them over to the scientific research team so that they could be inspired to conduct research faster and better.

The legal persons of the two research institutes are all John's confidants and members of their family.

It stands to reason that they will never eat anything, and it is absolutely foolproof.

But in fact, something really happened.

These two legal persons actually signed an acquisition contract with Lu Fei, which really puzzled John!


"Absolutely impossible!"

"Lu Fei, this contract of yours must be a fake, absolutely fake."

"It's impossible for the scientific research institute to agree to your acquisition." John shouted crazily.


"John, there is a saying in China that money can make the world go round."

"Uncle, I have enough money, then nothing is impossible."

"If you question it, you can sue."

"But I can tell you responsibly that you will definitely be the one who loses the case."

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Dear Mr. John, your proud life is now in my hands."

"What else do you have to say?" Lu Fei sneered sarcastically.

The other twelve shareholders felt numb all over when they saw these two contracts.

Paul cautiously approached and took a closer look, and suddenly burst out laughing wildly.


"It's true, it's all true."

"Mr. Lu, you are so awesome."

"If we follow you, we won't be able to get rich even if we don't!"

Other shareholders were ecstatic, but John was devastated.

He pointed at Lu Fei tremblingly and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Lu Fei, you, you are so cruel."

"You will be punished, you will be punished."

"There must be something wrong with these two contracts. If I want to sue you, I will definitely sue you."

"These two scientific research institutes and formulas are our family's private properties, and you have no right to acquire them."

"no power."

John pulled his neck and yelled, saliva flew everywhere, and his tonsils were clearly visible.

Lu Fei sneered with great contempt.

"Your family's personal property?"

"Are you dreaming?"

"Before, these were indeed your family's private property."

"But when you use scientific research institutes and formula financing to go public, these will all become the company's property."

"Ms. Wang Xinyi is the company's largest shareholder and has absolute say and decision-making power."

"The other twelve shareholders all agree. Of course Ms. Wang Xinyi can acquire it."

"You have been sitting in the position of chairman for so long and you don't even understand this bit of common sense?"

"John, please stop fooling yourself."


John went completely crazy.

His eyes were filled with mist, his veins were exposed, and his facial features were ferocious, like a living ghost from hell.

Seeing John like this, the twelve shareholders couldn't bear it and turned their faces aside.

No matter what, John was their partner for decades.

However, Lu Fei showed no mercy.

Don't offend me

I will not offend anyone. If someone offends me, I will punish them.

In his two lifetimes, Lu Fei has seen countless joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and has met countless people.

Those who achieve great things do not stick to small details, and Lu Fei knows this well.

He had never thought about targeting Ruixin Group. Even when they entered the Chinese market to seize Tengfei Pharmaceutical's market share, Lu Fei never thought about targeting them.

Because this is reasonable, legal and normal business competition.

Only with competition can there be development, which is not necessarily a bad thing for Tengfei Pharmaceuticals.

Even if he was really defeated by Ruixin, Lu Fei would not blame anyone else, he could only blame himself for poor management and lack of background.

However, Lu Fei couldn't just sit back and wait for death as they played dirty tricks.

Therefore, the major Ruixin drug smuggling case occurred.

At that time, Ruixin Group was in danger.

Without Lu Fei adding fire, Ruixin would be beyond redemption.

At that time, even Jean was ready to acquire Ruixin Group, but Lu Fei did not allow it.

Because Ruixin Group is different from other companies.

This is a pharmaceutical company, and it is a cutting-edge pharmaceutical company in the world.

The medicines produced can save the world and save people. This is an industry that accumulates merit, and Lu Fei does not want to be involved in its cause and effect.

Getting the general agent in China and letting their medicines benefit the people of China is just a small punishment for them.

Therefore, when Lu Fei secretly obtained 32% of the shares of Ruixin Group, he had no ill intentions and just kept it as a backup.

However, developments often backfire.

With his own help, Ruixin Group recovered and further developed.

With confidence, John did not think about further development, but thought about ways to squeeze out Lu Fei.

He even used Ye Jiannan to disgust Lu Fei in an extremely despicable way.

This touched Lu Fei's bottom line.

Therefore, Ruixin Group has achieved today’s results.


br\u003e This is karma.

This is the way of heaven.

"Lu Fei, there must be something wrong with the contract. I will sue you. Just wait."



"I'm always with you."

"Dear Mr. John, do you have anything else to say now?"

"If not, you should carefully consider your destination."

"Either, sell your shares to me at a fair price, and you can take the money and get out."

"Or, take your shares and go home to retire."

"However, if you dare to take advantage of me again in the future, you will be responsible for the consequences." Lu Fei said coldly.


"If you want to acquire my shares, you're just dreaming."

"Lu Fei, don't think you won, let me tell you!"

"You're going to get your comeuppance, maybe you'll get it soon."

"This is London, not a place where you can act wild."

"If you don't believe it, let's wait and see." John shouted.


Lu Fei's eyebrows were slightly raised, his expression full of expectation.

"So, Mr. John hasn't given up yet and still wants to deal with me?"

"Besides, it sounds like you have a very strong backer!"

"Let me guess who your backer is."

"Is it the guy sitting next to me at the auction?"

Lu Fei said it calmly, but when John heard it, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Because he suddenly remembered that the person sitting next to Lu Fei last night was Thomas Murray.

And because of Lu Fei, Murray's identity was exposed on the spot.

More importantly, Murray's attitude towards Lu Fei can be said to be respectful.

Obviously, Lu Fei is much more important than themselves in their eyes!

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