A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2147 Cannon Fodder

Suddenly thinking that the man sitting next to Lu Fei at the auction was Thomas Murray, the young representative of the Thomas family, John suddenly shivered.

More importantly, Murray's attitude towards Lu Fei can be said to be respectful.

The backers of John's family are indeed the Thomas family.

But that cannot be said to be a backer.

Because the John family is just a puppet of the Thomas family.

To put it bluntly, it is a tool for the Thomas family to make money.

When you take advantage of them, show them a good face.

When something happens, they are absolutely cannon fodder.

Lu Fei can say this because he knows his relationship with the Thomas family.

However, Lu Fei didn't have a trace of fear.

Obviously, in the eyes of the Thomas family, Lu Fei is more important than their John family.

If this is the case, it is simply impossible to expect the Thomas family to help deal with Lu Fei.

If he loses, the Thomas family just loses a tool to make money.

This is not a loss to them.

Because of tools like this, the Thomas family owns countless.

But if they have good relations with Lu Fei, then they may really become cannon fodder.

Thinking of this, John's face turned pale and he was scared to death.

As for Lu Fei's question, he didn't even dare to answer.

If you single out the Thomas family in public, you will be violating the Thomas family's taboo.

If you offend Lu Fei, you will probably lose some profits.

But if the Thomas family is angered, the consequences will be disastrous!

Raising his head to look at Lu Fei again, John felt deep fear.

At this time, he had been disgraced and had no power to recover.

He glared at Lu Fei with extreme unwillingness and strode out of the conference room.

John didn't go back to his office and got into the elevator directly.

When he came inside, he hesitated for a while before dialing his boss's phone number.

The person in charge of him is just a fringe member of the Thomas family

Things are very different from Murray's status in the family.

John complained to his boss. When Lu Fei's name was mentioned, his boss kept gnashing his teeth.

The family did instruct him before to let Ruixin Group find a way to suppress Lu Fei's business.

But after Lu Fei came to London, the situation completely changed.

The senior members of the family treated Lu Fei as a distinguished guest and made it clear that no matter who they were, Lu Fei would never be provoked.

The unlucky Thomas Roy is a lesson learned from everyone.

Of course, this fringe figure didn't know about Mourequez's plan against Lu Fei. He only knew that even Mr. Zhang respected Lu Fei.

Asking him to step forward and make the decision for John is simply nonsense.

"John, you disappoint me so much."

"I asked you to find a way to punish Lu Fei in business. Who asked you to fall out with him?"

"Obviously, Lu Fei is the most distinguished guest of our family and is of great significance to the family."

"I have already told you to be careful in everything, but why did you end up like this?"

"Are you a pig brain?"

"Listen to me. If Lu Fei knows that we asked you to punish him, you will be dead."

"Not only you, but also your family will disappear from this world."

"Do you fucking understand?"


Sure enough, he was used as cannon fodder.

John was so regretful that he shed tears of grievance.

"Boss, I won't betray you."

"But, what should Ruixin Group do?"

"Our family's centuries-old business has been acquired by Lu Fei like this. I can't bear to accept it!"

"Besides, the company is in the hands of Lu Fei, how can I serve my boss from now on?"

"Please ask the boss to help

I do justice. "


"John, you idiot, are you out of your mind?"

"If I can offend Lu Fei, will I still use you to talk nonsense?"

"I'm telling you, you'd better not provoke Lu Fei again. Lu Fei's abilities are much more terrifying than you think."

"Even we don't dare to confront him head-on. Who do you think you are?"

"If you make him angry, you will definitely die without a burial place."

"From now on, don't call me again."

"A waste like you is not worthy of serving the family, so just ask for your own blessings!"


The other party hung up the phone, and John slumped directly in the elevator.


Totally screwed.

He was abandoned by his boss, and he was abandoned by his boss for Lu Fei.

He completely became cannon fodder.

Not only did he lose the company and his boss's blessing, but he also offended Lu Fei, who even his boss couldn't afford to offend.

Thinking about his attitude towards Lu Fei, John was scared to death.

Thinking back to what the boss said just now, if Lu Fei really wanted to take revenge on him, he would never be able to resist it!


In the conference room, after John left, the other twelve shareholders burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

Ye Jiannan was about to leave in despair, but was stopped by Lu Fei, who was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

"Mr. Ye, now I make an announcement to you on behalf of the company's chairman, Ms. Wang Xinyi."

"The agency application you submitted was rejected because I don't like you."


"That's the reason."


The whole audience burst into laughter, and Ye Jiannan's face turned red and he glared angrily.

"Lu Fei, don't be too arrogant."



br\u003e “I am indeed arrogant, but I have the ability to be arrogant.”

"Ye Jiannan, I have warned you long ago to keep a low profile."

"Don't be blind before you get results."

"Plans don't change quickly. The higher your hopes, the more disappointing you will be."

"How is it now?"

"Have you experienced it?" Lu Fei sneered.


"Lu Fei, don't be proud."

"I don't know what despicable means you used to make all this happen, but that doesn't mean you can win every time."

"Our battlefield is in China. When we get to China, I will let you know how serious the consequences of offending me are." Ye Jiannan said bitterly.



"Ye Jiannan, you are simply an idiot. Do you think you still have a chance?" Lu Fei laughed.


"Lu Fei, you do have some strength and some brains."

"But in China, these don't work."

"With my background, crushing you is like crushing an ant."

"If you don't believe it, let's just wait and see." Ye Jiannan said coldly.

Lu Fei chuckled and immediately changed to Chinese.

"Ye Jiannan, the background you call is your uncle Zhao Yuanchao, who is special in China?"

Ye Jiannan gave Lu Fei a cold look.

"As long as you know."

"In China, power is always based on money."

"It won't be easy to take care of you."

"Lu Fei, I could have given you a chance."

"But you were so arrogant that you disgraced me, so you lost your most precious opportunity."

“Enjoy your time in London!”

"Because, when you return to China, I will let you realize how serious the consequences will be if you offend me."

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