A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2148 You will lose everything

Ye Jiannan is arrogant and a typical super playboy.

This kind of person should have been dealt with long ago, otherwise God would not tolerate it.

So Lu Fei didn't have any psychological burden to deal with him.

"Ye Jiannan, if you want to go back to China to fight with me, I'm afraid you will be disappointed." Lu Fei sneered.


"Lu Fei, it seems you still don't understand how powerful my uncle is."

"I can tell you that if my uncle wants to deal with you, no one can protect you."

"You can never guess what my uncle is capable of."

"Although I am a Chinese American, I can still make you walk on thin ice in China." .??.

"Go against me, and your end will be eternal damnation."


Lu Fei's magical laughter rang out again.

Ye Jiannan has heard this kind of laughter many times today.

Moreover, these laughters have a fixed pattern, which is not good for him.

So when he heard Lu Fei laughing again, Ye Jiannan shivered instinctively, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

"Lu Fei, can you still laugh when you are about to die?"

"Can you please stop showing off?"

"Because your end is destined to be a tragedy." Ye Jiannan said disdainfully.

"Ye Jiannan, I laugh at you for being such an idiot."

"Your information is too limited."


"What do you mean?" Ye Jiannan asked confused.


"I want to tell you that starting today, you will lose everything."

"No one in this world can protect you."

"Including your uncle Zhao Yuanchao."

"Because your uncle Zhao Yuanchao was involved in the Dongchuang Incident and has become a prisoner."

"It's a big joke that you still expect him to protect you." Lu Fei whispered in Ye Jiannan's ear in Chinese dialect.


As if a bolt from the blue struck Ye Jian

An explosion exploded in Nan's mind, causing his brain to shut down briefly.

The whole person seemed to have lost his soul, staggering and almost falling.

"Lu Fei, you fart!"

"You dare to curse my uncle, you are dead, you are really dead."

"Even Buddha can't save you this time." Ye Jiannan shouted.

"Ha ha!"

"you do not believe?"

"However, it is true."

"Yeah, by the way, it's not just your uncle."

"Back then, your mother committed a crime and your family immigrated to the United States. However, your mother's case was not overturned."

"If my guess is correct, your parents are already on their way back to the country right now, right?"

What Lu Fei said is true.

Since Zhao Yuanchao and Ye Jiannan are to be dealt with, they must be beaten to death so that they will never be able to stand up again.

So Lu Fei not only targeted Zhao Yuanchao, but also exposed the matter of Ye Jiannan's mother.

His mother's evidence is better grasped, and even Dong Jianye has detailed evidence in his hands.

In the past, Zhao Yuanchao was protecting him from above, but he was never able to bring his mother to justice.

But if Lu Fei is angered, their family will be doomed to tragedy.

At the same time that Zhao Yuanchao was captured, the United States also acted simultaneously.

The procedures for arresting economic prisoners who have changed their nationality in the United States are cumbersome and quite difficult.

If Dong Jianye is left to do it, it won't be completed within ten years.

But it would be much easier if it fell into Lu Fei's hands.

As early as when he was in Malaysia, Lu Fei had already asked Wade to greet the local authorities and all the procedures were completed.

Last night, Lu Fei, as the chief instructor of Wulong, issued an order to prepare the Horned Dragon detachment stationed in the United States.

At one o'clock in China's time, both sides took action at the same time, connecting each other

They were not given a chance to communicate with each other.

The arrest process went smoothly. In less than an hour, Ye Jiannan's parents were already on the plane being escorted back to China.

As for their family's property, except for the portion that must be deducted by the US government, all the rest is frozen.

The whole operation was perfect to the extreme, and of course Ye Jiannan didn't know the news.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Ye Jiannan was so angry that he went crazy.

If he wasn't worried about not being able to defeat him, he would have to fight Lu Fei desperately.

"Lu Fei, you fart!"

"You're talking fucking nonsense."

"Just wait for me, I won't let you go, I definitely won't let you go."

"I want you to be ruined and ruined."


Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him like he was an idiot.

"If I guess correctly, all your family and your personal accounts have been frozen."

"I guess you can't even pay for the air ticket back to Hong Kong Island."

"But it doesn't matter. I have already notified the relevant departments and they will escort you back for investigation."

"You can fly for free."

After speaking, Lu Fei ignored him and asked Ross to close the conference room door and prepare for the meeting.

Ye Jiannan outside the door was so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened, but there was nothing he could do about Lu Fei.

Because this is London after all, and this company already belongs to Lu Fei. In Lu Fei's home court, he has no advantage.

As for what Lu Fei said, he didn't believe it at all.

In his opinion, Lu Fei was just talking freely when he was at the end of his rope.

It can be said that he didn't believe it, but those words seemed to linger in his mind like an inner demon, and he couldn't get rid of them.

His mind controlled him, so he took out his cell phone and dialed his mother's number.

As it turned out, the other party's phone was turned off.


His mother's phone was on 24 hours a day, but suddenly turned off. Ye Jiannan suddenly felt uneasy.

Wonderful feeling.

Call dad again and turn off the phone as well.

I called my uncle Zhao Yuanchao but still couldn't get through.

At this time, Ye Jiannan finally broke out in sweat.

After checking the bank card, just as Lu Fei said, all accounts were frozen.

Ye Jiannan suddenly became stupid and leaned against the wall, his legs couldn't help but soften.

Two minutes later, Ye Jiannan's eyes gathered a little brilliance, and he took out his mobile phone and called the manager of his company.

At this time, it was just dawn in the United States.

But to his delight, he finally got through.

"Howard, what happened at home?"

“Why are my parents’ phones turned off?”

"Where are they now?" Ye Jiannan asked anxiously.

"Oh my God!"

"Mr. Ye, are you okay?" Howard asked in surprise.

Hearing what he said, Ye Jiannan became even more nervous.

"Howard, what do you mean?"

"Why should anything happen to me?"

"What can happen to me?"

"Buy it!"

"Mr. Ye, you don't know yet, right?"

"Last night in the middle of the night, the police and officials from China Overseas went to your home and took your parents away."

"Said your parents committed a serious crime in China."

"Even your property and company have been sealed."

"The police informed me to go to the police station for investigation. I just came out of the police station."

"Mr. Ye, it's great to receive your call."

"The company has not paid this month's salary and severance package yet, and I am worried about how to explain it to the employees."

"Go back to the United States immediately and settle your wages as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, the police will punish you severely."


Ye Jiannan fell over and passed out.

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