A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2149 Surrender

Howard hung up the phone, and Ye Jiannan rolled his eyes and collapsed and fainted.

When he woke up, he found that he was already 10,000 meters above the sky.

There were no other tourists around, but four majestic and solemn Chinese strong men accompanying him.

Ye Jiannan felt cold and shuddering all over when he looked at them.

"You, who are you?"

"Where am I now?" Ye Jiannan asked tremblingly.

"We are the Shenzhou Horned Dragon Brigade."

"Your mother is a felon in China and has been detained and returned to China. You must go back with us to be investigated." Hu Kefeng, a member of the Qiu Long team, said seriously.


Ye Jiannan shivered, his face turned pale and he was completely despairing.

What Lu Fei said is true.

Is our family really doomed?


I'm dreaming.

I must be dreaming.

Ye Jiannan sat up straight in front of him and looked out the window.

The outside is blue, and the thick white clouds are just below my feet. The layers are so spectacular.

However, Ye Jiannan was not in the mood to appreciate it at all.

Because when you see the scenery outside, you are undoubtedly flying fast on the plane!

Ye Jiannan still suspected that he was dreaming, so he pinched his thigh hard. The excruciating pain brought him back to reality, and Ye Jiannan immediately burst into tears.


Everything is true.

This time it's really over.

My parents were taken away. There is no doubt that something happened to my uncle.

The downfall of his uncle Zhao Yuanchao was tantamount to declaring that their family had come to an end.

The towering thousand-story building collapsed at this moment, and the destruction was unstoppable.

Everything is just over.


"You can't catch me."

"I am an American citizen, no

With the approval of the US government, you have no right to arrest me. Ye Jiannan shouted.

Hu Kefeng smiled coldly and had an extra document in his hand.

"Look carefully, this is the procedure of the US government, and what we do is completely legal."

"You should stop resisting fearlessly."

"Also, we are only taking you back for investigation. If your parents' case has nothing to do with you, you can be extradited back to the country immediately."

Back in China, Ye Jiannan was held incommunicado for interrogation.

After three consecutive days of torture, Ye Jiannan was finally released without charge.

Indeed, his parents' case did not involve Ye Jiannan, so he could be extradited back to the country.

However, this is ten thousand times more uncomfortable for him than being imprisoned in China.

Because their company was confiscated, the huge loan they owed to the bank has not yet been repaid.

There are also various taxes, as well as employees' wages, severance pay and other expenses, all of which have to be calculated on Ye Jiannan.

Therefore, Ye Jiannan instantly transformed from the second-generation super playboy to a top tenant.

Don't even think about turning over in this life.

For him, this was simply a life worse than death.

Of course, this is all for later.

After Ye Jiannan left the Ruixin Group conference room, Lu Fei immediately held a meeting.

Paul was named acting chairman and Ross remained general manager.

As for the Ruixin Group brand, of course it will not be changed, otherwise it will inevitably cause turmoil in the stock market and the losses will be huge.

Next, Lu Fei asked Paul and Rose to reshuffle the company.

All John's cronies, direct descendants and even relatives of John's family were all given out to replace his confidants.

Moreover, Lu Fei also made a major decision to add 25 Ruixin Pharmaceuticals in island countries and China.

production company.

In the future, Ruixin Pharmaceuticals will focus on the Asian market.

Asia's financial sector has been booming in recent years, and its population density is extremely high, which is a huge base.

With Lufei's status and influence in Asia, its development prospects are bright. ??

Afterwards, Lu Fei discussed a series of details with twelve shareholders.

At noon, Lu Fei invited shareholders and Ross to dinner at the most luxurious hotel in the city to further increase their relationship.

In the past, the twelve shareholders were afraid of the Xiao family's strength and reputation and were forced to cooperate with Lu Fei.

But seeing Lu Fei's courage today, combined with Lu Fei's strength and the company's future development, they were completely convinced.

They believe that Ruixin Group will grow bigger and bigger under the leadership of Lu Fei.

Their stock prices are bound to rise, which is a great thing!

When they arrived at the hotel, Lu Fei's cell phone rang.

It was a local number in London. Although Lu Fei didn't know who it was, he still connected.

"Which one!"

"Mr. Lu Fei, I am John!"

Lu Fei was somewhat surprised when he heard John's voice.

But it was just an accident.

In Lu Fei's eyes, John is just an ant, and Lu Fei is not afraid of his revenge at all.

The Thomas family doesn't even pay attention to it, so who does the John family count?

If he insists on seeking death, Lu Fei has countless ways to deal with him.

"Mr. John, what do you want from me?" Lu Fei asked.


"Mr. Lu Fei, I confusedly contradicted you today, and I'm really sorry."

"Please forgive me, I am willing to sell all the Ruixin stocks I hold to you." John said.

This is not John's conspiracy, but John is really afraid.

After complaining to his boss, John was still haunted.

Thinking of Lu Fei's strength and Murray's attitude towards Lu Fei at the auction, the more John thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Lu Fei can make Murray respectful, make twelve shareholders work for him willingly, and make his family's cronies sell the scientific research institute to him. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do this.

He has worked with those shareholders for many years and knows their tempers quite well.

These are billionaires who are arrogant and will never compromise with anyone else.

Moreover, the Ruixin shares they hold are a cash cow, and they will never sell them without special reasons.

As for the two scientific research institutes, they are even more evil.

It can be said that those shareholders' compromise is understandable, but the legal persons of the scientific research institute are all direct descendants of their own families!

How could they betray themselves and their family?

Even if he is threatened, he will find ways to inform himself later, and he will not be as passive as he is today.

However, he was always kept in the dark and did not receive any news at all.

Obviously, Lu Fei's strength was so terrifying that the person in charge of the scientific research institute was so frightened that he did not dare to leak any information. This is why today's situation is the result.

Analyzing the analysis, John was sweating like rain and trembling with fear.

At this moment, in his eyes, Lu Fei's terror was equal to that of the Thomas family.

No, Lu Fei's terror has even surpassed the Thomas family.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for his boss to give up on Ruixin, a moneymaker, without hesitation and compromise with Lu Fei.

It is even more impossible for Murray to be so respectful to Lu Fei.

Although the Thomas family has given up on them now, they have offended a demon that is even more terrifying than the Thomas family.

If this devil attacks him, he and his family will be unable to fight back, and the consequences will be irreversible!

Therefore, John chose to compromise with Lu Fei.

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