A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2150 Too greedy

Even Lu Fei didn't expect John to give in so quickly.

However, getting all the shares of Ruixin Group is indeed a great thing.

At that moment, Lu Fei and John reached an agreement.

Lu Fei did not take advantage of the situation and offered John a price that was 10% higher than the market estimate and acquired 31% of John's shares.

And notified Wang Xinyi to let the legal affairs handle it immediately.

Lu Fei did not immediately tell other shareholders the news.

First, Lu Fei didn't want to cause psychological pressure to them.

In addition, the few shares they held did not pose a threat to Lu Fei at all.

On the contrary, having experienced veterans like them sit in Europe, which is of great help to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei continued to entertain shareholders, while Wade returned to the car to report to his family the contents of his conversation with Lu Fei this morning.


"He actually dared to ask for 70,000 Chinese collectibles, and he also demanded high quality."

"Lu Fei is too greedy, isn't he?"

"Is he crazy? This is like a lion opening his mouth!"

In the high-level meeting room of the Robert family, everyone screamed in anger.

Canby even smashed the family crest porcelain tea cup in his hand.


"Extremely abominable!"

"Lu Fei is getting more and more excessive. He simply doesn't take our family seriously!"

"Master Patriarch, in my opinion, let a few people go to London to cooperate with Wade and just grab Lu Fei's knife."

"Then just kill him and silence him, and then take back everything we gave him."

"People like Lu Fei don't deserve to live in this world."

"Kambi is right, I support Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei is currently in London. The Thomas family has an inherent advantage, and the Xiao family is also eyeing him."

"We can no longer hesitate. If they are the first to take the lead, we will regret it!"


Lu Fei happens to accept Wade's protection, which is a good opportunity for us to take action! "

"Master Patriarch, please give the order!" said an elder.

The clan leader was also gnashing his teeth in hatred, and his brain was running rapidly, considering whether the method of robbery and murder was feasible.

However, Wade immediately dismissed their absurd and foolish idea.

"Master Patriarch, you must not do this," Wade said.

"why not?"

"Don't you have confidence in our family's strength?" Camby shouted.

"Father, that's not the case."

"Currently, the Xiao family is also protecting Lu Fei, and the Thomas family is also eager to trade with Lu Fei."

"At present, the two of them are paying close attention to Lu Fei. It is impossible for us to succeed."

"Also, do you know why Lu Fei dares to ask for so much?"

"Why?" the clan leader asked.

"Actually, this is the condition offered by the Thomas family to Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei has already reached a transaction intention with them before, using the Thomas family's entire Chinese collection to trade the Seven-Star Knife."

"The Thomas family accepted without hesitation."

"Had it not been for some emergencies, Lu Fei would have successfully traded with them."

"It is precisely because of what happened at Lu Fei's villa last night that our family has a chance."

"As for Lu Fei daring to ask for so much, it's because he already knows all the secrets of the Seven Star Sword."

"Besides, Lu Fei only gives me one day."

"If we don't agree to the deal, the Xiao family will have an opportunity. In addition, Lu Fei can also directly cooperate with the Thomas family."

"Everyone, Lu Fei's knife is the last one, and it has a lot to do with it!"

"Lost this opportunity,

It is a huge loss to our family. "

"What are 70,000 precious treasures from China?"

"With this knife, our family now has three. This is an absolute advantage!"

"With these three knives, our family will always be invincible."

"The Xiao family can't do anything to us, but they will definitely take action against the Thomas family immediately."

"At that time, both of them will definitely suffer losses. We will reap the benefits and strike later. It is very likely that we will collect all five knives."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, please consider it carefully," Wade said.


After Wade finished speaking, the people who were clamoring just now all fell silent.


"Wade, you said that Lu Fei knows the secret of the Seven Star Sword. Is this true or false?" Canby asked.

"It's absolutely true, Lu Fei told me personally."

"All the details are the same as those passed down by our family, or even more detailed."

"Lu Fei wants so much, but the Thomas family agreed to the deal. I guess it is possible that Lu Fei has already had a showdown with the Thomas family."

"Otherwise, how could they agree."

"Now only the Xiao family is kept in the dark, and Lu Fei is in conflict with the Thomas family, so this is our best chance."

"If Lu Fei has a showdown with the Xiao family, it will be troublesome!" Wade said.

After Wade finished speaking, everyone in the conference room fell into deep thought.

"Master Patriarch, I think Wade has considered it very comprehensively."

"Although the collection is valuable, it is nothing compared to the Seven-Star Sword."

"In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I suggest agreeing to a deal with Lu Fei."

"Although we have suffered some losses, this is only a temporary measure."

"Get the Seven-Star Sword, consolidate our strength, and then find a way to deal with Lu Fei to recover all losses.

There is almost no difficulty. "

After Camby finished speaking, the family think tank also echoed, all supporting Wade's plan.

The patriarch thought for a moment but frowned.

"This is indeed a good idea and completely feasible."

"But our family doesn't have so many Chinese collections at all!"

"Besides, Lu Fei's requirements are so high, how can we do it?" the clan leader asked worriedly.

"Master Patriarch, I have also considered your concerns."

"In fact, it is not difficult to raise 70,000 valuable treasures."

“We have over fifty thousand pieces in our family, and the rest can be mobilized in museums throughout the Americas.”

"With our strength, it shouldn't be difficult to collect 20,000 valuable treasures. It will just cost us a lot of money."

"But compared with the Seven-Star Sword, these are just a drop in the bucket. Please make a decision, Mr. Patriarch." Wade said.

The clan leader gritted his teeth and slapped his thigh.


"That's it!"

"Everyone listens to the order and collects China's treasures from all over the Americas. We will start from personal collections first. If there is not enough, we will go to public museums to buy them."

"No matter what, the mission must be completed."


Everyone was about to take action, Wade reminded again.

"Wait a moment!"

"Lord Patriarch, Lu Fei is very smart. Don't try to get by with defective products."

"If it arouses Lu Fei's resentment, we will have no chance."

"Anyway, we have decided to recruit, so we might as well just follow his standards."

"The loss is only temporary. Sooner or later we will get it back twice as much," Wade said.


"Just do what Wade says!"

"Wade, you have made a great contribution this time. Once the transaction is completed, I will reward you heavily."

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