A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2152: Playing tricks

Lu Fei was getting ready to sleep when a strange phone call came in.

The other party claimed that he was in control of Tianbao and Nina.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you arrest my brother and my woman?"

"You were the ones who knocked me out with poison last night, right?"

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Fei pretended to be angry and asked through gritted teeth.

At the same time, he quickly took out another mobile phone and sent a message to Lang Lijing.

Lang Lijing replied with an expression, and Lu Fei was relieved.


"Mr. Lu Fei, please don't get me wrong, we have no malicious intentions."

"We heard that you have an antique gold knife in your hand that is worth a lot of money."

"I personally like antique weapons very much, I just want that golden sword."

"Unfortunately, I didn't find him in your room last night, so I was very disappointed and invited your brother, woman, and several servants to my place, hoping to have a good talk with you."

"But don't worry, they are all fine and did not suffer any harm."

"We have our principles. As long as you give me the sword, I will ensure that they are all safe."

This man used a voice changer, so no one could tell who he was.

"Who are you?"

"How did you know I had an antique gold knife?"

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and asked calmly.


"It doesn't matter who I am."

"You just need to know that we are not weaker than the Thomas family."

"So, of course we know your purpose of coming to London."

"But that's not the point. The point is that your people are in my hands."

"If you want them to live, be obedient and bring me the golden knife."

"I know you are with Wade from the Robert family now, but you must not alarm them."

"Of course you are not allowed to inform the Xiao family and Thomas

Family, let alone call the police. "

"I will send you an address in a while, and you can come here alone with the golden knife."

"I will send people to monitor your every move at any time. Don't play tricks on me."

"Once I find out that there is someone around you, your brother and woman will definitely die." The voice said.

"Friend, you've been talking about it for so long, how do I know that I'm really in your hands?"

"Something did happen to the villa I stayed in last night, but there are not many people who know about it."

"What if you pretend to be a kidnapper and deceive me?"

"So, you must prove that my brother is really in your hands, otherwise, you will never see the golden sword." Lu Fei said.

The voice on the other side let out a creepy, weird laugh.


"Mr. Lu Fei is really thoughtful."

"Wait a moment, I'll send you their photos."


Soon, the other party sent a photo.

In the photo, it is indeed Zhu Tianbao who is tied up with five flowers.

There were no wounds on the surface, and it looked like he was just unconscious.

Looking at the photo, Lu Fei smiled contemptuously.

"Friend, just a photo cannot be used as evidence. I want to hear my brother's voice." Lu Fei said.

"Sorry, I can't do it."

"This brother of yours has such a hot temper. He yells when he wakes up, and even four of us can't hold him down."

"So, I gave him a sedative medicine. He won't wake up until noon tomorrow."

"But you can rest assured that there will definitely be no side effects." The other party said.

"What about my women and servants?"

"They have a very gentle personality. You let them follow

I spoke. " Lu Fei said.

Damn it!

Roy on the other side of the phone rolled his eyes angrily.

That's right, the person on the other side of the phone is Thomas Roy, the unlucky guy who was sent out by the Thomas family. .??.

Now is his chance to prove his crime and test Lu Fei in the name of a kidnapper.

Roy spent the whole day making preparations.

I thought I had covered everything and could use synthetic fake photos to scare Lu Fei.

But he never expected that Lu Fei would be so cunning and listen to the voice of Nina's servant.

At this moment, Roy didn't know how to answer.

"Lu Fei, please stop trying to delay time."

"To keep it secret, they have all taken my sedatives."

"There is only one way to keep them alive. You single-handedly send me the golden knife."

"Of course, you can choose not to believe it, but they will all die."

"And he died horribly." Roy said viciously.

Lu Fei took a puff of cigarette expressionlessly, and Lang Lijing's message was also sent.


"I promise to replace him with a golden knife."

"But I'll put my ugly words in front of you. If one of my men loses a hair, I promise that I will catch you even in heaven and earth, and cut you into pieces."

"Now, you can send the address."

Lu Fei said, editing a message and sending it quietly to Long Yun.

Of course Lu Fei knew whether Zhu Tianbao had been kidnapped or not.

At this moment, Tianbao had already left London and was sailing on the sea with the freighter. How could he be in the hands of the kidnappers?

The only people who knew what happened last night were the three major families.

The Xiao family is one of their own, and they have reached a transaction intention with the Robert family.

The only way to use the kidnapper

The only one who wants to test him is the Thomas family.

From the flawed words on the phone, Lu Fei had even determined that the other party was Roy, that stupid pig.

Roy has always wanted Lu Fei to die, which is exactly the same as Lu Fei.

At the Changshanyu Reservoir, he and Xinyi were almost killed by him, so in Lu Fei's eyes, Roy would be a dead person sooner or later.

Lu Fei was worried about not having a chance before, but now that Roy has come to his door, of course Lu Fei will fully cooperate.

Based on Lu Fei's experience, the address the other party gave him would definitely not be the final destination.

I will definitely torment myself several times, and I will be so dizzy before I can send you the final meeting place.

By doing this, on the one hand, you can observe whether there is anyone around you.

Another advantage is that it can disrupt your own mind.

Allowing yourself to be upset and impatient can be of great benefit to the kidnapper.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei had already studied these tricks quite thoroughly.

Now that the other party is using it on himself, it is simply a trick.

Knowing the opponent's tactics, Lu Fei immediately informed Lang Lijing to locate the opponent's satellite signal.

Lang Lijing had just found the location of the other party, and this was probably the final location.

At the same time, Lu Fei sent the location to Long Yun and asked Long Yun to lead people to lurk there quietly.

No matter who pretends to be a kidnapper and threatens them tonight, they will definitely pay a huge price.

Of course, preferably Roy.

It would be even better if there were a few big fish.

After hanging up the phone, the other party sent Lu Fei an address.

This is a riverside in the northern suburbs of London. It is inaccessible during the day and is the best choice for murder and arson at night.

However, this is far from the position positioned by Lang Lijing.

Obviously, the other party was following the kidnapper's old tricks and was ready to start tormenting Lu Fei.

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