A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2153 Bulletproof vest

Roy sent the address to Lu Fei and detailed his requirements later.

"Lu Fei, you have to get to the riverside in the suburbs within half an hour, otherwise you will never see your brother again."

"Remember, don't play tricks on us."

"Every move you make is completely under my control."

Looking at the information, Lu Fei was not nervous at all.

"half an hour?"

"Do you know how far away I am from there?"

"Aren't you being difficult?" Lu Fei asked.


"Don't play tricks on me, I know your position clearly."

"Twenty-five minutes is enough to get from your place to the river. I'll give you some extra time!" Roy said.

"You actually know my location?"


"Stop talking nonsense, you don't have much time." Roy said again.


"Half an hour is really tight."

"I'm not familiar with the location of the land here, and you won't let me bring anyone with me. Why should I be tolerant?"

"I am sincere, please don't go too far."

"I'll try my best to get there. If I can't arrive in half an hour, please be patient for a few minutes."

Depend on!

Roy on the other side of the phone cursed angrily.

Damn it!

This damn rag collector is so annoying.


I will tolerate you for a while, but you will definitely die tonight.

Roy finally agreed to Lu Fei's request. Looking at the phone, Lu Fei cursed him contemptuously: "Idiot."

He changed his clothes unhurriedly, filled all three magazines, and then went downstairs with his bag.


"You want to go out?" Wade asked.

"Yes, I'm going out to do some errands and I'll be back later. You can rest first!"


"Where are you going so late?"


"I don't want to inquire about your privacy, but I am worried about your safety."

"After all, this is the territory of the Thomas family, and danger is everywhere!"

"There are many people during the day, so they don't dare to act rashly."

"But it's hard to say tonight."

"If there is nothing particularly important, I suggest you go to bed early and do it tomorrow!" Wade said.

"Wade, thank you for your kindness, but this matter is very important."

"Someone called just now and said that my brother was in his hands and I had to go there." Lu Fei replied decisively.


"Any clues about Zhu Tianbao?"

"Where are they?"

"I'll send someone over immediately to rescue him."

Lu Fei waved his hand and briefly explained what the other party had just said. Wade frowned upon hearing this.


"I think it's best to investigate first."

"I feel that the person calling you is probably someone from the Thomas family."

"They always have ill intentions toward you, and it's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"Besides, I'm not sure whether Zhu Tianbao is really in their hands. What if it's a trap?" Wade asked worriedly.

Lu Fei's eyes burst out with murderous intent, and his eyes were extremely determined.

"Tianbao is my brother. Even if there is great danger, I will save him."

"Your concern is warranted, but this is the only clue at the moment. I have to go and take a look."

"Otherwise, if something happens to Tianbao in their hands, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry, what they want is the Seven-Star Sword."

"I will be absolutely safe until I get the sword."

"Give me a car

, I’ll go over right away. " Lu Fei said.


"I will go with you."


"The other party knows I'm here with you, and there must be their spies outside monitoring me at all times."

"If you follow, they will probably attack Tianbao."

"I am enough alone." Lu Fei said.

"How about this!"

"You go over first, and we can keep talking on the phone at any time."

"You try to delay them, and we will set off later to help you." Wade said.

"Thank you for your kindness, but it really doesn't work."

"The other party is too cunning. You must not alert the enemy."

"Just wait for me here and rescue Tianbao. I will call you as soon as possible."


"You must be careful."

"By the way, wait a moment!"

After Wade finished speaking, he rushed into his room like lightning and took out a black shirt and handed it to Lu Fei.


"This is the latest body armor newly developed by the United States."

"The thickness is about the same as thermal underwear, and the weight is not that weird."

"However, you must not underestimate the power of this body armor. Even armor-piercing bullets cannot penetrate it."

"With it, you're much safer," Wade said.

Lu Fei took the body armor and looked at it, and was shocked.

This body armor is slightly heavier than ordinary thermal underwear, but much lighter than the one formulated by the Wulong Brigade.

It is also softer and more comfortable, and it is really no different from thermal underwear when worn on the body.

It's incredible.

If the effect is as Wade said, then this body armor will be too awesome.

Lu Fei will never return this body armor to Wade.

After returning home, give it to Qian Guomin to study.

Come on, if it can be promoted throughout the entire Chinese army, that would be so cool!

Lu Fei put on his body armor and went to the garage to drive a low-key Volkswagen off-road vehicle away from Wade's villa.

"Master, should we send someone to protect Lu Fei secretly?" the steward asked.

Wade waved his hand.


"Since the other party said that, he must have been prepared for it. If we go out, it will be a disservice." Wade said.

"But, can Lu Fei handle it alone?"

"We haven't made a deal with him yet. If someone else gets there first, we'll be in trouble."


"Jimmy, you underestimate Lu Fei too much."

"With his wisdom and ability, nothing will happen to him."

"What the other party wants is the Seven-Star Sword. As long as Lu Fei doesn't hand over the Seven-Star Sword to them, he will be absolutely safe." Wade said.

"Master, you mean that Lu Fei doesn't wear the Seven-Star Sword at all?"

"If that's the case, let's search his room now!"

"If we find the Seven-Star Sword, we will avoid losses!"

"When you go back, the clan leader will definitely reward you heavily." Jimmy said excitedly.


"Jimmy, do you think Lu Fei is a fool?"

"If we can find the Seven-Star Sword in his room, Lu Fei will no longer be Lu Fei."

"I know Lu Fei. His wisdom is beyond your imagination."

"I can guarantee that the Seven-Star Sword is not only not in his room, it's not even in his bag."

"Only in this way can Lu Fei be safe."

"Otherwise, he would have died ten thousand times already."

"So, the only way to get the Seven-Star Sword is to trade."

"Now that we have the opportunity to trade with him, it's a huge advantage for us."

"As for the losses, sooner or later we will get them back."

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