A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2157 Infiltration

Long Yun waited patiently outside the car.

Although Murray has seen a little bit of the world, masters like Long Yun are lurking in the darkness and cannot be discovered by masters other than the same level, let alone Murray and the other two elders.

When Changxiang dealt with Lu Fei and Roy, Murray got carried away.

The moment he lit a cigarette and opened the window, it was Long Yun's perfect opportunity to take action.

Murray and the driver quietly fell into the trap, then opened the car door to deal with the two elders behind them, without giving them a chance to activate the signaling device.

Simply perfect.

The last line of defense was wiped out, and Long Yun asked everyone to be on alert.

The four people in the car were tied up, and the concealed weapons were withdrawn and they were carefully inspected.

Sure enough, in addition to the driver, Murray and the two elders had communication devices.

This thing is white in color and looks like a flat egg with a flashing red light on the upper corner and a round button in the middle.

Long Yun has never seen them, but Lu Fei must know here that the devices on them are exactly the same as those of the villa maids.

After taking away the communication devices and mobile phones of the three people, Long Yun left three people to guard the vehicle and the prisoners.

Then he led his other men and continued to explore forward.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei was about to arrive at the riverside in the suburbs, and at the same time, he also received a message from Long Yun.

The dragnet deployed by the Thomas family was completely wiped out.

Lu Fei sincerely admired Long Yun's ability, but at the same time he was secretly afraid.

For now, Long Yun is his friend, even his subordinate.

Having such friends and subordinates is definitely a right-hand man.

But if the other party becomes your enemy, it will also be your nightmare!

Why! !

I wish I had thought more.

"Lu Fei, because you delayed for too long, for safety reasons, I have to temporarily change the meeting place."

"I'll give you half an hour. You can rush to the woods north of Diss Manor immediately."


"This time you must arrive within the specified time."

"If you deliberately delay the time, I will vote immediately." Roy shouted.

This time, Lu Fei made no excuses.

Long Yun succeeded, and Lu Fei didn't need to delay too much.

I looked at the navigation and found that it was not too far from the destination, twenty minutes was enough.

With ten minutes to spare, it couldn't be better.

By slowly increasing your speed, you can also avoid their suspicion.

In fact, Lu Fei thought about letting Long Yun rush in and directly control the situation, but when he thought about it carefully, it was not appropriate.

There are at least three waves of people monitoring him from the outside. If they start over there, they will definitely receive the news.

Lu Fei was not afraid that these three waves of people would attack him, but he was mainly worried that they would report to the Thomas family.

Although he has broken up with the Thomas family, Lu Fei still wants to pursue perfection.

The later he is exposed, the better it will be for his plan.

Therefore, now Lu Fei has no choice but to patiently play hide and seek with them.

Finally, when they arrived at their base, they were sure to follow the three waves of people who were monitoring them and provide cover on the outside.

Entering Long Yun's ambush, he quietly dealt with them without any effort.

Perhaps it was Lu Fei's speed that satisfied them. Roy didn't call to harass Lu Fei along the way.

But when they arrived at the manor woods, Roy proposed to change the location.

Lu Fei knew it well and cooperated fully with a smile.

In this way, Lu Fei went to four fake meeting places, and the time had already reached three-thirty in the morning.

Roy looked at the time and nodded with satisfaction.

During this period, people's mental strength is the weakest, which is also the period when they are most likely to become sleepy.

In China, the older generation calls it Ghost Saya.

I remember that during the Anti-Japanese War, the Japs often launched attacks during this time period.

At first, people were not familiar with their routines, so they really suffered a lot.

In fact, if I endure it for a while, the most painful moment will be around 4:30.

But Roy couldn't wait any longer. It was already dark at that time, which was very detrimental to his actions.

Roy picked up the phone and called Lu Fei again. Before he could speak, Lu Fei became anxious on the phone.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Are you still fucking done?"

"I seriously doubt that my brother is even in your hands."

"What is your purpose?"

"If you want to deal with me, just do it openly. I'm not afraid of you."

"If you continue to be sneaky, I won't play with you anymore."

Depend on!

Roy gritted his teeth angrily.

I thought that this damn rag collector was about to die, yet he still dared to challenge me. I have to say, Lu Fei is really awesome.

It's a pity that you have offended me, Thomas Roy, so there is no room for you in this world.

If I let you play for a while, you will die without a burial place.

"Lu Fei, you don't have to yell at me, otherwise you won't end well."

"Your brother is indeed in my hands, but I must ensure that no one else follows you."

"Now it seems that you are quite honest, and you have passed my test."

"Then it's time for us to meet and trade."

"I'll give you twenty minutes to get to Nanjiao No. 35. I'll wait for you here."

"Don't be afraid, I have no ill intentions towards you and your brother."

"I just want your antique knife."

"As long as you are willing to give me the knife, you and your people can definitely go back safely."


"I hope you keep your word." Lu Fei said angrily.

Roy's choice of location was indeed a wise one.

This is an abandoned private villa.

The villa is not big, with only two floors.

Behind the villa is a small natural lake.

The surrounding eight hundred meters is an open space, and anyone who sneaks in will be discovered.

The open land is surrounded by dense woods, and in the middle of the woods there is a path about six meters wide that leads directly to the villa.

Previously, Murray and his men were lurking in the woods. If they hadn't been located by Lang Lijing, they would not have been exposed.

At this time, Long Yun and his twelve brothers had lurked under the villa from the lake behind.

Because Roy didn't believe that Lu Fei could know this place in advance.

Whoever I sent to follow along the way was sure that Lu Fei was alone, so I took it lightly.

In addition, he didn't believe that anyone could sneak in from the lake behind, so there was no sentry at all.

Only two capable bodyguards were placed on the front balcony to guard the place.

So Long Yun and the others came over and were not discovered at all.

Long Yun asked his brothers to wait where they were. He climbed up to the second floor alone and waited quietly.

Now, the two bodyguards on the balcony are prey in Long Yun's hands and can be hunted at any time.

But we can't start now.

If you start at this time, the bodyguard will lose contact with the inside and will definitely be discovered.

So Long Yun chose the most advantageous position and was prepared to wait for the best time.

After a while, two headlights flashed by and a car turned in.

Of course the person sitting in this car was Lu Fei.

As for the three cars monitoring Lu Fei, they quietly drove into the woods and were on guard in the dark.

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