A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2158 Here I come

The three cars monitoring Lu Fei sneaked into the darkness and called Roy immediately.

"Boss, Lu Fei is here."

"We have been observing him for a long time and it is just Lu Fei. You can rest assured."


Roy heard this and laughed the most proudly.


"You continue to be vigilant where you are. If anyone sneaks in, notify me immediately."

"Also, Lu Fei is extremely cunning. If he escapes from me, you will attack immediately."

"No matter what method you use to control him, you must keep him alive. I will ravage him myself." Roy shouted.


After hanging up the phone, the three cars turned off their engines and were completely hidden in the darkness.

But what they didn't notice was that the twelve black figures were divided into three teams, approaching them like ghosts.

In the villa, Roy was extremely excited.

He stood up and shouted.

"Lu Fei is already here. Two people go down and bring him up to me."

"By the way, search me down there."

"Lu Fei can reach out, don't let him come up with weapons."


Outside the villa, Lu Fei stopped the car, glanced at the two armed bodyguards on the balcony on the second floor, and snorted disdainfully.

He put his bag on his back and walked down, leaning against the car door without fear and waiting quietly.

After a while, two strong black men came out of the villa.

"Mr. Lu Fei, my boss is waiting for you inside." A strong man said.

"Is my brother in there?"

"Yes, everyone is here."

"You can see it when you go in."

"However, we need to search you before going in."

"Please cooperate!" the strong man said.



"I'm here to trade, not to rob. Why should I be searched?" Lu Fei said with eyes wide open.


"Our boss is absolutely sincere, but in order to avoid misunderstanding, we still ask for your cooperation."

"Fuck you!"

"Searching me clearly shows that you don't trust me. How can this be called sincerity?"

"Fuck you!"

"Search me, you are not worthy!"

"Tell your boss that if you don't want to trade, I will lose a brother."

"However, I will definitely investigate who he is."

"Once he is found out by me, I will let him die without a burial place even if he goes to heaven or on earth."

Lu Fei said as he opened the car door and was about to get in the car, a strong man quickly pressed his body against the car door.

At the same time, he stretched out a big hand like a leaf fan and grabbed Lu Fei's shoulder, intending to control Lu Fei first.

The stature of this strong man was almost twice that of Lu Fei, but Lu Fei was not afraid.

Not only did he not dodge, he suddenly rushed towards the strong man's arms, stretched out his left elbow and pressed hard on the strong man's abdomen.


Lu Fei's move was so powerful that the strong man felt that his intestines were about to break.

He screamed and bowed down like a shrimp, but that was not the end.

When Lu Fei hit the target with his left elbow, he hit his right knee upward with all his strength, directly pressing into the strong man's crotch.


The strong man let out a heaven-destroying howl, turned over and fell to the ground, completely losing his fighting ability.

Although it was said in such detail, it actually happened in an instant.

Although Lu Fei is not as tall and strong as the strong man, he is much more flexible than him.

Coupled with the strong force, the strong man simply couldn't bear it.

While the strong man was crippled with one move, Lu Fei also pulled out the pistol from his waist.

After tens of thousands of trainings, Lu Fei is very familiar with firearms.

Although this was someone else's pistol, when Lu Fei touched the handle of the gun, the gun had completely integrated with Lu Fei.

Draw the gun, load the gun, and open the safety, all in one go.

Another strong man reacted, and just as his right hand was pressed on the handle of the gun, Lu Fei's dark muzzle was already aimed at his eyebrows.

The strong man no longer dared to act rashly.

The two bodyguards on the second floor drew their pistols and pointed them at Lu Fei at the same time.

"Don't fucking move!"

"If he moves, he will die!"

Lu Fei shouted.

The two bodyguards on the second floor were about sixty meters away from Lu Fei, almost out of the effective range.

However, the distance between Lu Fei and another strong man was less than two meters.

Although they could hit Lu Fei based on their experience, they couldn't be fatal at such a long distance.

And if Lu Fei pulls the trigger, their companions will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, the two bodyguards on the second floor did not dare to act rashly.

Seeing this scene, Roy in the room screamed angrily.


"They're all fucking trash!"

"I'm also warning you, Lu Fei is so good at reaching out, why are you so stupid!"

"Stupid pigs, they are all stupid pigs!"

Roy was furious.

His original intention was to have two strong men bring Lu Fei in.

As long as Lu Fei enters the villa, everything will be safe.

I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Now Lu Fei is alert and will definitely not come in.

If he had Zhu Tianbao in his hand, he could still blackmail Lu Fei.

The key is that there isn’t one!

What should we do?

After thinking about it, Roy's eyes lit up.

Let the strong man outside stabilize Lu Fei, and at the same time order the bodyguard behind him to sneak out from the back window.

Detour back outside and surround Lu Fei.


This method is absolutely brilliant.

"Lu Fei, you dare to attack our people. Don't you want your brother and woman to live?" the strong man on the other side said coldly.


Lu Fei was too lazy to talk to the strong man and shouted into the villa.

"Roy, I'm here, stop pretending to be a grandson."

"Don't you want to take revenge on me?"

"I'm here, why don't you dare to come out?"

Roy in the villa shivered when he heard Lu Fei's voice.


Absolutely impossible!

How could Lu Fei know it was me?

How could he know?

Roy was trembling with fear and had goosebumps all over his body.

It stands to reason that there are many people here, so he is not afraid of Lu Fei at all.

But Roy had seen Lu Fei's ability with his own eyes, and even almost died in Lu Fei's hands.

This is an instinctive fear, as if encountering a natural enemy, an unforgettable fear.

However, this feeling was fleeting, and Roy calmed down immediately.

Damn it!

Lu Fei is working alone. There are more than 20 people here who are fully armed, and there are three waves of people outside. I'm scared!

Although you, Lu Fei, have some abilities.

But when you come here today, you can't run away even if you have extraordinary abilities.

This is your burial place, and today next year will be your anniversary.

Quack quack!

Lu Fei, you are dead.

"Roy, you shy little turtle, don't you dare come out to see me?"

Lu Fei was still shouting outside, and Roy looked back. Except for the two bodyguards who were protecting him, everyone else was lurking out from behind.

Calculating the time, Lu Fei should be surrounded by now, and at such a long distance, Lu Fei's pistol could not threaten him.

So Roy walked out boldly.

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