A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2160 It’s so hard to deceive me

Yesterday, while taking control of Huo Lin, the patriarch of the Thomas family, Lu Fei called his mother Xiao Tingfang.

In fact, Lu Fei didn't want to bring down the Thomas family.

The three of them are evenly matched in strength.

But if this balanced situation is broken, big trouble will definitely occur.

This will have a certain impact on Lu Fei's future development.

However, I have a lot of grudges against them, and they want to persecute me all the time.

If this is the case, then simply destroy it to avoid future troubles.

It’s not a damn good thing anyway.

Xiao Tingfang was also shocked when she received Lu Fei's call. .??.

After questioning several times, it was not until Lu Fei presented conclusive evidence that Xiao Tingfang believed that Huo Lin was the patriarch of the Thomas family.

After confirming the news, Xiao Tingfang could not wake up from the shock for a long time.

This news was too unexpected for her.

For the first time, Xiao Tingfang and Long Yun thought the same thing.

She couldn't understand why, as the patriarch of the Thomas family, with such a prominent status, he would condescend to serve Lu Fei with his body suspected.

This is completely unscientific!

But if you think about it from Huo Lin's perspective, you can feel relieved.

The Thomas family desperately wants to get the Seven-Star Sword in Lu Fei's hands.

However, the people sent out failed to live up to expectations and suffered repeated defeats.

The current relationship with Lu Fei is very delicate.

On the surface they respect each other, but in reality they all have their own agendas.

It is almost impossible to obtain Lu Fei's Seven-Star Sword smoothly.

In order to be on the safe side, it is necessary to understand Lu Fei's true thoughts, which requires getting close to Lu Fei.

Their family does not have the advantage of Wade. It is extremely difficult to get close to Lu Fei and get an accurate word from Lu Fei.

There was no talent within the family that was both wise and brave, so Huo Lin had no choice but to take action himself.

Although he has a distinguished status, Old Huolin also risked his life for the Seven-Star Sword.

Unfortunately, what he never expected was that after hunting geese all his life, he was defeated by the geese.

Blinded by pecks.

I thought everything was under control, but ended up falling into Lu Fei's hands.

It is estimated that at this moment, Huo Lin's intestines must be filled with regret.

However, he could only accept his fate.

You cannot blame others for such a result.

The only thing to blame is that he is more conceited.

In his eyes, Lu Fei is just a fledgling boy.

Regardless of experience, there is no comparison with him. He will definitely be able to handle the situation.

But God's calculations are not as good as those of man. He is not facing a young boy who is just starting out, but a peerless hero who has been born in two lifetimes and rolled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

His experience and wisdom were nothing compared to Lu Fei.

Xiao Tingfang was overjoyed when she was sure that Huo Lin was caught by her son.

It took more than a day or two for the Xiao family to deal with the other two families.

We have been preparing for the past ten years to attack them when the time comes.

If Lu Fei hadn't come out of nowhere, the Xiao family would have attacked them long ago.

But Lu Fei grew up and disrupted the Xiao family's rhythm.

Because Lu Fei has seven-star swords, and there are more than one.

The Xiao family originally planned to attack the Robert family first, but at the critical moment, Lu Fei traded the Seven-Star Sword with the Robert family.

The situation changed instantly, and the Xiao family had no choice but to stop.

At this moment, Lu Fei showed another knife.

Therefore, Xiao Tingfang couldn't wait to go to China to meet Lu Fei.

Later, Xiao Tingfang knew that the two seven-star knives of the Robert family had lost their meaning, so she became even more unscrupulous in attacking them.

However, after Lu Fei put forward his suggestion, Xiao Tingfang did not take action immediately.

The Robert family is not a threat, but the Thomas family has a real seven-star sword, which makes Xiao

Household rat deterrent.

Now that Lu Fei controls Huolin, the situation is different again.

Xiao Tingfang knew very well the importance of the patriarch in the family.

Huo Lin disappeared mysteriously, and the Thomas family was leaderless, and it was bound to be chaos in a short time.

This is the best time to attack.

Coupled with the plan given by Lu Fei, Xiao Tingfang became even more confident.

Yesterday, Xiao Tingfang arranged for two generals, Zhang Kai and Li Qi, to enter London in batches with the family elite, with full authority to follow Lu Fei's orders.

As long as the Thomas family headquarters is taken down in one fell swoop, the super giant that has dominated Europe for hundreds of years can be easily destroyed.

As for everything outside their family, the Xiao family has been spying on it for many years.

The headquarters is disintegrated, and the periphery is no longer a problem. .??.

By removing the Thomas family, the Xiao family not only eliminates a huge hidden danger, but also greatly improves the family's strength.

It would be easy to deal with the Robert family again.

Thinking that her long-cherished wish that had not been fulfilled for hundreds of years would be realized in her own hands, Xiao Tingfang was so excited that she stayed up all night.

Zhang Zhang and Li Qi contacted Lu Fei as soon as they arrived in London.

But Lu Fei didn't let them notify Long Yun.

The reason why Long Yun must be concealed is because Long Yun's current situation is relatively sensitive.

Long Yun was just like him, also in the open, and also within the scope of the Thomas family's attention.

These circumstances told Long Yun that ripples would inevitably occur in Long Yun's mentality.

If the Thomas family is alerted, it may delay his plan.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Long Yun punched him hard on the shoulder.

"Depend on!"

"You bastard, you deceived me so much!"


"I actually caught the patriarch of the Thomas family. It's so damn good."

"The Thomas family has been arrogant for hundreds of years, and this is the end."


hey-hey! "

"Brother, you're so awesome."

"Brother, if you don't obey anyone, I will obey you." Long Yun laughed.

"Okay, stop mumbling."

"Now the Thomas family is in chaos, and we have captured three of the seven elders."

"You guys take action immediately while it's still dark."

"It's best to control Ques first. Ques is the family's think tank and has rich experience."

"Apart from him, everyone else is just a straw bag and not enough to cause trouble." Lu Fei said.


"I understand, I'll go right away."

"Is there anything else you want to tell me, young master?" Long Yun said with a smile.

Lu Fei gave him a big eye roll.

"It's nothing. In short, just say, be fast and don't give them time to react."

"By the way, it's best not to make too much noise. Those clan leaders must be kept alive."


"I'll be there right away."

Long Yun was so excited that he couldn't wait a minute.

Arrange a few of the most capable brothers to protect Lu Fei and set off soon.

"Wait a moment!"

"Is there anything else?" Long Yun asked.

"The Thomas Family Collection is mine."

"After the operation is successful, look over there immediately. There is one missing object. I'm asking for you." Lu Fei said.

"Depend on!"

"Brother, I'm not telling you, your structure is too small, right?"

"I'm telling you, the wealth of the Thomas family is beyond your wildest dreams."

"Although their collection is extremely valuable, it is nothing compared to their family's wealth."

"You have made such great contributions, and the boss will not refuse you anything you want." Long Yun said.

"Stop talking nonsense, I just like those collections, don't you?"

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