A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2161 Ques is in tragedy

Long Yun took the people away and immediately met Zhang Kai and Li Qi.

When they met, Long Yun gave everyone a kick without any ceremony.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Are you happy to cooperate with the young master to lie to me?" Long Yun rolled his eyes and said.


"You can't blame us for this. It's all the young master's intention."

"The boss said that we should fully cooperate with the young master." Li Qi said with a smile.

"Okay, now is not the time to joke." .??.

"There are still forty minutes until dawn, we must act immediately."

These people are all experienced veterans who have worked together for many years and work well together.

When he got down to business, he immediately became serious.

The action plan had already been drawn up. The three of them spent five minutes discussing the details and immediately set off to take action.

Although Lu Fei did not tell them the distribution of strength within the Thomas family, they had their own methods.

Lu Fei certainly knew this.

The Xiao family is the most powerful among the three major families.

They have a lot of talented people, and their human, material and financial resources are the best.

If such a big family couldn't find a super hacker, Lu Fei wouldn't believe it even if he killed him.

Facts have proved that Lu Fei's guess was absolutely correct.

The Xiao family not only has super hackers, but there are many more.

As early as more than ten years ago, the Xiao family established an elite hacker team.

Otherwise, Xiao Tingfang would not have been able to silently monitor Lu Fei for more than ten years.

They already knew the exact location of the Thomas family.

After Lu Fei informed his mother yesterday, the Xiao family's hacker team had already started taking action.

At two o'clock this afternoon, they have officially taken control of the Thomas family's central control system.

Lu Fei had already informed Lang Lijing, and Lang Lijing silently handed over control without arousing any suspicion.

After mastering the central control system, the Thomas family is transparent in front of the Xiao family.

The Xiao family knows where each elder lives, how many security forces there are, and what kind of weapons and equipment they have.

Only by mastering the central control system can they formulate a perfect battle plan.

A total of three hundred people took part in the operation tonight.

The three of them each led a hundred people to quickly arrive under the protective wall of the Thomas Family Gundam.

And he came in an aboveboard manner.

Because the monitoring system has been controlled by our own people, there is no risk at all.

The three of them each have their own division of labor.

Li Qi is responsible for external support.

Open the door and bring people in to get the security force.

As for the elders and all members of the Thomas family, of course they are left to Long Yun.

The first to act was to open up and enter the Thomas family without any obstruction, then divide into five teams and raid each patrol team.

The enemy is in the light and the enemy is in the dark. The advantage is quite obvious.

The Xiao family has all the secret weapons of Long Yun's anesthesia, but their levels vary greatly.

But even the most fucked-up one can hit the target with perfect accuracy within a range of fifteen meters.

They raided five security teams in a row and captured sixty people.

In this way, basically all the peripherals are taken care of.

Zhang Kai immediately informed Long Yun and led people to the central area.

At this time, the perimeter can be said to be quite safe.

Long Yun could safely and boldly deal with those elders and family members.

The second elder, Thomas Quis, is sleeping soundly, but people like them, even when asleep, have much stronger senses than ordinary people.

Because they have experienced too many crises and risks, this is a good habit developed through countless experiences.

In his sleep, Ques instinctively felt danger approaching and immediately opened his eyes.

At the same time

Then, he touched the pillow with his right hand.

But he was still a step too late, because the black muzzle of a gun was already pressed between his eyebrows.

"Dear Mr. Quess, you'd better not move around. If my gun goes off, it will be bad."

Long Yun said, taking out Ques' pistol from under the pillow and putting it in his pocket.

The concubine beside Quesi also woke up, but before she could scream, she was knocked unconscious by Long Yun.

Long Yun was not wearing a mask, and Quess could see clearly.


"It's you, Long Yun!"

"How did you get in?"

"What are you going to do?" Quess barely suppressed his fear and asked angrily. .??.


"Of course I came in openly, and I didn't mean to come to the second elder with any ill intentions. I just wanted to invite you back for breakfast."

"Okay, quickly change your clothes and follow me." Long Yun scolded.

At this moment, Quess already knew something was wrong.

The protection of the Thomas family is so tight. Long Yun was able to come to his room without anyone noticing. It was obvious that the security force had been controlled by him.

He is already the food on the chopping board and is completely under Long Yun's control. This time, he is afraid that things will be worse than bad.

However, after all, Quess is experienced and has seen countless worlds.

Even in such a passive situation, still keep a cool head.

"Long Yun, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

"You are openly challenging the Thomas family."

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

"Not to mention you, even your family master may not be able to bear it." Ques shouted.


"Mr. Quess, you are still the brains of your family, why are you suddenly confused now?"

"Just because I can come here to see you, doesn't that explain everything?"

"Dear Mr. Quess, don't have any illusions."

"To tell you the truth, after dawn, your Thomas family will cease to exist."

"You'd better cooperate with me obediently. There is no point in resisting."

"Even if you don't cooperate, there are six other elders in your family, and there must be someone among them who is willing to cooperate."

"If they don't want to, we can still find people who know current affairs among the lower-level members of your family."

"But then your end will be death."

"You can think about it carefully. When I come to you again, I hope you can give me an accurate answer."

"Remember, your answer is related to your life and fortune. I hope you will consider it carefully."

"take away."

After Long Yun gave the order, the five brothers immediately rushed over, picked up Ques and the unconscious concubine and walked out.

As for being disheveled, I couldn’t care less about it for the time being.

There is no point in asking for dignity when you are a prisoner under the rank.

What Long Yun said just now shocked Kuis to the extreme.

Now being dragged outside, Ques suddenly woke up.

"Wait a moment!"

"Long Yun, I want to ask you, how did you do it?"

"Our family is like an iron barrel, how did you do it?"

"Also, is our clan leader under your control?"

"How is he now?" Quess shouted.


"At this time, you are still thinking about your clan leader. I am really touched by your loyalty."

"As for how we got in, I can't tell you."

"But I can tell you for sure that your clan leader Thomas Holling is indeed in our hands."

"But you can rest assured, he is doing very well."

"As long as you are willing to cooperate with us, you will be able to see him soon."

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