A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2163 Willow Leaf Cutter

Lu Fei's eyes were cold and fierce, bursting with murderous intent, like a demon from hell.

And every word Lu Fei said seemed to be a summons from the devil in hell.

After hearing one word, Roy felt like his life was draining away.

Gradually, Roy's face turned pale and he felt that his soul was no longer under his control.


"Lu Fei, that's all a misunderstanding."

"You can't kill me. I am the direct descendant of the Thomas family. You must not kill me."

"Otherwise, my family will definitely take revenge on me."

"If you forgive me, we can bury the hatchet and work together in the future."

“Isn’t it better to have many friends than many mortal enemies?”

"Lu Fei, you are a smart man. I am still of use to you. You will definitely not kill me, right?"

Roy could no longer be arrogant and begged tremblingly.


"Roy, you're such an idiot."

"Your family has given up on you, how can you still be of any use to me?"

"Even if I kill you, your family will not avenge you, so just give up!" Lu Fei said.


"Lu Fei, you don't know that I have not been abandoned by my family. This is just a plan against you."

"The family announced to the outside world that they have given up on me, but in fact, I am still being used in important ways."

"If you let me go, I will definitely give you unexpected benefits."


"Roy, I really don't understand, how do you survive to this day?"

"You're an idiot."

"To tell you the truth, your family does not value you, but uses you."

"They left you alone to deal with me."

"The credit for completing the mission belongs to them."

"If we fail and you are killed by me, you will be cannon fodder."

“That way they have a reason to continue negotiating deals with me.


"You can't think of such an obvious thing. What's the point of living?" Lu Fei said contemptuously.

"No, that's not the case."

"It must not be like this, Lu Fei, you are talking nonsense."


"Roy, you are so stupid."

"If I kill you now, my hands will feel dirty."

"Do you know how Murray was caught by me?"

"To tell you the truth, Murray and the other three elders are in the woods outside, but I'm sure you don't know this."

"Because Murray and the other two elders are just watching your joke."

"This plan was originally thought of by Murray. If you deal with me, the credit goes to Murray."

"If I kill you, Murray will lose one potential competitor."

"It's such an obvious use of a knife to kill someone. It's a pity that you can't see it at all. You are really a stupid pig."

"Okay, stupid humans like you are just wasting food in this world. Now you can choose how to die."

Roy heard this and immediately understood.

He glared at Murray fiercely, but when he saw Lu Fei, he lost all hope and kept pleading.

"Lu Fei, please don't kill me."

"You're right, I was taken advantage of by Murray."

"Actually, I don't want to embarrass you!"

Unfortunately, no matter how much Roy begged, Lu Fei ignored him.

Put down your bag and take out an awesome bag from it.

The cowhide bag was opened, and a cold light suddenly shone.

Inside are twelve knives, large and small.

The wide one is fifteen centimeters, and the thinnest one is less than half a centimeter.

And they come in different shapes.

There are sharp ones,

There are crescent-shaped ones, there are jagged ones, etc. The cold light flashes, making people shudder.


Seeing these knives, Roy sweated all over his body instantly, all his hairs stood up, goosebumps appeared one after another, and the urge to urinate became stronger.

"Lu Fei, don't kill me."

"I know I was wrong. I was blind and blind in the past. I shouldn't have gone against you."

"Now I know I was wrong, please don't kill me!" ??

Lu Fei ignored him and just played with the props.

He took out the smallest knife as thin as a cicada's wings, shook it under the light and said to Xiao Ma.

"Do you know what this knife is for?"

Xiaoma shook his head with a smile.

"Even though this knife is small, it is quite powerful."

"This knife is called the Willow Leaf Cutter and was invented by Wei Zhongxian, the great eunuch of the Ming Dynasty."

"This is also one of the factory guards' most awesome inventions."

"The function is to cut open the skin of a living person and combine it with another punishment called skinning."

"Because this kind of knife is quite thin, the wound that cuts the skin is quite small."

"If a master uses it, he can even make the wound stop bleeding."

“Without loss of blood, skin cells are not harmed.”

"After cutting all the surrounding skin, hook a corner of the skin with a hook and pull with all your strength in an instant, and a piece of intact skin will be pulled off."

"Within half a minute after the skin and flesh are separated, the skin is still alive."

"Soak it immediately with salt and potion to retain the most perfect elasticity."

"Using this kind of meat skin to make drums not only has good sound, but can also be used for hundreds of years."


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Xiao Ma shrank his neck.

The five battle-experienced brothers left behind by Long Yun also kept frowning.

Murray, who was tied to a chair, peed his pants.

Although Roy didn't urinate, he was so frightened that Qi Po ran away half of the time. His face was ashen, his lips were blue, and he was twitching constantly.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he picked up the knife and made a gesture on Roy's belly. Roy rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Depend on!"

"I usually do a lot of talking, but I didn't expect to be so timid."

"No wonder the Thomas family gave up on him. He is such a waste!"

"Pony, wake him up."

A basin of cold water was poured on him, and Roy immediately woke up.

Before he even opened his eyes, he howled like a killing pig.


"It hurts me so much!"

"No, please don't!"

"Lu Fei, please forgive me!"

"I will never dare to go against you in this life."


Lu Fei gave him a mouthful, and Roy finally opened his eyes.

"Are you calling Mao Yao?"

"I haven't taken action yet!" Lu Fei said jokingly.

Roy raised his head and looked at his belly. Sure enough, it was intact.

However, there was no trace of joy in his heart.

Roy had seen Lu Fei's cruelty with his own eyes. He took out these knives and would definitely dare to attack him.

That was simply inhuman torture, how could I bear it?

"Lu Fei, please spare me!"

"I also want to have value. I really have value."

"I'll tell you everything I know, but please spare my life, okay?"

"Please," Roy begged with tears streaming down his face.

When he said this, Lu Fei stopped.

He casually threw the cutting knife on Roy's belly. Roy felt that a large amount of hair on his belly fell out, and he was scared to death.

"Tell me, what do you know?"

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