A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2164 Poor Princess

Thomas Roy, who was extremely arrogant, was frightened to death by the willow leaf cutter in Lu Fei's hand.

In order to survive, he took the initiative to explain all the methods used by the Thomas family against Lu Fei.

Next to him, Murray was furious and kept struggling, wanting to strangle Roy to death with his own hands.

But he is currently tied into a rice dumpling and cannot break free at all.

With a towel stuffed in his mouth, it was impossible to speak.

This is really calling the sky and the earth to be unresponsive, and the earth and the earth are unable to respond. They can only make whining sounds to express their protest.

Lu Fei glared at Murray fiercely and said.

"You'd better be honest with me."

"Otherwise, your fate will be even more tragic than Roy's in a while."

Lu Fei's eyes were like those of a living ghost in hell, which made Murray feel so cold that he really didn't dare to struggle anymore.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and listened quietly to Roy's "report".

As he listened, Lu Fei's face became increasingly ugly.

I already know part of the Thomas family's methods against themselves.

Part of it was obtained by Lang Lijing's surveillance, and the other part was her own inference.

But after hearing Roy explain all the methods, Lu Fei was still gritting his teeth angrily.

These bastards from the Thomas family really have no bottom line!

"Roy, let me ask you, what is the relationship between Caroline and you guys?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, I said so."

"The British royal family looks beautiful, but is actually strong on the outside but incompetent on the inside."

"Their little wealth is simply not enough to support their huge expenses."

"So many counts and dukes are using their connections to run businesses outside."

"In this way, our family can control them business-wise and turn them into puppets of our family," Roy said.

Lu Fei frowned upon hearing this.

"To be clear, how do you turn them into puppets? Do you still dare to force them openly?" Lu Fei asked.

"No, of course not that."

\u003e "If you are so forceful, it will be counterproductive."

"If European businesses unite to fight us, our family will not be able to bear it."

"We suppress them in business in an aboveboard and aboveboard manner."

"Just like Caroline's father, Count Waiters!"

"Six years ago, Wittes borrowed 900 million euros from three banks owned by our family to invest in a steel company in Manchester."

"Originally, this company had a bright future, and investing there was a guaranteed profit."

"However, in order to control Earl of Waiters, our family used some methods."

"Actually, it's easy to say, just cut off their raw material supply channels when they are developing the fastest and signing large orders."

"If they can't produce, they can't fulfill orders on time."

"As a result, their company will inevitably go bankrupt, and they will definitely not be able to repay the bank loan."

"If he doesn't compromise with our family at this time, he will have no choice but to commit suicide by jumping off the building."

"It's useless even if he commits suicide. According to the contract we signed, even if he dies, the huge debt he owes must be repaid by his descendants."

"In this way, the Waiters family will become slaves of our family, it's that simple."

Roy's words sounded calm and calm, but Lu Fei's heart stirred up thousands of waves.


"Your family deserves to die!"

Roy shrank his neck when he heard this, and was too frightened to say anything more.

"Are you using this to threaten Caroline and seduce me to achieve your goal?" Lu Fei asked coldly.


"Although Caroline is the daughter of an earl, she is nothing in our eyes."

"She can only compromise, otherwise, the consequences will be for them

The family was completely shattered. "Roy said.


Lu Fei snorted coldly and didn't say much.

The Thomas family controls Earl Witters, which has nothing to do with them.

It is said that one slap cannot make a sound.

If Earl Witters hadn't been greedy, he wouldn't have been plotted by the Thomas family.

However, Lu Fei just felt sorry for Caroline. ??

In the Mood for Love, young and beautiful, as simple as a piece of white paper.

She was a proud princess, and she should have lived a free and happy life.

But it is extremely pitiful for such a simple girl to be involved in such a despicable deal and serve as a pawn and cannon fodder.

Although there were no serious consequences in the end, this incident was bound to leave an indelible shadow on Caroline.

In this life, she will never be able to get out of this haze.

It can be said that the innocent and proud little princess will never come back.

Life is unpredictable, and such a kind-hearted girl cannot escape the torment of fate. What a twist of fate!

"Roy, if I guess correctly, the reporter from Global Daily, Caroline's so-called best friend Evelin, is also one of yours!"

"She stayed with Caroline just to monitor her, right?" Lu Fei asked.


"You're right, it's true."

Lu Fei gritted his teeth and continued to ask.

"On the first night of my auction company's auction, Evelyn represented Caroline and purchased the seven-piece jadeite set."

"This is also arranged by your family!"

"The purpose is to find a reason for Caroline to get close to me."

"Even asking Yue Qifeng to make jewelry is your arrangement, right?" Lu Fei asked.

"No, not really."

"Evelin's action on the first night of filming was indeed arranged by our family."

"As you said, I just want to find a reason to get close to you."

"But later, when Caroline asked Yue Qifeng to make jewelry, it was her own idea."

"Caroline didn't know Evelyn was one of ours."

"In fact, the two of them are indeed good friends."

"Evelin's father is the housekeeper of the Earl's Mansion. She and Evelin have been good friends since childhood."

"So, Caroline is completely at ease with Evelyn."

"It was only later that we controlled Evelin and asked her to monitor Caroline." Roy said.

"So does Caroline know about Evelin's relationship with your family now?"

"You probably don't know this yet."

"Caroline is quite simple, she doesn't think it's that complicated," Roy said.


"You really don't want Bilian!"

"You know that Caroline is innocent and kind, but you still let her do such a thing. Are you still human?" Lu Fei yelled.

"This, this has nothing to do with me, it's all the second elder's idea."

"I'm just responsible for the execution."


"Let me ask you, what happened to Caroline asking Yue Qifeng to make jewelry?" Lu Fei asked.

"This was actually Caroline's idea."

"Caroline sold two properties in her name and went to Master Yue Qifeng to make two sets of jewelry."

"Actually, her purpose is to give the jewelry to the Queen."

"The Queen is her godmother. She hopes that the Queen will come forward to free Waiters from the shackles of our family."

"But, she was too naive."

"The Queen simply doesn't dare to go against our family."

"After returning to London, the two sets of jewelry have been confiscated by us, and Caroline can't even see his godmother."

"So, she can only accept her fate."

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