A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2166 Just want a quick death

Lu Fei wants to give Roy medicine, which sounds like a good thing.

But looking at Lu Fei's weird smirk, not only was Roy not happy, but he was even more desperate.

Sure enough, the next second, Lu Fei had a bottle of medical alcohol in his hand.

Seeing this thing, Murray frowned, and Roy almost cried.

Damn it!

Can the hamstring be severed and disinfected directly with alcohol? Can you bear this? .??.

Seeing Lu Fei open the bottle cap, Roy became extremely nervous and struggled violently.

The next second, alcohol dripped on the wound, and even a tough man couldn't bear the heart-wrenching pain.


Roy's whole body twitched and he let out a terrifying howl, which made his voice hoarse.

The pain lasted for two minutes and then gradually eased.

"Lu Fei, you must die a happy death!"

"Our family will not let you go, absolutely not."

"You'd better kill me, otherwise, I swear to destroy your whole family." Roy shouted bitterly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"Roy, I have good intentions to help you heal your injuries, but you said this to me. You let me down!"

"Look, it was supposed to be healed, but you struggled and started bleeding again."

"Hey, all your efforts have been wasted. It seems that I can only use my best anti-inflammatory medicine."

Lu Fei said, taking out a small plastic bag.

There are both Chinese and English characters on the plastic bag, two Chinese characters, and the words "salt" are written clearly.

Seeing this thing, Murray trembled all over, and even Xiao Ma and the five bodyguards of the Xiao family couldn't help but take a breath and silently pray for Roy.

Roy was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder became violent and his whole body trembled.


"don't want!"

"Lu Fei, if you are a man, give me a good time. You can't torture me like this."

"Otherwise, God will punish you and you will suffer retribution."


Roy returns

Before he could finish speaking, the indescribable pain had already spread.

Roy bit his lip and his whole body convulsed.

"Lu, Lu Fei, you, you are the devil."


Roy shouted, unable to bear it anymore, he fainted.

Being able to successfully faint was the perfect relief for Roy.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei had no intention of stopping at all.

Pour cold water on him to wake him up, and give Roy a precious Qi-tonifying pill to calm him down a bit.

The torture continues.

Half an hour later, Roy had all the tendons in his hands and hamstrings severed.

Of course, all wounds were disinfected with alcohol and salt, and finally, precious hemostatic medicine prepared by Lu Fei was applied.

During this process, Roy was in so much pain that he could no longer be strong.

His chest rose and fell rapidly, and he kept breathing heavily.

"Lu, Lu Fei, please, kill me!"



"Just now I praised you for being a man, why are you so timid now?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Just kill me!"

"I just want to die quickly." Roy begged weakly.

"Quick death?"


"That can only be a luxury for you."

"Don't forget what you said at the beginning."

"You are going to use the most vicious methods in the world to torture me, to kill my whole family, and to make my life worse than death."

"Since you want to do this to me, how can I let you down?"

"You see, I have so many tools, and I have just used one now. I have to let you enjoy them one by one, otherwise you will regret it.


"This is a willow cutter. You know its use."

"This is a castration knife. Its function is to cleanse you. This is how eunuchs in ancient China came to be."

"Throughout the ages, there have been no foreign eunuchs in China. Today I will let you take advantage and set a precedent."

"Look at this serrated sickle. It's used to amputate your limbs."

"And this one."

Before Lu Fei finished the introduction, Roy fainted again.

Not to mention Roy, even Xiao Ma and the five brothers couldn't bear it anymore.


Why is our young master so cruel?

Isn't this method too terrible?

It would be really sad if anyone becomes the young master's enemy.

Lu Fei ignored them, looked at Murray who was shaking like chaff and said with a smile.

"Dear Mr. Murray, don't worry, just be patient for a while."

"It'll be your turn later."


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Murray rolled his eyes and fainted from fright.


"Coward!" Lu Fei said contemptuously.

Xiao Ma and the five brothers rolled their eyes at the same time.

My heart says to me, young master, I really can’t blame him for being cowardly!

Your method is so harsh and cruel, it is even more generous than the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Not to mention they are normal people, even Judge Yama would be frightened when he saw them!

Lu Fei's goal has not been achieved yet, so of course he cannot let the two of them continue to be unconscious.

Pour cold water on them to wake them up, Murray shivered into a ball, and Roy's eyes were blurred, showing signs of death.

This injury was not fatal. The reason Roy showed signs of death was because he was scared to death.

"Lu Fei kills

Got me! " Roy begged weakly.

Lu Fei continued to smile harmlessly.

He picked up the willow cutter in his hand and shook it in front of Roy. In an instant, Roy and Murray peed at the same time.

However, this did not make Lu Fei feel pity. He raised the knife and slashed it quickly on Roy's belly.

Because his body was numb, Roy didn't feel any pain at all.

But Murray next to him opened his eyes in horror, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and he almost burst out of fear.

Because Murray can see clearly.

Lu Fei took a willow leaf cutter as thin as a cicada's wing and made four quick cuts on Roy's belly.

Roy didn't shout, and Murray thought Lu Fei was deliberately scaring Roy.

But the next second, Murray was shocked. Four tiny scratches appeared on Roy's belly.

Immediately afterwards, a square piece of fleshy skin with a side length of fifteen centimeters shrank in an instant, revealing four pink wounds.

The wound didn't cut any flesh, it just cut through the skin just right, so not a drop of blood came out, which was incredible.

If he saw this scene on TV, Murray would definitely exclaim a miracle.

But in this case, Murray was frightened to death.

Because the person being tortured before him was a real person, a brother of his own race.

Lu Fei once said before that this knife was used to skin people alive.

The situation in front of him is obviously that Lu Fei is going to skin Roy!

The most terrible thing is that after Lu Fei tortured Roy, the next cliff was himself!

Thinking that these methods were about to be used on himself, Murray was so frightened that he shed tears uncontrollably.

Xiao Ma and the five brothers couldn't bear to look any further and immediately turned their heads away.

At this time, Roy felt a bit of pain.

The next second, the salt poured down, Roy let out a miserable howl, and passed out again.

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