A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2167 I’m not that cruel

The tortured Roy's willpower has already collapsed.

Another wave of severe pain hit, and Roy passed out again.

The moment before he fell into coma, Roy burst into tears.

At this moment, Roy regretted it.

He thinks that he is a ruthless person, but compared with Lu Fei, he pales into insignificance.

If he had known this, he would not have dared to provoke Lu Fei even if he had the courage to lend it to him.

This is not a human being, but a devil!

Roy knew that he would definitely die today.

At this moment, not only was Roy not afraid of death, but he was eager to die immediately.

Only in this way can we completely get rid of this devil, and only in this way can we no longer be tortured and free ourselves!

Roy was in a deep coma, and Murray next to him was not much better.

Although his body was not injured, witnessing Lu Fei torturing Roy with his own eyes was a different kind of torture to his soul.

Seeing Lu Fei's methods, Murray was frightened to death.

Thinking that Roy's suffering would be his turn sooner or later, Murray almost had his heart collapse several times and was almost scared out of his wits.

By now, Murray had peed twice.

Seeing Roy's flesh shrink with his own eyes this time, Murray immediately realized the sour feeling in it.

As Roy screamed, Murray passed out simultaneously with him.

Seeing the two men unconscious, Lu Fei sneered with great contempt.

He put down the willow leaf cutter in his hand, replaced it with a half-foot-long sharp knife and stood up.

Lu Fei said coldly as his falcon-like eyes focused on Roy's pale face.

"Originally I didn't want to kill anyone, but you forced me to do it to you. You brought this on yourself."

"If there is a next life, I hope you will remember that you must not be too arrogant."

Lu Fei said as he raised his knife and lowered it, all the half-foot-long sharp knives had been inserted into Roy's chest.

Roy, who was in a coma, suddenly twitched a few times without even letting out a scream. He kicked off his legs and was completely freed.


br\u003e At this scene, Xiao Ma and others were somewhat confused.

Don't you want to continue the torture?

Why did it end so quickly?

What about peeling skin and sawing bones?

What are the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?

Master, where are you going to play?

He pulled out the sharp knife, and under the high pressure of his heart, the blood arrow shot out, turning most of the sheets red.

The strong smell of blood spread and was nauseating.

However, these people in the room are all people who have experienced the world and are almost immune to the smell of blood. Even smelling this smell can make them excited.

Taking the cowhide bag, Lu Fei took out all twelve tools and spread blood evenly on Roy's chest.

This behavior confuses others even more.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"I have my own uses." Lu Fei said.

"Master, are you so cheap on this thing?" said a Xiao family brother.

Lu Fei glanced at this man and smiled.

"if not?"

"I was just trying to scare him. I'm not as cruel as you think."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Xiao Ma and others all rolled their eyes.

Not so cruel?


How did the young master say this?

Cut off the tendons of hands and feet and disinfect them with alcohol and salt.

He also used those scary tools to scare people, and finally had to skin them.

During the whole process, Roy fainted six times and peed several liters.

Isn’t this cruel?

So what do you mean by cruelty?

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but mourn for Roy.

At the same time, they were also extremely lucky that they were the same as Lu Fei.

Facts have proved that the young master is an evil star. From now on, no matter when and where, you must not provoke this evil star, otherwise the consequences will not be bearable by ordinary people.

"Don't be stunned. Get Roy's body away. It's time to have a good talk with Mr. Murray." Lu Fei said.

Several people got Roy out, and Lu Fei rearranged the scene. ??

He lit a cigarette, used cold water to wake Murray up, and removed the towel from his mouth.

"Buy it."

After regaining consciousness, Murray breathed out weakly.

After the towel was removed from his mouth, Murray felt much more comfortable, but Murray became even more nervous.

The towel in his mouth must have been taken away by Lu Fei.

If you take off the towel, does that mean it's your turn?

Oh God!

Please beg Lu Fei for mercy. Don't use those methods against me!

That's really not something a normal person can bear!

Murray's heart beat rapidly and he closed his eyes tightly.

Murray really didn't dare to look at Roy's miserable state anymore. If he continued to look at it, he would go crazy.

"Murray, there's no point in pretending to be dead, it's your turn now."

The voice of the devil from hell echoed in Murray's ears again. Murray shivered, and all his 84,000 hairs stood on end.

The heart rate almost doubled, the metabolic system also accelerated uncontrollably, and I felt like I was going to pee again.

"Murray, don't take chances. Do you think you can escape?" Lu Fei said coldly.

Murray knew he couldn't escape, so he had to open his eyes.

But seeing the scene in front of me, Murray’s

The pants legs were wet again.

In front of Murray's eyes was hell.

Although Roy is no longer there, there is blood everywhere where Roy was before.

The white sheets were completely soaked, and blood dripped down the sheets and fell to the ground. It had flowed a large area.

The strong smell of blood hit his face, making Murray convinced that this was definitely human blood and could not be disguised by anything.

At this moment, Lu Fei was sitting by the bed, holding a white towel in his hand and wiping the blood on the knife.

The bright red blood and the white towel collide strongly, and the visual impact makes people shudder.

After cleaning a knife, Lu Fei put it back.

Continuing to clean another knife, Lu Fei introduced it to Murray in a low voice.

"Murray, your willpower is too weak."

"It's a pity that you missed such a good show. It's such a pity."

Lu Fei shook the willow leaf cutter and continued.

"You should have seen how sharp this knife is, right?"

"It's a pity that you missed the follow-up."

"Just now, I used this knife to cut open all the skin on Roy's belly and thighs, and then used this hook to pull off the pork skin."

"I know you hate Roy just as much as I do."

"I originally planned to let you witness the resolution of hatred with your own eyes, but it's a pity that you were so unlucky that you didn't appreciate it."

"As the genius of the Thomas family, your endurance is completely unqualified!"

Listening to Lu Fei's expressionless narration, Murray burst into tears.

His face is pale, his lips are blue, and his whole body is shaking. Where is the scenery of the past?


"No no no!"

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, unlike Roy, I have no ill intentions towards you. Please let me go, please?"

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