A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2168 You can answer it quickly

The room was full of blood and extremely terrifying.

Murray, the genius of the Thomas family and always arrogant, was completely frightened.

Thinking of the terrible scene that was about to happen to him, Murray's pants became wet again.

At this moment, he no longer resented Lu Fei, but was replaced by deep fear.

If Murray could escape today, he swore that he would never dare to antagonize Lu Fei again in his life.

"Mr. Lu Fei, get around me!" Murray begged tremblingly.

Lu Fei moved a chair and sat across from Murray.

He lit a cigarette and looked at Murray silently.

The look in Lu Fei's eyes made Murray's whole body hairy and goosebumps instantly appeared all over his body.

Lu Fei just looked at him quietly, and time passed by second by second. Every second that passed was the most terrible torture for Murray.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei threw the cigarette butt directly into the blood.

The flaming red cigarette butt made a sizzling sound when it came into contact with the thick blood.

The smoke rose, the smell of blood became a little stronger, and Murray immediately felt his bladder again.

"Mr. Lu Fei"

"Murray, I'm fine. Are you disappointed?"

Lu Fei finally spoke.

But when Lu Fei said this, Murray became even more scared.

"No, no!"

"I hope you're safe and sound," Murray said against his will.


"I didn't expect that you and Roy are the same thing, and you are equally irresponsible."

"It seems that I was the one who looked up to you before."

"Murray, you and I have different positions."

"You are considering the interests of your family, and I am considering my personal interests. To put it bluntly, this can be regarded as everyone's own master."

"For the seven-star sword in my hand, you tried every means to trick me into coming to London."

"I can understand using various means to test me and deal with me. I don't hate you.

. "

"However, you and Roy wanted to kill me, which touched my bottom line."

"I told Roy before that people who want to kill me, Lu Fei, usually don't end well."

"Unless they succeed and really kill me."

"Otherwise, I will definitely intensify my revenge."

"I can tell you clearly that Thomas Roy has met God."

"The reason why I didn't let you see his body was because I was afraid of scaring you to death. In that case, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the fun."

"You're right. Except for today's incident, you haven't been too harsh on me before."

"I, Lu Fei, am not an unreasonable devil, so I can promise you a more dignified way to die."

"At least, I'll let you suffer less than Roy. This can be considered as my kindness to you."

"I have several options here. Now you can choose the way to die." Lu Fei said.


Murray was completely devastated.

"Fei, don't do this to me."

"Today's action against you is also a decision discussed by the family elders council, not my personal opinion!"

"Fei, Roy deliberately wanted to kill you. It's understandable no matter how you torture him. He deserves to die."

"But I am different from him. There is no hatred between us that cannot be let go!"

"You're right, we just have different positions."

"As a family member, I must consider the interests of the family."

"Otherwise, my fate will be even more tragic, so I am forced to do so!"

"Fei, for the sake of me helping you auction the dog head, for the sake of my warm hospitality when you come to London, can you forgive me for once?"

"I'll transfer my personal property and all the properties in my name to you. I don't want anything else. I just want you to save my life, okay?" Murray begged.


"Murray, it makes no sense for you to say this now."

"To tell you the truth, your Thomas family is finished."

"Just ten minutes ago, my people took control of your family's lair."

"All the elders, including Ques, and their families are under our control."

"So, everything you have is mine now. Do you think there is any meaning in what you say?" Lu Fei sneered.


Lu Fei's words hit Murray too hard. .??.??

If Roy heard this, he wouldn't believe it even if he were beaten to death.

Because Roy blindly believed that his family was invincible.

But Murray is much smarter than Roy.

After thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Tonight's action plan is very meticulous and strictly confidential.

He took sixty elite bodyguards and laid a dragnet in the woods.

This was a foolproof plan, but now he has become Lu Fei's prisoner inexplicably.

Obviously, his plan has already been seen through.

Murray also saw that the five bodyguards in black behind Lu Fei were obviously members of the Xiao family.

The Xiao family protects Lu Fei, and it is very likely that Lu Fei has joined forces with them.

Coupled with the disappearance of the clan leader and the turmoil in the family, the possibility of the Xiao family taking advantage of the situation is very high, so what Lu Fei said is probably true.

However, Murray was still a little confused. He looked at Lu Fei timidly and said nothing.


"It seems you still don't believe it."

"That's fine!"

"Since you are about to see God, I will follow you more

You reveal some. "

"Something happened in the villa where I stayed last night."

"You guys came here so eagerly, you probably don't care about me!"

"You don't have to deny it, I know who you care about."

"You are concerned about Mr. Jack, the housekeeper of the villa, right?"

"Why care about a butler, because Jack the butler has another identity."

"His real name is Thomas Holling, and he is the current patriarch of your Thomas family."

"Murray, am I right?" Lu Fei sneered.


When Murray heard this, he couldn't help but shudder. His sapphire eyes were full of fear.

"You, how do you know?"

"How did you know?"

"Could it be"

"That's right!"

"What happened in the villa last night was a prank directed by me."

"Actually, your patriarch and four female masters have been controlled by me."

"My brother Zhu Tianbao was not kidnapped at all, but you used this reason to threaten me and want to deal with me."

"I used a trick to meet Roy, so you were doomed to tragedy from the beginning." Lu Fei said.


Murray suddenly understood.

"Lu Fei, did you already know that Jack is our clan leader Huolin?" Murray asked in surprise.

"That's right!"

"So, you did it on purpose to show the secret of the Seven-Star Sword treasure map to the clan leader?"

"Completely correct."

"When did you start the operation last night?"

"Why didn't the monitoring equipment we deployed detect any unexpected situations? Could it be that your people tampered with it?"

"Congratulations, you can answer it quickly."

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