A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2169 Murray surrenders

When discussing with Ques before, Murray had suspected that Lu Fei knew that Jack was the patriarch.

But now that Lu Fei admitted it himself, Murray was still extremely surprised.


"I want to know, how did you know?" Murray asked nervously.


"How you know it is not important. What is important is that your family is finished."

"Your clan leader is no longer in Europe, and all the top leaders of your family are under my control."

"You no longer have anything to rely on."

"I let you know this, just hoping you can rest in peace."

"Now, you can choose how to die." .??.??

"I'll give you three options, the first one"


"Fei, spare me, I don't want to die."

"I'm not Roy, and I don't need to kill you."

"Besides, I can be of help to you!" Murray said tremblingly.


"What else can you help me with?"

"Is there anything else I need your help with?" Lu Fei asked lightly.

"Yes, yes!"

"Mr. Lu Fei, you said you have control over our family. I firmly believe this."

"Because I know you have this ability."

Murray wasn't entirely telling the truth.

He knew that Lu Fei was capable, but it was simply impossible to shake the Thomas family with Lu Fei's ability.

However, Murray could see that Lu Fei was very close to the Xiao family.

The Xiao family must be in control of the family, and Lu Fei must be working closely with the Xiao family.

Now Lu Fei doesn't talk about how he cooperates with the Xiao family, nor does he say what his relationship is with the Xiao family. Of course, Murray doesn't dare to ask more.

Murray paused and continued.

"What you control is only our family's territory and many of the family's top leaders."

"But all our family's wealth is scattered outside."

"I am the family's outsider. I can help you take care of your business, or I can slowly transfer the business to your name."

"These are legitimate businesses. Without my presence, you can only use coercion. It might cause an uproar and have a certain impact on your reputation."

"I believe this is what you don't want to see!"

"As long as you are willing to let me go, from now on, I will be loyal to you wholeheartedly and I will never dare to have any second thoughts." Murray said.

Lu Fei thought for a while and shook his head decisively.

"Although what you say makes sense, I can't believe you."

"Those are the wealth accumulated by your family. Can you willingly help me take care of them?"

"You probably won't believe it yourself."

"If I let you go, you will definitely organize forces to fight back against me. Then wouldn't I be asking for trouble?"

"Letting the tiger return to the mountain will hurt people. I, Lu Fei, am not that confused."

"That's it, Murray, just accept your fate!"

"The first option I give you is to hang yourself, the second option."

"no, do not want!"

Before Lu Fei finished speaking, Murray was already scared to death.

"Fei, please don't."

"I swear to God, I will never betray you."

"I have learned deeply about your methods and wisdom."

"Even if you lend me ten courages, I don't dare to betray you. Everything I say is true, I swear."

"Mr. Lu Fei, the elders of the family are stubborn and they will not compromise with you."

"Even if they compromise, outside business will not

It's something they can control. "

"And I can help you easily take control of all the family's property, and I will not reveal your identity."

"Please believe me, I will not let you down." Murray vowed.

Murray continued to reassure, and Lu Fei's expression finally softened a little.


"What you said makes sense."

"However, I still can't completely believe you. After all, you have dealt with me before."

"It's easy for me to believe you. I have a pill here, which is a chronic poison I developed myself."

Lu Fei said, taking out a small apricot-yellow pill and shaking it.

"You won't feel any discomfort after taking this pill, but if there is no antidote, you will die of organ failure in a year."

"If you work for me wholeheartedly, I will never treat you badly."

"In addition to giving you the antidote every year, I will give you the same treatment you received from your family before."

"On the surface, you are still well-dressed and well-fed. You don't have to look at anyone's face. You can even make some important decisions."

"You are only responsible for one person."

"Do you agree?" Lu Fei asked.

At this time, Murray had no choice but to do anything as long as he didn't die, so he agreed without hesitation.

Lu Fei asked Xiao Ma to untie him, and Murray swallowed Lu Fei's pills immediately.

After waiting for half a minute, I didn't feel any discomfort at all.

However, Murray did not dare to suspect that there was something wrong with Lu Fei's pills.

Among the entire family, Murray is the one who knows Lu Fei the most.

He knew that Lu Fei's superb medical skills were nothing short of miraculous, and at his level, it was absolutely possible to prepare such pills.

"Murray, you don't want

I was smart enough to find another doctor to test my pills. "

"If they can study it, then my reputation as a miracle doctor will be in vain."

"As long as you are sincere to me, I will never treat you badly."

"Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences."

"Remember, this is your only chance. If you fail to seize it, your end will be 10,000 times more miserable than Roy's." Lu Fei said sternly.

Speaking of Roy, Murray couldn't help but shiver, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

"Don't worry, I will never betray you." Murray promised.

"I hope what you said is true."

"Okay, now tell me, how do you plan to help me?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, boss."

Murray immediately changed his mind, and Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Boss, our family's business involves almost all industries, mainly in Europe."

"In addition, there are many industries in America, Asia and Africa."

"The most important of them are Baileys Bank under our family's name, as well as the European steel market, the Asian crude oil market and the diamond mines in Africa."

“In addition, there are multiple investment companies spread across the world.”

"In total, there are more than 900 companies, large and small."

"What I'm talking about are only companies directly under the family."

“There are also family affiliates.”

"For example, Count Witters' steel company, Ruixin Group, the Ristone Auction Company and Christie's that you participate in, etc., are all family subsidiaries."

“Such a company has more than a thousand family subsidiaries, also distributed around the world.”

"These companies operate independently, and our family provides them with convenience and channels, and they will give us a certain share of the stock."

"This is also one of the family's major sources of income."

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