A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2170 Huge heritage

Lu Fei was shocked after hearing Murray's introduction.

Nearly a thousand top companies and thousands of subsidiaries, how much wealth is this?

Lu Fei tried to think highly of them before, but now it seems that he still underestimates them too much.

The wealth that I am so proud of is nothing compared to them!

Even Lu Fei, a man of two generations, was dumbfounded by these huge family heritage.

It's really terrible.

However, the Thomas family is only the weakest of the three.

So what is the Robert family like?

How powerful is the strongest Xiao family?

Thinking of this, Lu Fei felt a little incredible.

At this time, Lu Fei thought of what Long Yun said before.

Long Yun said that even if the Xiao family is so powerful, it is not that simple to annex the Thomas family.

Even if we go all out, it will take at least a hundred years.

At first, Lu Fei sneered at what Long Yun said.

Thinking about it now, what Long Yun said didn't have any water in it.

If he hadn't kidnapped the Thomas family patriarch Huo Lin by chance, and then took care of the three elders and Roy, it would be a wishful thinking to shake the foundation of the Thomas family.

It seems that being able to capture the Thomas family base in one fell swoop today is completely a gift from God!

"Murray, are these your family's entire industries you are talking about?" Lu Fei asked.

The arrogant Thomas Murray was so shocked by Lu Fei's cruel methods that he completely succumbed.

Now that he was forced to take the poison pill given by Lu Fei again, Murray did not dare to have any more evil thoughts and devoted himself wholeheartedly to please Lu Fei.

The title has also been changed from the original Mr. Lu Fei to Boss, and I dare not hide anything anymore.

Murray shook his head.

"Of course it's not just these. What I just mentioned are the main industries and main subsidiaries."

“The income of these industries and affiliated companies accounts for about 70% of the total

right. "

"This 70% is the family's annual net income."

"Less than 30% of the remaining investment is made up of small, silent investments, which are more widely distributed."

"The profits from these companies are basically enough to cover all the family's annual expenses," Murray said.


Damn it!

too exaggerated.

"Then let me ask you, how much money do you have in your family account?"


"Sorry, I'm not particularly clear either."

"The clan leader has always been in charge of family accounts, and other elders are responsible for supervision."

"I have just been promoted to elder and have not yet been able to get involved in these core secrets."

"But based on my understanding of the family's operations, the savings won't be too much."

"Because the family needs to expand its power and expand its business scope."

"A large part of the annual net income is used for investment, and a part is used to bribe and control officials and local forces in various places."

"Only in this way can the family develop stably and its future profits will be higher and higher."

"According to my estimation, the family's current savings will not exceed 8 trillion U.S. dollars."


When this number was reported, Xiao Ma was so frightened that he almost spat out blood. Even Lu Fei, who had lived for two generations, could not help but tremble.

Good guy!

Not much, only about eight trillion dollars?

Damn it!

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

If you have so much money and want to continue to expand, what are you going to do?

Lu Fei tried his best to control his emotions, but on the surface he still seemed to be in peace.

Such calmness surprised Murray.

Murray thought to himself, no wonder Lu Fei is so difficult to deal with.

This kind of maturity and stability is indeed not something ordinary people can achieve!

"Murray, you just said you would help us operate these industries. What are you going to do?" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss, I have two suggestions regarding this."

"tell me the story."

Lu Fei handed Murray a cigarette, and the latter took it with both hands, his face full of compliments and flattery.

At this moment, the arrogant and domineering genius of the Thomas family is gone, and Murray has vividly interpreted his identity as a lackey and slave.

Despite this, Murray was not aggrieved at all.

Because he knew that he could only do this, otherwise he would die.

And the appearance of death will not be much better than that of Roy.

"thank you boss!"

"Boss, let me tell you my suggestions. If there is something wrong, please don't be angry."

"But it doesn't matter."


"Now the top family members and all direct members are under the control of the boss."

"You could say the foundation of the family is gone."

“However, because family industries are numerous and widely distributed, and many similar types of industries have cooperation with each other.”

“Changing the ownership of all these companies cannot be done overnight.”

"As for the family's subsidiaries, it's even more difficult to operate."

"The reason why those companies become subsidiaries of the family and are willing to give shares to the family is not only because of the family's strength, but also because they are afraid of our family."

"Now that the shares are being exchanged, they may not be able to deter them, so if they are not fully guaranteed, there will be some problems."

"Even if it can be operated smoothly, the cycle will be very long.

long. "

"Besides, it might lead to negative consequences."

"Now these companies are already on track. A sudden change of owners will inevitably affect normal operations."

"So many companies combined will definitely cause very large losses."

"So I think try not to force ownership changes on these companies," Murray said.

"Then do you have any better suggestions?" Lu Fei asked.


"I have always taken care of the family's external affairs."

"As long as I am here, these industries and affiliated companies will never dare to explode."

"As long as you, boss, can trust me, I suggest that we continue to operate step by step."

"All companies remain as they are, and I am responsible for taking care of them to ensure that profits are getting higher and higher."

"Now that I have taken the pills given by my boss, I will never have any second thoughts about my boss. If you still don't believe me, you can send someone to supervise me at all times."

"I am also considering the interests of the boss. I ask the boss to think twice before making any move." Murray said sincerely.

Lu Fei nodded slightly, acquiescing to Murray's statement.

He was right, it would be very difficult to forcibly take back those properties.

If you want to completely control those industries, you must replace your confidants in important positions.

More than a thousand companies need to replace at least tens of thousands of talents.

Where can we find so many talented people?

This is simply not possible.

As for those affiliated companies, they are even smarter than monkeys.

They don't dare to challenge the Thomas family, but after the share replacement, they may not be afraid anymore.

The shares are protected by law, and nothing will happen to them on the surface, but they will definitely do things behind the scenes.

Sooner or later, these are hidden dangers. Once they break out, they will be out of control and the losses will be quite serious.

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