A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2171 The transaction remains unchanged

The first method Murray mentioned is obviously the last resort.

If implemented, it will cause very serious losses.

If we confront the Thomas family head-on and defeat them, we can only use this method to absorb all their companies and shares.

But things are different now.

What happened tonight will be kept strictly confidential, and the Xiao family will be on guard outside, so it will never be spread out.

Now that he has complete control over Murray, he can use his identity to continue running all Thomas family businesses.

The outside world does not know that the Thomas family exists in name only and is still wary of Murray, so all businesses will surely develop steadily.

This is a surefire strategy.

In fact, this is what Lu Fei wants to see most.

Leaving Murray behind and letting this guy see him deal with Roy was just to shock Murray.

To put it bluntly, everything Lu Fei did to Roy was done to show Murray.

The purpose is to completely defeat his willpower so that he can be completely controlled.

Therefore, Roy became a miserable prop, and Lu Fei completely achieved his goal.

Murray's willpower has been destroyed, and with the blessing of the so-called poison pill, he will never dare to have second thoughts about himself.

In this way, Lu Fei can rest assured that he will continue to supervise and manage all the family business as the genius of the Thomas family.

Of course, Lu Fei will definitely send someone he can trust to supervise Murray.

As for this candidate, Lu Fei has already made a decision.

All that's left now is to "divide the spoils" with my mother.

Although Xiao Tingfang is his biological mother, this is only the identity of mother and son.

After not seeing her for many years, Lu Fei didn't understand his mother's character at all.

Lu Fei believed that his mother would not harm him, but his two lifetime experiences told him that it was essential to be on guard against others, and it was safest to keep his strength firmly in his own hands.

Lu Fei was shocked by the Thomas family's heritage and wealth.

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