A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2173 Staying behind

The video conference began, and her mother Xiao Tingfang praised Lu Fei's wit and courage.

Of course, this is all just talk.

Next comes the main event, "dividing the spoils"!

Lu Fei proposed that he only wanted all the collections of the Thomas family, but of course his mother would not agree.

After nearly an hour of humility, both parties finally reached an agreement.

The Xiao family only has Thomas Hollin, the patriarch of the Thomas family, and the Thomas family's seven-star sword.

As for all the industries and subsidiary companies under their family, they are all owned by Lu Fei.

Murray said that all the Thomas family's funds are in the hands of Holling, totaling more than eight trillion dollars.

If my mother wants Huolin, of course these funds belong to the Xiao family.

Although eight trillion sounds scary, it is just a fortune after all.

Compared with the industries under the Thomas family, it is simply not worth mentioning.

These industries are money trees. Only by winning these industries can money continue to roll in.

Such a decision was obviously a gain for Lu Fei.

Xiao Tingfang didn't care about this.

"What's this little property?"

"You are my only son, and the entire Xiao family will be yours in the future."

"Now I give you these industries to give you some experience in operating them properly."

"Only by accumulating enough experience can we master the huge Xiao family in the future."

When his mother said this, Lu Fei certainly couldn't refuse.

Later, my mother proposed to let Long Yun stay in Europe to assist Lu Fei, but Lu Fei rejected it.

The reason is that he has Murray under his control, and with Murray in the front office, there will be no problems.

At this point, Lu Fei's strength instantly increased countless times, and he successfully became the top being in the world.

After operating steadily for more than ten years, Lu Fei believes that it will not be a problem to surpass the Robert family.

After the division of the spoils was over, my mother asked Long Yun and others to go out, leaving Lu Fei alone in the room.

Lu Fei knew that his mother had something secret to tell him.

"Xiao Fei, when do you think it is safest for us to attack the Robert family?" Xiao Tingfang asked.


I have to say, my mother’s ambition is really big!

Of course, Lu Fei also understood.

From her perspective, the greater the strength of the Xiao family, the better.

When the three pillars were standing before, the Xiao family was planning to attack the other two families to expand their territory.

If Lu Fei hadn't stopped him, the Xiao family would have started taking action long ago.

Now that the Thomas family has been eliminated, the morale of the Xiao family has reached its peak. This is undoubtedly the best opportunity to attack the Robert family.

But for Lu Fei, this may not be a good thing.

Human desires are endless.

Now that my mother is so ambitious, Lu Fei can't even imagine what her mentality will be like after taking over the Robert family.

By annexing these two major families, the Xiao family's power will cover the entire world.

By that time, no matter who it is, their mentality will be extremely inflated.

When your mentality changes, your personality will also change.

There are countless such examples in history.

By then, what will Mom do to these old subordinates?

What will be the attitude towards China?

How we treat ourselves is still unknown!

This is only one aspect of the potential crisis, and there are many, many other unknown factors.

It is easy to conquer a country but difficult to sit on it.

If you are not careful, you may end up making wedding clothes for others.

These are not what Lu Fei wants to see.

However, Lu Fei's opinion may not be able to influence my mother's will, so talking too much is not good.

"Mom, I don't think it's easy to act too hastily in dealing with the Robert family at the moment."


They have just annexed the Thomas family. The Robert family does not know this news. This is a good opportunity for us. "

"What we need most now is to stabilize the situation and smooth out all the situations, and then we can study other things."

"The day after tomorrow I will trade the seven-star sword with Wade. In this way, their family will have three swords."

"Of course, they won't know that these three knives are all fake."

"So, the Robert family is not a problem at all, and we won't have any scruples in dealing with them."

"In order to avoid unnecessary losses, I think we should wait for a suitable opportunity." ??

"Just like the opportunity to deal with the Thomas family yesterday."

"When the opportunity comes, we go straight to Huanglong without losing any blood. This is the best strategy."

"Of course, this is all my personal opinion and is only for your reference." Lu Fei said.


Mom's smile spread wide, and she seemed to be more than ten years younger at this moment.

"My son is just smart and thinks exactly the same as my mother."

"The Robert family thought that with three seven-star knives, they could compete with our Xiao family."

"As everyone knows, their three knives are completely meaningless."

"Their family is no threat to us at all, not even as good as the Thomas family before."

"But they don't know all this."

"If you continue to trade with them, on the one hand, you can weaken their family's strength."

"After getting three knives, their family must have forgotten their past."

"With an inflated mentality, we will then relax our vigilance and be full of loopholes, and our opportunity will come."

"It would be best to be like the Thomas family and master the foundation of their family without anyone noticing. This will make it much easier to handle their family's assets and reduce unnecessary losses."

"So, we're not in a hurry right now."

\u003e "In the future, you should have more contact with Wade, so that you can better seize the opportunity."

"When the time comes, the Robert family will be annexed, and all the property of their family will be put under your control."

"Mom firmly believes that you will not let me down." Xiao Tingfang said.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will try my best to seize the opportunity."


"One more thing. Currently, all five Seven-Star Swords have been collected."

"You should come back sometime and find all the treasure maps."

"When the time comes, Mom will ask you to take charge to find Yuan Meng's ultimate treasure."

"After the treasure is opened, it is time for you to take charge of the Xiao family."

"Mom is a female, and she is in charge of such a huge family. She has more than enough ambition but not enough power!"

"Leave it to you, mom, don't worry, it's time for me to take care of myself." Xiao Tingfang said.

"Okay, after finishing the matter at hand, I'll go back right away."

Lu Fei said this, but he had other thoughts in his heart.

Mom, mom.

Regardless of whether you mean what you say or not, I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time.

You would never have thought in your wildest dreams that the Seven Stars National Treasure Sword is not five at all.

Also, the five maps in your hand are not real.

It’s not that your son is hiding it from you on purpose, it’s really because he is on guard against others!

We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, and my son doesn't understand your character at all.

But after we met, you sent me a huge satellite and told me that you were the helmsman of the huge Xiao family.

This information was really shocking to my son.

Being able to take charge of such a large family requires a ruthless person who cannot control it at all.

Just in case, the son must leave a backup plan.

Otherwise, if an accident happens, my relatives and friends and I will be in a desperate situation!

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