A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2174 Living a good life

After dividing the spoils, Lu Fei was in a good mood.

After chatting with Long Yun and others for a while, Lu Fei said goodbye.

When they got outside, Xiao Ma and Lu Fei hailed a taxi and drove towards the city.

After getting in the car, Lu Fei immediately called Mr. Xu and asked him to come over to supervise Murray and handle the affairs here.

Now that the Thomas family has been destroyed, and enemies like Zhao Yuanchao from China have been arrested one after another, there is no threat to Jincheng for the time being, and Mr. Xu can escape.

The second brother has rich experience, handles things calmly and seasonedly, and is his absolute confidant.

With him in charge of Europe, Lu Fei is absolutely at ease.

Of course, it’s not just Mr. Xu himself.

One after another, Lu Fei will arrange for Gao Yuan and Wang Xinyi to come over.

The three of them are enough to stabilize the situation.

In addition, it is somewhat awkward for Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang to get along together.

Transferring her to Europe will not only give full play to her advantages, but also ease internal relations as much as possible. It is definitely a good way to get the best of both worlds.

As for their safety, it's not an issue.

With the Zhulong team members from Europe secretly protecting us, and having transferred some retired Wulong special forces soldiers, we will be absolutely foolproof.

When Mr. Xu heard this, he was extremely excited.

Arrange the things at hand immediately and fly over on the same day.

After hanging up the second brother's call, Gao Yuan's call came in immediately.

Chang'an's investigation into Jiang Xinyu came to fruition.

Gao Yuan investigated according to the method Lu Fei gave him, starting from the roadside fortune-telling stalls.

As a result, this trick worked quite well.

Chang'an was the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, with numerous Taoist temples.

Nowadays, fortune telling is one of the main sources of income for Taoist temples and temples.

However, because Taoist temples and temples charge high fees and have a lot of tricks to promote consumption, tourists are intimidated.

As a result, some grass-roots fortune-telling masters set up fortune-telling stalls outside the temple. Because the prices were fair, the business was quite prosperous.


However, most of the hexagram stalls outside are also charlatans and have only a superficial knowledge of hexagram techniques. Asking them will definitely lead to no results.

However, this cannot be difficult for Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan has traveled around the world for many years and is quite good at judging people.

Whether he is an expert or not, Gao Yuan can recognize him at a glance.

At the gate of Qinglong Temple, Gao Yuan met six real experts.

Although the levels vary, they are all inherited classical hexagram techniques and are definitely not deceptive.

Moreover, these six are all old men in their seventies or above. This age just meets Gao Yuan's conditions.

Gao Yuan was not disappointed, so he asked the second old man and got the answer.

Calculate the heaven and earth and calculate the universe.

Ask about disaster and ask about future.

The fortune teller Yuan family is quite famous in Chang'an, northwest China.

Especially in the Gua master industry, it is second to none.

Although these old fortune tellers have never met anyone from the Yuan family, the Yuan family has long been a legend in the industry.

When these old men were studying, the teachers often talked about the Yuan family, so they not only understood the Yuan family, but also admired them very much.

Gao Yuan asked about the Yuan family, and the old man was even more talkative.

According to the old man, the Yuan family was lonely during the Republic of China.

The specific reason is unclear, but no top divination master from the Yuan family appeared again.

If you ask other people about the Yuan family, you may not be able to find clues, but if you ask this old man, you will find the right person.

The old man's name is Zhang Jicheng. Coincidentally, his teacher had received orthodox guidance from the Yuan family back then, which improved his attainments.

What's even more coincidental is that Zhang Jicheng's home is on the same street as the Yuan family's old house.

Zhang Jicheng said,

The Yuan family is lonely not because the Yuan family has no descendants, but because the descendants of the Yuan family are not talented enough in this area and cannot achieve the achievements of their ancestors.

Therefore, in recent decades, the quality of life of the Yuan family has not been as good as before.

It is not as good as before, but it is much better than ordinary people, because the Yuan family left a lot of property, enough for future generations to squander.

Although there are no difficulties in life, the Yuan family is not very prosperous.

Speaking of this, it is linked to cause and effect.

Professions like fortune-telling and geomancers, which read Feng Shui, inevitably reveal secrets.

It doesn't matter once or twice, but over time, the little things add up, and the cause and effect will come.

Therefore, industries such as Gua Master and Earth Master are not very prosperous.

There are even many people who are blind, short-lived, and homeless.

The Yuan family in Chang'an is a typical example.

In the previous generation, the Yuan family only had one bloodline, and it was a girl.

This shows that the Yuan family, the fortune teller of Chang'an, has completely broken off its inheritance.

This girl's name is Yuan Caifeng. Although she is not talented in the field of fortune telling, she is quite smart.

I was a super academic when I was in school. After graduation, I took care of the family business in an orderly manner.

In the late 1990s, Yuan Caifeng integrated and sold the Yuan family's businesses and established Fengming Real Estate Development Company.

Over the past few years, the business has been booming, and the total assets are among the best in Chang'an City.

Later, Yuan Caifeng married one of her college classmates, a professor named Jiang.

Unfortunately, her husband died of cancer after only five years of marriage.

More than ten years have passed now. Yuan Caifeng's business is getting bigger and bigger, but she has not taken another step forward. She only devotes herself to cultivating her only daughter.

Asked about Yuan Caifeng's daughter's information, the old man didn't know much.

But that was enough for Gao Yuan.

Needless to say, Yuan Caifeng is a descendant of the Yuan family, and Jiang Xinyu, who Lu Fei asked him to investigate, is Yuan Caifeng's only daughter.

Next, Gao Yuan went to Fengming Real Estate Company to investigate, and it turned out to be exactly what he had guessed.

What surprised Gao Yuan was that Yuan Caifeng was indeed a business wizard.

She not only owns this real estate company, but also owns many entity companies with total assets exceeding tens of billions, and is quite famous in the local area.

Jiang Xinyu is Yuan Caifeng's daughter, and she is a super rich second generation.

As for Jiang Xinyu's fortune telling ability, it can only be said to be her personal talent.

Although Jiang Xinyu is not named Yuan, she is Yuan Caifeng's only daughter and the only descendant of the Yuan family.

It is not surprising that Yuan Caifeng passed on the ancestral fortune-telling skills to her daughter.

"Brother, what do we do now?"

"Do you want to clarify your relationship with Yuan Caifeng?" Gao Yuan asked.

Lu Fei shook his head.

"Need not!"

"The reason why we want to find the descendants of these elders is to let them live a good life."

"Since Yuan Caifeng lives a worry-free life, we don't want to cause any trouble to their mother and daughter."

"I'll ask Mr. Duan to take care of Yuan Caifeng's business later. When there are difficulties, we can just lend a helping hand."

"As for Jiang Xinyu, I can ask the two girls to take more care of her."

"If this child wants to join our company after she graduates in the future, then let her do whatever she wants!" Lu Fei said.

"You're right, I think so too."

"It's rare!"

"The descendants of our elders finally have a good life."

"Then I will go back to Jincheng now?" Gao Yuan said.

"You don't have to go back to Jincheng. You can contact your second brother and come to London with him."

"There is a broader platform for you here."

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