A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2175 Repaying evil with kindness

The descendants of the fortune teller Yuan Cheng had no worries about food and clothing, and Lu Fei was relieved.

Close your eyes and say silently in your mind.

"Brother Yuan Cheng, I'm sorry for you."

"You are indeed not bragging, you are really the descendant of the fortune teller!"

"When our brothers meet in the underworld in the future, I will definitely apologize to you in person."

"Your descendants are living a good life now, and you, Izumi Youzhi, can feel at ease."

"I will always pay attention to their mother and daughter. If necessary, I will do my best to help them and ensure that they are not bullied."

"That's all my brother can do, please forgive me."

After hanging up Gao Yuan's phone, the car had already driven into the city.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei dialed Caroline's phone number again.

The phone rang for less than a second before Caroline's sweet voice came.

"Good morning, Mr. Lu Fei!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let you off yesterday. I really have something important to do."

"Are you busy today?"

"If you're not busy, I'll treat you to dinner as an apology." Caroline said.

The reason why Lu Fei called Caroline was not because he was greedy for Caroline's beauty.

Lu Fei has never been a lustful person, otherwise he would not be where he is today.

Having two confidantes was enough to comfort him for the rest of his life, and Lu Fei didn't dare to ask for too much.

I called her because I had a good impression of her.

Although she accepted the threat from the Thomas family and planned to deal with herself, she failed to achieve her goal after all.

In addition, the reason why she did this was because she had no choice but to do so.

Generally speaking, Caroline is kind-hearted by nature, and Lu Fei doesn't want the haze to accompany her for the rest of her life.

"Caroline, I'm calling you because I have something important to tell you."

"Is it convenient for you to answer the call now?" Lu Fei asked.

“Convenient, very convenient.”

"Please tell me if there is any need for Caroline's help, I will do my best."

Caroline said.

"No need to help, I'm leaving London soon."


"Are you leaving?" Caroline asked in surprise.


"Before I leave, there's something I need to tell you."

"The conflict between me and the Thomas family has been resolved. You and your father are safe."

"Tomorrow noon at the latest, Thomas Murray will go to re-sign the contract with your father."

"From now on, no one will interfere with your father's business."

"But you'd better remind your father."

“When doing business, you must act within your capabilities and never be too ambitious.”

"If a similar situation occurs again, no one can help you."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, there was silence on the phone.

But Lu Fei could hear Caroline's rapid breathing and subtle sobbing.

Lu Fei did not hang up the phone and waited quietly.

It took half a minute before Caroline's weak voice came.

"Mr. Lu Fei, do you know everything?"


"Why don't you blame me?" Caroline asked weakly.

"What if it's your fault?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"I took advantage of our friendship, and I'm sorry for you." Caroline cried softly.

"Forget it, there is no irreversible situation, so I don't care."

"I'm calling you just so you don't feel stressed."

"Also, I want to warn you that there is nothing wrong with being kind-hearted, but kindness does not mean being without scheming."

"Also, don't take it easy

Believe anyone, no matter what happens, you must have your own judgment. "

"Your best friend Evelin is not worth dating. She has already taken refuge with Roy."

"Now that I've told you everything, it's up to you to decide what to do next."


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Caroline's head was about to explode.

how so?

Why is it happening like that?

Evelin is my most trusted best friend, how could she betray me?

Caroline had no doubts about what Lu Fei said, because Lu Fei had no need to deceive her at all.

Moreover, if Lu Fei can say it directly, he must have absolute evidence.

Thinking of her best friend betraying her and spying on her everywhere, Caroline's heart was as broken as ice and she was extremely desperate.

"Mr. Lu Fei, thank you for helping me, thank you for telling me this."

"I think I know what to do," said Caroline.


"so be it!"


"Wait a moment!"

"Mr. Lu Fei, can we still be friends?" Caroline asked eagerly.

There was silence on the phone for three seconds, then there was a sigh, and Lu Fei had hung up the phone.

On the other side, Caroline was holding her phone in both hands and tears were streaming down her face.

Forced by threats, he colluded with the Thomas family to frame Lu Fei.

Lu Fei used evil to help him get rid of the nightmare of the Thomas family, and also helped him find the traitor Evelin.

This is great news for Caroline and her father.

However, despite the good news, an important friend was lost.

Thinking of Lu Fei's kindness to her, Caroline burst into tears.

Back at Wade's villa, Lu Fei told

He, Tianbao, has been rescued.

It was the secret help of the Thomas family that eliminated the kidnappers.

Only by saying this would Wade not doubt it.

At the same time, it also puts pressure on Wade from another aspect.

The Thomas family helped Lu Fei with all their strength. They took the initiative to show their goodwill to Lu Fei and wanted to continue trading with Lu Fei.

But Lu Fei rejected them and decided to trade with Wade, which was to give Wade a huge face.

If the Robert family fails to meet Lu Fei's requirements, Lu Fei will definitely terminate the cooperation unceremoniously.

Wade is extremely smart and certainly understands this.

He repeatedly promised Lu Fei that he was as flattering as Lu Fei's little brother.

In the following time, Lu Fei did not leave Wade's villa.

Wade began to arrange how to safely leave London and fly back to Hong Kong Island.

In fact, Lu Fei was not in any danger at this moment.

But of course Lu Fei would not tell Wade and let him do whatever he wanted.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, five cars drove out of Wade's villa at the same time.

Arriving on the main road, the five cars immediately dispersed and drove in all directions.

Of course Wade, Lu Fei and Xiao Ma were also in one of the cars.

Their car kept driving south.

After about fifteen kilometers, we entered the underground garage of a shopping mall.

Two minutes later, four more cars drove out of the garage at the same time.

We got on the road and separated again.

After doing this three times, Wade felt relieved and ordered the driver to drive to the adjacent urban area.

Lu Fei gave Wade a thumbs up in his heart.

This guy is indeed smart and his ideas are extremely clever.

Even if he is not out of danger, such a torment can still confuse the Thomas family.

Trying to determine which car they were in was like finding a needle in a haystack, it was too difficult.

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