A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2176 Unconventional Operations

Wade led Lu Fei to turn left and right, and an hour later, he appeared in a mansion next to the airport in a neighboring city.

After a while, the bodyguard delivered two forged documents and tickets.

It would have been impossible for anyone else to use forged documents to get through, but Wade really did it.

Lu Fei gave a thumbs up and a heartfelt thumbs up.

"Wade, you are so awesome."


"Actually, this is nothing. Strictly speaking, this is not a fake document."


"How do you say this?" Lu Fei asked curiously.

"Now my and your passports and documents are actually all genuine."

"It's just done in a different place."

"For example, I am an American national and my name is Robert Wade."

"But, this is just a certificate of my American citizenship."

"This document was issued by me using Argentinian citizenship, and my name is Jason Mari."

"This is my true identity, and it is recognized wherever I go."

"I have many documents like this."

"Not only me, but also other members of our family, including the Thomas family of the Xiao family."

“With multiple nationalities, it’s safer to do things outside,” Wade said.


"Can it still be done like this?"

Lu Fei was really surprised this time.

This kind of operation simply subverted Lu Fei's cognition.

He had never thought about it before.

Even the little puppy has never done anything similar to him.

If according to what Wade said, he could get different real identities, it would be much more convenient to do things outside.

"Of course, most people can't do it."

"But for us, this is not a difficult task." Wade said with a slight satisfaction.

Lu Fei picked up his passport and looked at it


The name on it is Quinrio. If you look carefully, the steel stamps and anti-counterfeiting marks are all very natural. Obviously, your passport is also genuine.

"Wade, what's wrong with me?"

"This seems to be true." Lu Fei asked.

"of course it's true."

"This is the Brazilian nationality and passport I temporarily asked someone to apply for for you."

"Using this to board the plane, it is a dream for the Thomas family to find Lu Fei's boarding information."

"Holy shit!"

"Out of nowhere, you arranged a Brazilian citizenship for me."

"When did this happen? Why didn't I know?" Lu Fei asked.


"My friend, please forgive me for not consulting you in advance."

"This was done temporarily on the day you asked me to escort you back to Hong Kong Island."

"If you don't like it, just think of it as a temporary means."

"After you return to Hong Kong Island, I can help you revoke it in minutes, and no one will find out." Wade said.

Of course Lu Fei likes such a cool operation.

However, he cannot be like Wade.

I am a citizen of China, and the people of China are quite sensitive in this regard.

It doesn't matter for ordinary people to operate like this, but I am different. I am a public figure, and the many properties under my name are all taxable to China.

If someone finds out that he has the nationality of another country, it is no joke.

When the time comes, I will label myself as making money in China and going abroad to make money, and something big will definitely happen.

If the trouble comes to the senior leaders, it will be even more unbearable!

Lu Fei’s roots are in China, and he has Chinese blood flowing through him.

, he never thought of betraying his motherland.

Even though Zhao Yuanchao, Deng Xinhua and other idiots tried every means to persecute him, Lu Fei never thought of leaving.

Therefore, no matter how awesome this convenience is, Lu Fei will not accept it.

"Wade, this identity really doesn't suit me."

"As soon as you get to Hong Kong Island, ask someone to revoke it for me."

"If anything like this happens again in the future, you must discuss it with me in advance, otherwise I will be very angry." Lu Fei said with a serious face.


"Don't worry, it won't happen next time."

"I am also considering your safety. After all, the Thomas family has too many tricks to guard against!"

"I promise you, we'll do it as soon as we get to Hong Kong Island."

"It'll be done in two hours at most."

"And, I promise, God knows that you know and I know about this matter, and I will never leak even a single bit of it."

Lu Fei nodded.

"That's pretty much it."

"By the way, there's one more thing I've been wanting to ask you."

Lu Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp, which made Wade's hair stand on end.

"If there is anything else, you can just say it. As long as I can do it, I will try my best." Wade said.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and continued to stare at Wade.

After watching for more than ten seconds, Lu Fei spoke.

"Wade, we are all smart people, there is no need to act."

"After we traded the first Seven-Star Knife, do you know why I immediately posted the photo of the second knife on Weibo?" Lu Fei asked.


Wade thought for a moment, smiled and shook his head.

"I really don't understand. In fact, I'm also curious."

"Why exactly?"



Quite simply, to protect yourself. " Lu Fei said.

Hearing this, Wade frowned.

"Fei, what do you mean?"

"If anyone wants to harm you, just tell me."

"We are friends, and my family and I will always stand by your side." Wade said seriously.


Lu Fei burst out laughing, which made Wade feel uncomfortable all over.

"Fei, don't laugh, what I said is true."

Lu Fei smiled and waved his hand.

"Wade, we have been in contact for more than a year."

"I met you through Jean, but we had more contact with each other than Jean."

"We have experienced a lot over the past year. I know you and you know me."

"Whether either of us wants to deceive the other, it's not easy to do so."

"Tell you the truth!"

"After trading the first knife with you, I received reliable information that your family was preparing to deal with me."

"Because your family thinks I am too greedy."

"Not only have you lost your interests, but your so-called dignity has been challenged. Therefore, your great Robert family cannot tolerate me and must retaliate against me severely and even deprive me of everything."

"That's why I took out another knife and used this knife to scare your family so that you don't dare to think anything wrong about me."

"Once you go against me, you will never have the chance to get this seven-star sword in my hand." Lu Fei said lightly.


Wade took a breath of air and his expression changed rapidly. He was obviously too surprised by Lu Fei's words.

This was indeed how the family arranged it at that time.

If Lu Fei hadn't revealed another knife, the family would have been eager to attack Lu Fei.

But this is top secret, how did Lu Fei know?

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