In the video, the shapes of Mantou Mountain and the woods were almost exactly the same as those depicted on the map, and Lu Fei was filled with excitement.

But Lu Fei still suppressed his excitement and continued reading.

The video passes through the woods, and in front of us is the most important Valley of Immortality.

In the video, the vegetation on both sides of the Changsheng Valley is dense. Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like two rectangular pieces of jasper, extremely beautiful.

In the valley, the mist is thick and misty, giving the entire valley a mysterious coat.

Despite the fog, the broad outline of the valley was clearly visible.

The large outline of the "A" shape and the eleven sources of fog are almost 90% similar to those depicted on the map. ??

That’s right!

Seeing this, Lu Fei was 100% sure.

The location depicted on the gold foil map is indeed the Xue family's medicine garden!

After confirming this, Lu Fei was trembling with excitement.

He took out the cigarette, but the lighter in his right hand couldn't light up.

Lu Fei couldn't help but be excited.

For the ultimate treasure of Yuanmeng, the three major families have been searching for nearly a thousand years.

There have been countless overt and covert battles, and countless gods have died for this treasure.

But none of them got what they wanted.

On the other hand, Lu Fei, a man of two generations, found the hiding place of the ultimate treasure in less than two years. He even used only six maps to complete this almost impossible task.

This is not only luck, but also extraordinary wisdom and profound knowledge.

These factors are indispensable, but fortunately, Lu Fei possesses them all, which is indeed something to be proud of.

After calming down for more than ten minutes, Lu Fei's cigarette was finally lit.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei took out the gold melting furnace with a smile on his face and destroyed the gold foil map.

The ultimate location is found and the map loses its value.

If this thing is left with you, it will be a landmine. If it explodes, the consequences will be disastrous.

Rather than doing this, it is better to destroy it directly and let

All those who were looking forward to the treasure gave up their thoughts.

From today on, no one in this world can collect all seven Seven-Star Swords.

Only Lu Fei knows the ultimate treasure of Yuan Meng's conquest of Eurasia.

This is the safest.

Putting away the Seven Star Knife and all the tools, Lu Fei immediately called Xue Meimei again.

"Meimei, arrange some rooms for me, and we can go there and play for a few days tomorrow."

"We're just going to relax, so don't notify your grandpa."

"He is very busy, so I won't waste his time." Lu Fei said.


"Let me just say, the beautiful scenery we have here will definitely attract your sister and your wife."

"Don't worry, there are plenty of rooms. I will arrange the best one for them."

"Don't forget to bring me a gift!" Meimeijiao said with a smile.

puff! !

"There's no problem with the gift, but my brother has to give you a suggestion."

"I take the initiative to give you a gift, but if you shamelessly ask for it from me, that's blackmail."

"The latter will make people very uncomfortable." Lu Fei complained.

"Hi hi!"

"We are all members of our own family, are you tired of having so many things to do?"

"I won't talk nonsense to you. I'm going to arrange a room for you."

Without any explanation, Xue Meimei hung up the phone, jumped up and laughed excitedly in the next second, and then jumped out like a little swallow.

At the Hong Kong Island Airport, on a large transport plane, Lu Fei walked into the warehouse side by side with Wade, holding a cigar in his mouth.

In the cargo hold, densely packed packaging boxes are neatly arranged.

That unique quaint atmosphere, that is

Even through the packaging box, Lu Fei could smell it.

Lu Fei is super sensitive to this smell. When he smells this smell, Lu Fei gets excited from the bottom of his heart.

That kind of joy is even worse than when a girl smells the world's top perfume.

"Fei, 70,000 pieces of China's treasures, not a lot of them. You can unbox and inspect them now."

"In addition, I know that you like to collect red wine, so I asked my father to prepare three hundred boxes of the world's top collector's edition red wine for you."

"Every bottle that I take out is the highlight of the auction!" Wade said with a smile.

Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Wade, you are interested."

"I just like to cooperate with you, it's fun, don't worry!"


"Of course, we are friends, and we will continue to work together to make a fortune together in the future. I will definitely not cheat you."

"You can rest assured about my character."

"Each of these 70,000 collections is the best of the best and will definitely meet your requirements."

"You can unbox it now and check it out. I guarantee you will be satisfied." Wade said.

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"There's no need for random checks. I said, I believe you."

"Of course, you won't lie to me."

"These treasures are not even a drop in the bucket for your family. There is no need for you to lie to me."

"You know, it's not worth it to make me unhappy."


"Fei, you're still overthinking it. We didn't intend to pass it off as a shoddy product from the beginning."

"We are friends, and friends must be honest with each other, otherwise how can we have fun?" Wade laughed.


"You're right to the point."

"By the way, I still

I have a favor to ask of you. "

"I want to transport these things back to Jincheng. Because of my identity, it is not convenient for me to come forward, so I have to ask you to help me deliver them."

"Is this okay?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course it's no problem. I've considered this and made arrangements for you a long time ago."

"Tonight, I will ensure that it is delivered to you safely. You can just arrange for someone to receive it in Jincheng."


"This is why I am willing to cooperate with you."

"By the way, China is no better than other countries. You must be careful and keep a low profile and don't attract other people's ideas."

"Otherwise, it won't be good for me or you, do you understand?"


"You can rest assured that I will take care of things."

"If something happens before I can safely hand over to your people, it will be mine." Wade promised.


"I've been waiting for your words!"

"I've already made arrangements for Jincheng."

"After receiving everything safely, the Seven-Star Knife will be yours. I will find someone to deliver it to you."

"Don't worry, if you treat me as a friend, of course I won't cheat you."

"Fei, you are too worried, of course I am relieved."

“Happy to work with!”

The two big hands held each other tightly, and this transaction was basically completed perfectly.

With the strength of the Robert family, delivering the goods safely to Jincheng is a piece of cake.

Even if something unexpected happened on the way, it would still be their loss, so Lu Fei didn't feel any psychological pressure.

Over at Jincheng, Wang Xinlei had already rushed back.

Lu Fei made careful arrangements. As long as the goods entered the museum vault safely, it would be absolutely safe.

After a period of time, the treasures from London will be transported back and a world exhibition hall will be opened, which will ensure that the old guys in the Chinese collecting community will be shocked to lose their dentures.

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