A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2187 Huge Profits

On the way out of the airport, Wade sat next to Lu Fei with a smile on his face.


"How do you feel about the taste of today's cigar?"

Lu Fei looked at the cigarette and nodded with satisfaction.

"It tastes really good, much better than what you gave me before."


"There's no trademark on it, is it a custom-made one?" Lu Fei asked.


"you guessed right."

"This is the newest breed."

"It is a new generation of tobacco leaves grafted with top-quality tobacco leaves and a kind of vanilla."

"After more than ten years of research and development, the first batch of tobacco leaves has just matured. This is a cigarette exclusively produced by our family and will never be seen on the market."

"How about it? Are you interested in cooperating?" Wade asked with a smile.


"What's the meaning?"

Wade mysteriously took out his mobile phone and played a video to Lu Fei.

The video shows a vast expanse of land, but the color of the land is black and shiny.

According to visual inspection, this piece of land is at least 300 acres, and all the tobacco leaves are grown on it.

"What do you mean by showing me this?" Lu Fei asked in confusion.

"This is my family's tobacco growing base!"

“The tobacco leaf we developed has extremely strict environmental requirements.”

"Not only does it have high requirements on climate and humidity, but the soil for planting is also particular. The land needs to be covered with a layer of silt from ancient swamps as fertilizer to grow perfectly."

"Previously, our family discovered two ancient swamps and dug for two years before covering the land for growing this tobacco leaf."

"Due to the small area, it is difficult to mass-produce, so it can only be enjoyed by family insiders."

"Now the opportunity has come. Last year, I discovered two particularly large swamps in a virgin forest in Cuba."


br\u003e “After research, those two swamps have existed for nearly three thousand years.”

"The silt contains many more nutrients and minerals than we have ever discovered before."

"Currently, I have purchased 5,000 acres of special tobacco fields in Cuba, and I am currently having people dig out the swamp silt to fertilize the fields!"

"The output from such a large tobacco field can definitely be exported."

"I have done market research with many wealthy people before, and the new variety of cigars we have is much better than any other cigarette on the market."

"If it is processed and entered into the luxury market, a cigar can be sold for at least three thousand dollars."

"And our cost is only about two hundred dollars at most, or even less."

"Based on the area of ​​tobacco fields, the annual output is at least 50 million. One cigarette net profit is 2,800 U.S. dollars. Fifty million cigarettes is a considerable amount!"

"If you are interested, we brothers will jointly develop and manufacture a production base. Production will start next fall. How do you feel?" Wade said proudly.


Although Lu Fei is not short of money now, such a huge profit still really surprised him.

Who would think it’s too much money?

Of course Lu Fei is interested.

However, Lu Fei's city will certainly not show it.

"Wade, such a good deal, why do you want to partner with me?"

"With your ability, you can easily handle it yourself?" Lu Fei asked.


"Fei, please stop being suspicious."

"For us, money is just a number."

"I just like the feeling of making money."

"Although I am alone

It can be done, but you are my best friend. If you have good things, of course you have to share them with good friends, so that you can have fun. "Wade said.

Lu Fei sneered in his heart, of course he knew what Wade was thinking, he was just pretending to be confused.

"Wade, I saw you right. You are indeed a friend."

"There's no problem with cooperation. I'm a smoker anyway."

“Even if you don’t make any money, it’s still a good thing to buy some good cigarettes to give to your friends.”

"Fei, you can rest assured."

"You also have to have enough confidence in our new varieties."

"As for sales, I naturally have my own channels."

"As long as there are no natural disasters, I guarantee that I can sell as much as I produce."

"There is never a shortage of rich people in this world."

"In their eyes, as long as the goods are good and tasteful, price is not an issue at all," Wade said.


"Then do it."

"By the way, how much investment do you need?" Lu Fei asked.

"I did calculate this before, and the total cost is about one billion dollars."

"We brothers each hold half of the shares, and you just need to invest 500 million dollars."

In fact, Wade could have given Lu Fei a stake. The reason why he didn't say so is a reflection of Wade's shrewdness.

As the saying goes, there is no free lunch.

It was given to Lu Fei in vain, and anyone could see that he had a purpose.

But it's different if Lu Fei invests in the company. It's an aboveboard cooperation and a reasonable and legal operation.

Wade knew that Lu Fei was not short of money, and he also knew that Chinese people were good at face. By doing this, he avoided all the embarrassment, and Lu Fei also lost some of his grudges.

Sure enough, Lu Fei showed a satisfied smile.

"no problem!"

"Later, ask the legal representative to send me the contract.

, sign the contract, and I will pay you immediately. "


"Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Next, the two of them talked about insignificant topics and did not touch on any sensitive issues.

Entering the city, Wade's expression became a little more serious.

"Fei, I have a question I want to ask you. If it makes you uncomfortable, please don't mind!" Wade asked with a smile.


"You don't want to trick me and ask me what my trump card is, right?" Lu Fei said with a evil smile.

"I bought it!"

Wade scratched his head in feigned frustration.

"Fei, you are so smart."

"I feel that in front of you, I am a transparent existence without any privacy. This feeling is really terrible."

"Can't you just pretend you don't know and let me pretend for a while?"

"Ha ha"

Lu Fei laughed loudly.

"We are friends. You understand me and I understand you. Do you find it interesting that we are pretending to each other?"


Wade was slightly startled.

"That's right, it does feel weird."

"Since you can't pretend, can you answer me directly?"

"Don't be wary, our family will never harm you."

Lu Fei spread his hands and said.

"Sorry, I can't answer you."

"This has nothing to do with your family's attitude."

"This is my trump card. The so-called trump card is of course a secret. If you say it, it will lose its effect."

"I feel like it would be nice to have some mystery between us, what do you think?"

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