A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2189 Confidence in Negotiation

Lu Fei used the content of the text message to threaten him, and Guan Haishan screamed in anger and became furious.

Despite this, he had to compromise.

"Baolanfei, you bastard, why don't you die!"


"I'll go find Wang Xinyi to sign the contract right away."

"However, I only have contact with Wang Xinyi. Don't talk to me about any legal matters."

"Moreover, you must promise not to let Wang Xinyi pass away, otherwise, I will die with you." Guan Haishan shouted.

Lu Fei felt funny in his heart, but his tone was still cold.

"What the hell are you yelling at?"

"What I want is a fair contract. As for your bullshit, what does it have to do with me?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't default on your debt, no one will know the content of the text messages."


"That's pretty much it."

Lu Fei said this, and Guan Haishan felt relieved.

"By the way, when will you come back?" Guan Haishan asked.



"When will you donate that dog head you got for 100 yuan?"

"Everyone around the world knows about the auction."

"At the auction, you personally said you wanted to donate it, and everyone was waiting impatiently."

"Set the date now, and I will hold a grand donation ceremony for you later, so that your kid can shine." Guan Haishan said.

"forget it!"

"I'm not interested in that formalism. I still have things to do here and my return date is uncertain."

"You don't have to rush me. I said I would donate it, and I will donate it."

"Hurry up and find Wang Xinyi. She will be on a business trip later, otherwise your trip will be in vain." Lu Fei said.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Lu Fei suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, have you reported it to the superiors?"

Having said this, the fire of ignorance in Guanhai Mountain rises again.

, gnashing his teeth with hatred.


"If you, the Prince of Hell, force me to do so, how dare I not comply?" Guan Haishan said angrily.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"I asked you to file a report. This is the best of both worlds. Where do you get so much resentment?"

"It seems like you have been wronged a lot, isn't it?"

"Tatters fly, you"

Mr. Guan was so angry that he almost died of a heart attack.

Guan Haishan decided not to argue with Lu Fei about this matter anymore. He would be furious if he let Bao Bao Fei say another few words.

"Hey, why don't you speak?"

"Let me ask you, did you write it according to my request?"

"What's the reaction from above? Has there been any response?" Lu Fei asked.


"go to hell!"

Guan Haishan shouted bitterly and hung up the phone.

In the past, bickering with Lu Fei was one of his great pleasures, and he never tired of it.

But things are not what they used to be.

Now that his little tail is caught by Lu Fei, the two of them are of course in an unequal position.

If you continue to communicate, you will definitely be the one who suffers. Instead of doing this, just talk to him less and the more you talk, the more angry he will become.

When Guan Haishan hung up the phone, Lu Fei not only wasn't angry, but actually smiled at the phone.

"Old man, I guess you don't dare to play tricks on me."

The content of the report that Lu Fei asked Guan Haishan to report was a bit excessive.

But there is no way, those red sandalwood aniseed materials are too rare.

Ever since he saw it in the video, Lu Fei is still dreaming about it, so he must find a way to get it.

Those are all unearthed

Cultural relics, if it were anyone else, it would be impossible to achieve the goal without even thinking about it.

But Lu Fei is different. Lu Fei has his own advantages.

Lu Fei has an extremely effective oxygen-isolating protective agent in his hands. This protective agent is simply a rare treasure for archaeological undertakings.

Over the years, the Chinese archaeological team has excavated countless ancient tombs and ancient ruins, but they still have no accurate concept of the history of some periods.

The reason for this is that the available historical documents are too scarce.

It’s not that there are no documents in those ancient tombs and ancient ruins, it’s because they have a long history and are difficult to preserve.

Even if it is preserved, it will quickly oxidize into ash when the space is opened.

Except for the inscriptions on stone tablets or metal and jade, almost all other records such as silk, brocade, paper and silk were destroyed.

But if there is a protective agent with good effect, that is another matter.

While digging, the protective atomization is penetrated and then turned on, which can effectively solve the oxidation crisis.

Lu Fei used this method when he obtained "Ten Dragon Pictures" and other treasures, and the results were quite perfect.

Therefore, this protective agent is particularly important for archaeological undertakings.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei has the confidence to negotiate with senior officials.

The protective agent belongs to you. As long as you don't apply for a patent, it's sheer nonsense if others want to study it.

Moreover, Lu Fei was confident that even if he gave them samples, they wouldn't be able to study it.

That kind of protective agent contains dozens of substances, and the proportions are extremely strict.

Even if the Academy of Sciences can research it, it will take at least a hundred years.

For such a long time, the top leaders of China cannot afford to wait, Guan Haishan cannot afford to wait, and the archaeological team cannot afford to wait.

Therefore, they urgently need the help of protective agents.

Compared with the importance of protective agents, those rosewood aniseed materials are nothing at all.


Dinner is served on the lawn.

Not only Lu Fei's brothers, but all the employees came over to have fun together, except for the two brothers standing guard outside.

Here at Lu Fei, employees are also brothers, and everyone is treated the same.

Food and wine were served casually, and the scene was extremely lively.

However, Lu Fei just drank a bottle of beer, sat down for a while, and let Lao Bai greet everyone. Lu Fei took Jin'er and left the villa without bothering anyone, and took a flight back to Tiandu City.

When we arrived at Tiandu Airport, Qin Rong, who arrived first, drove over to pick her up.

Lu Fei and Jin'er put on masks and crowded in the crowd without attracting anyone's attention.

Returning to Xianlin Mingyuan, the helipad in the courtyard transformed by Chen Xiang and the luxury helicopter he won are particularly eye-catching.

When she got home, Jin'er no longer worried about her brother leaving her alone, and happily chatted with her sister-in-law.

Lu Fei went in and chatted with Chen Xiang Xinyi for a few words, and then took Qin Rong to the study.

"Are everything ready?" Lu Fei asked.

Qin Rong nodded with a smile and carried a travel bag over.

All the necessary tools were in the bag. After Lu Fei inspected them one by one, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Xiao Fei, where are we going to make a fortune?" Qin Rong asked.

Lu Fei asked him to come over and prepare these special tools. Of course Qin Rong knew what he was going to do.

It had been a while since work had started. Qin Rong felt so uncomfortable that she couldn't wait any longer.

Seeing his anxious look, Lu Fei also laughed.

"You're overthinking this. This time you're just looking at the terrain and stepping on the plate."

"However, this situation is very important. Don't tell anyone, not even Tianhao." Lu Fei ordered.

"Do not worry!"

"I will definitely keep it secret."

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