A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2190 Inspection

At ten o'clock in the evening, Gene and Carter escorted a transport plane full of Chinese treasures and landed safely at Jincheng Airport.

Looking again at this time, this transport plane is no longer the one Lu Fei saw at the Hong Kong Island Airport.

It is a medium-sized transport aircraft leased under the name of a Chinese airline.

The Robert family made arrangements in advance and all procedures were completed.

The aircraft door opened, and professional machinery loaded the vehicle in an orderly manner without any panic.

However, Wade did not show up in person, and Lu Fei certainly did not show up either.

One container truck is filled and immediately sets off, followed by another.

The truck successfully left the airport and drove to a large logistics center in the southern suburbs of Jincheng.

The next six trucks were filled with cargo and all left the airport smoothly and drove in different directions.

Some went to suburban logistics centers, and some went to a large warehouse of a certain company. They all had their own destinations, but each place had nothing to do with Lu Fei's company. .??.

Upon arriving at the logistics center, the goods were immediately dispersed, loaded into dozens of small logistics trucks, and driven to Lu Yong's logistics center located on the North Third Ring Road.

There is only a wall between Lu Yong's logistics center and Lu Fei's museum, but many people don't know that there is a wide underground passage between the two unrelated departments.

From Lu Yong, you can drive directly into the museum's underground vault.

In the entire logistics center, only Lu Yong knew this secret, and even his partners didn't know it.

This afternoon, the logistics center is also on holiday.

In the evening, Lu Yong took his partners and several key members of the company to drink and have fun outside, leaving the logistics center completely under the control of Wang Xinlei.

Those who were busy in the logistics center and museum tonight were all Lu Fei's confidants.

Including the transportation drivers, they are all employees of Baihua Bank.

Only in this way can confidentiality be maintained to the maximum extent possible.

Everything went in an orderly manner, and there were no mistakes in any link.

Until one o'clock in the morning, all the goods were locked in the museum vault.

At the same time as warehousing, Wang Xinlei personally registered the difference.

The number of 70,000 treasures and 300 cases of red wine is exactly the same.

On the packaging box, the Robert family seal is intact, which means the handover is completed smoothly.

Xiao Lei did not open the box to check, nor was he worried that they were cheating.

In a few days, Lu Fei will come to check in person, break the seal and take a video to keep as evidence. If there is any fraud, of course it will not be hidden from Lu Fei.

Of course, this is Xiao Lei's own idea.

In fact, Lu Fei was not worried about Wade cheating at all.

Because they know they still have a trump card, they would never dare to do that.

After the handover was completed, Xiao Lei immediately informed Lu Fei.

Lu Fei called Tianbao, and Tianbao personally handed the Seven-Star Sword to Wade.

At this point, this transaction is completely concluded.

Holding the Seven-Star Sword, Wade's hands were trembling.

This baby is so important to their family, and he is indeed worthy of being excited.

On the spot, Wade also wrote a check for 100 million dollars to Tianbao as a reward, and gave Tianbao one of his mansions on Hong Kong Island.

Of course, Wade did this not only to make him happy, but also to give Lu Fei face.

Tianbao received Lu Fei's instructions, and of course he would not refuse.

These days, Tianbao's luck has been extremely good.

Feige's mother and Wade gave him 300 million dollars as a reward, and Wade also gave him a mansion worth tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. It was so cool!

Think about it, more than a year ago, I was still a gangster, living in the village relying on my second uncle.

Since following Lu Fei, Tianbao's life has changed

Earth-shaking changes have taken place.

He went to the United States to make a splash, made a lot of money at the Jinling Auction, and gained a lot from his trip to the island country. In addition, Ruixin Group purchased stocks and various opportunities to make money.

By now, Tianbao is also a super rich man with billions of Shenzhou coins.

Not only did he have money, but he also gained a certain social status with Brother Fei. When he returned to his hometown, the local officials were extremely polite to him.

Moreover, he also picked up the super beauty Mo Xueqing, which is simply the pinnacle of life!

Although his life has undergone major changes, Tianbao clearly knows that all this was given by Fei Ge. ??

Without Brother Fei, he would still look like that, so Tianbao swore in his heart that he would stay with Brother Dingfei for the rest of his life and would never betray him.

Soon after the handover was completed, Wang Xinlei's task was successfully completed.

At three o'clock in the morning, the little puppy was also busy.

The little girl called Wang Xinlei, and the two brothers came to the airport again with ten large trucks from Baihua Bank.

The special plane arranged by Murray and the plane driven by Lang Lijing have arrived.

The goods on the two planes went through formal procedures. Lu Fei paid the expensive tax and there were no problems. Of course, they could be loaded onto the planes openly.

"I'll go, so many?"

"What kind of treasures are these?"

I didn't think much of it when I loaded the car before.

But when the goods were delivered to Baihua Bank's warehouse, they were neatly arranged, and the visual impact was immediately reflected, which shocked the little puppy.


"Brother Long, I seem to be asking about the smell of red wine. Could these be good bars brought back by Brother Fei?" Wang Xinlei said with a smile.

The little puppy started drooling when he heard it.

"It's possible, absolutely possible!"

"Xiao Yao, guess what brand of red wine it is."

Wang Xinlei rolled his eyes


"Do you still need to guess?"

"What Brother Fei got back is definitely a top-notch collection in the world. It's just ordinary stuff, but Brother Fei doesn't look down on it at all!"

"What you say makes sense, but even top-level collections must be distinguished by brands and grades!"

"We can't guess the result just by making blind guesses like this."

"Why don't we open it and take a look to get over the addiction first, what do you think?"


"I think so too."

"Then do it!"

The two young men murmured a few words and immediately decided to open the box and inspect the goods.

This is Lu Fei's goods. No one would dare to open the box without Lu Fei's permission.

But these two young men were not used to it.

One claims to be Lu Fei's biological brother, and the other is Lu Fei's brother-in-law. Of course they are confident.

Even if my brother knew about it, the most he could do would be two kicks per person, what else could he do?

There is absolutely no shame in being kicked twice by your own brother. After all, a beating is a kiss!


"Who, please open this box."

Here, the little naughty dog ​​is the top executive, and of course the employees will execute it unconditionally.

Take professional tools and immediately remove the solid wood packaging.

The box was opened, and the strong aroma of wine hit their faces, making the two young men's mouths water.

This box is the century-old collection of the Thomas family. It is the one-and-a-half pound bottle of top-notch red wine that Murray brought to Lu Fei.

The two young men had never seen this kind of primitive packaging, but based on their experience, they could tell it was old at first glance.

The two were so bold that they opened a bottle and tasted it on the spot, which made them so beautiful that they almost bit off their tongues.

"Who is that? Hurry up and move this box of red wine to my car. Be gentle and break it. Ten years of your salary will be deducted."

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