A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2191 Travel

The two young men were extremely excited to unbox and inspect the goods.

When they encounter a good wine that they can't stop drinking, they just drink a few bottles.

Of course, they are just a little bit symbolic.

In this way, even if his brother finds out, the most he can do is scold him.

But if you are too greedy, the consequences will be serious.

These two brothers are indeed the younger brothers who claim to know Lu Fei best.

In fact, when Lu Fei asked them to complete this errand in person, he had long thought that these two people would enrich themselves. ??

This is Lu Fei's disguised way of giving benefits to the two brothers.

After all, one is his brother-in-law, and the other is of great help to him.

Of course Lu Fei wouldn't feel bad for them.


The roar of helicopters came from the sky above the Xue Family Medicine Garden on Weichang Dam, and many people looked up involuntarily.

The helicopters in the sky are, of course, from Luhe.

This is in Malaysia. Lu Fei made a bet with a trio of pretenders to win Qiao Yang’s Airbus Puma.

Although this helicopter is not as good as Lu Fei's own, it is still worth 30 million dollars. It is super luxurious and can be regarded as a super aristocrat in the helicopter field.

After attending the little milk dog's wedding, Chen Xiang personally escorted the three helicopters he won back to China.

The other two stayed in Jincheng to "buy groceries", while Airbus and Puma returned them to Tiandu Xianlin Mingyuan.

In recent times, Chen Xiang's driving skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and he is much more proficient than Lu Fei.

It only took more than forty minutes to go from Xianlin Mingyuan to Bashang Grassland.

When they arrived at the dam, Chen Xiang flew at low altitude and looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window. Jin'er screamed excitedly, and a flowery smile appeared on Wang Xinyi's face.

Wang Xinyi is from Magic City and rarely comes to the north.

It was also the first time that I was immersed in the beautiful scenery of the grassland, so of course I was very excited.

Arriving over the Xue Family Medicine Garden, Chen Xiang did not rush to land and hovered at low altitude within a radius of 20 kilometers.

With a panoramic view of the entire medicinal garden, everyone was even more excited

Get excited.


"so beautiful!"

"Brother, look at that mountain, it looks like half a ball is stuck on it."

"Is this naturally formed by nature?"

"How can it be so standardized?" Jin'er asked excitedly, pulling Lu Fei's arm and pointing at the Mantou Mountain.

Lu Fei chuckled.

“Nature can do anything.”

“The miracles it has given birth to are simply countless.”

"Let's not talk about the distance. Let's just say that the Jiguan Mountain, Qingchui Peak, Shuangta Mountain, etc. we saw when we came here can be said to be miracles created by nature."

"There are countless wonders like this in China."

"When I have time, I can take you around and broaden your horizons."


Jin'er was so happy that she kept clapping her hands.

"Very good!"

"Brother, you must not lie to me."

"Two sisters-in-law, you have to testify for me. If my brother doesn't keep his word, let's deal with him together!"

Chen Xiang nodded with a smile, while Wang Xinyi's face turned red with embarrassment.

Jin'er called her sister-in-law, and Chen Xiang accepted it with peace of mind.

But she was different. When Jin'er called her like that, Wang Xinyi was terribly embarrassed.

However, Jin'er didn't think so much, her big watery eyes kept scanning the beautiful scenery outside the window.


"Brother, the mist there is like a fairyland, so mysterious!" Jin'er asked, pointing to the Valley of Immortality.

Seeing the Valley of Immortality again, Lu Fei's blood surged with excitement.

After all, the purpose of my visit this time is to solve the mystery of the Valley of Immortality.

The destination is close at hand

, Lu Fei's little heart started to beat faster.

"This is called the Valley of Immortality."

"There are eleven naturally formed hot springs inside, which are shrouded in clouds and mist all year round."

"After dinner, I will take you there to soak in the hot springs."

"The hot springs here contain a variety of minerals without any pollution. They are many times better than hot springs in other places!"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the three girls became even more excited.

Ten minutes later, the luxurious Airbus Puma landed slowly on the lawn in front of the dormitory area.

Xue Cheng and Xue Meimei came out with several important employees.

Although Lu Fei has only been here twice, he has a pretty good relationship with everyone.

Especially Xue Cheng, who admires Lu Fei's drinking ability so much that he already regards Lu Fei as his brother.

After not seeing each other for nearly a year, Xue Cheng missed Lu Fei very much.

Hearing from Xue Meimei yesterday that Lu Fei was coming over, Xue Cheng was so excited that he stayed up all night.

I personally went down to the cellar, brought out several jars of the best wine, and prepared to have a hearty meal with Lu Fei!


"Brother Lu Fei, you miss me so much."

When Lu Fei got off the plane, Xue Cheng gave him a big bear hug.

"Brother Xue, I miss you too!"

"Hello everyone, I'm causing trouble for you again."

"Sister Zhang, tonight I want to eat the chicken stewed with mushrooms you made, and your best stewed ribs with dried beans."

Lu Fei greeted everyone warmly, and everyone was even more polite to Lu Fei.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my wife Chen Xiang."

"This is my confidante Wang Xinyi, this is my biological sister Jin'er, and this is a friend of mine named Qin Rong."

"It's their first time here. If there's anything they can't do, please bear with me."

Lu Fei introduced everyone, and the three girls Chen Xiang brought down the many gifts they had prepared in advance.

The gifts given by Lu Fei and Chen Xiang were of course of the highest quality.

There are dozens of boxes of top-grade red wine, top-grade ingredients, and top-grade health care products, and many employees are smiling from ear to ear.

The happiest person is Xue Cheng.

The gift Lu Fei brought him was a century-old wine collected by the Ge family.

This is not the top five-hundred-year-old wine of the Ge family, the kind of top-quality wine that even Lu Fei is reluctant to drink, and he also has to pay homage to Chen Yunfei.

However, this hundred-year-old wine is also the best of the best, and even the Ge family doesn’t have many.

Lu Fei brought two jars of twenty kilograms to Xue Cheng this time, which was sincerity enough.

Xue Cheng's mouth started to water when he heard that it was a hundred-year-old wine before it was opened.

The employees warmly welcomed Chen Xiang and others into the room, but Xue Meimei blocked Lu Fei from the door.

Xue Meimei pushed her eyes hard, put her hands on her waist, pouted her little mouth, and glared angrily at Lu Fei.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"Who stepped on your tail?"


"Lu Fei, stop pretending to be confused with me. Where is my gift?"

"Don't tell me that you forgot. Do you believe that this girl lit up your helicopter?" Xue Meimei said forcefully.


"Girl, you need to change your temper."

"How dare any man want you like this?"

"Besides, you are always like this, and it has a great impact on your body."

"It's always like this. It's easy to have early menopause. If it's more serious, it may affect your reproductive function. I'm not kidding you?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Lu Fei, you bastard, you dare to curse me, I will fight you."

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