A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2192 I’m full

Xue Meimei's pretty face turned red because of Lu Fei's anger. She raised her little pink fist and rushed over to fight Lu Fei.

At this time, a black velvet bag flew towards me. Meimei was startled and instinctively stretched out her hands to catch it.

“So heavy”

Meimei murmured, opened the bag and looked inside, and a deafening scream broke out the next second.


With this scream, frightened birds fled all over the sky, and all the employees of the base rushed out.

Teng! !

Feeling that she had lost her composure, her beautiful face instantly turned into a flaming cloud, and she ran away holding the bag.

What makes Miss Xue so excited?

Of course, it is the favorite diamond for little money fans.

Inside the bag was a diamond carefully selected by Lu Fei for her.

There are various colors, the smallest ones are more than three carats, and this bag weighs a full kilogram.

If it were sold in a jewelry store, the value would scare anyone to death. How could Xue Meimei not be excited?

Next, Xue Meimei and Xue Cheng arranged a single dormitory for everyone.

Although the room is not big, it is very clean.

The inside is a brick-concrete structure, and the outside is wrapped with a layer of bark decoration.

From the outside, it looks like a small wooden house, returning to nature, perfectly in line with nature, and quite unique.

For Chen Xiang and others who live in the big house every day, this is also an unprecedented experience, and everyone is extremely satisfied.

After the room was arranged, Xue Cheng brewed the most distinctive local mountain tea for everyone.

In Bashang Grassland, mountain tea is a very unique drink.

The process of making camellia is equally tedious.

First, dozens of herbs must be carefully selected. The medicinal properties of various herbs must neutralize each other.

After the herbs are washed, they are first dried in the sun and then steamed in a steamer for an hour.

Then wash and dry.


Repeat this three times to remove the bitterness and toxins in the herb, making it the best drink to clear away heat and relieve internal heat.

The Xue family’s camellia is even more unique.

The herbs used by the Xue family are all pure wild high-end products, and the formula has been carefully improved by the great Chinese doctor Xue Taihe. It can be said that it is the most awesome camellia in China at present.

Lu Fei had tasted it before and was full of praise for Xue Family Mountain Tea. He also gave Xue Taihe suggestions and made improvements again.

The current version is the result of the miraculous medical skills of two miracle doctors. It is simply perfect.

The last time he came to the medicine garden, Lu Fei took some away. Some of them were given to Chen Yunfei, and the other part was planned to be given to Kong Fanlong.

As a result, he never expected that he would never be able to meet Mr. Kong again, and all the camellias were given to Chen Yunfei.

Those camellias were regarded as a treasure by Chen Yunfei and he never let others taste them.

Not even his beloved granddaughter Chen Xiang can do it, so Chen Xiang has really never tasted it.

After taking a small taste, everyone was full of praise.


"This tastes so good."

"When you drink it, your mouth and esophagus feel fresh and cool. It's great."

"Lu Fei, there is definitely a market for this kind of camellia, if..."

Chen Xiang kept talking excitedly, but halfway through her words, she was interrupted by Lu Fei with a smile.

Lu Fei was really worried.

As a wife, all she thinks about is business. No matter what, as long as it is profitable, she is interested.

"Beauty, we are here for a trip, why don't you do this?"

"Our family is not short of money, so just take a break!"


Having said that, this kind of camellia requires several rare herbs and is difficult to mass-produce. "

"This is a tool that Lao Xue keeps to give away, so don't worry about it!"

When Lu Fei said this, everyone laughed. Chen Xiang blushed and gave Lu Fei a hard look before sitting down.

After tasting the camellia, everyone took a short break and immediately started playing at the base.

Xue Meimei took the three girls to the stable to choose a good horse and galloped.

All three women are no strangers to horseback riding.

The three girls were born into noble families, and horse riding was one of the compulsory courses for the children of the nobility. In addition to Chen Xiang, Jin'er and Wang Xinyi all had their own horse farms, so their riding skills were all relatively superb.

There is absolutely no danger in this vast expanse of prairie.

Riding a horse galloping here is completely different from being at a racecourse.

In the racecourse, due to geographical restrictions, the track and grassland are small and pitiful, making it difficult for the horses to perform to their fullest.

Moreover, horses that have been kept in the racecourse for a long time are too docile and have no sense of conquest at all.

On the grassland, you can run as much as you want.

It feels great to travel back and forth between flat land, mountains, and woods.

The three girls got on their mounts and ran for a while, never wanting to stop.

Here, Lu Fei was completely assured of their safety, so he did not participate at all. Instead, he was pulled into the pickup truck by Xue Cheng and drove deep into the grassland.

A few days ago, Xue Cheng discovered a medium-sized bubble sixty kilometers away.

He walked around there and found that there were extremely rare hilin fish and Chinese fish in the water bubble.

Both of these fish are extremely rare cold-water fish. It takes five years to grow to about half a catty, and the meat is firm and delicious.

Xue Cheng brought Lu Fei and Qin Rong here just for fishing.

We had pretty good luck today. In two hours, the three of us caught more than a dozen fish.

Jin, we can have a delicious meal at noon.

Back at base, lunch was ready.

The table is filled with local home-cooked dishes. Although they look simple, they are extremely delicious.

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi ate with gusto, and Jin'er was full of praise.

Jin'er has eaten top-quality ingredients since she was a child. She has never tasted farm dishes like this in the north.

Once I eat it I can't stop eating it.

There were other plans in the afternoon, so Lu Fei didn't drink much, but he did make plenty of food.

After lunch, the three women were so full that they couldn't even bend their waists.

"too delicious!"

"Why is it so delicious?"

"I can't control it at all!"

"Oh my God!"

"After I go back, I will lose weight again."

Jin'er pouted and complained, causing everyone to burst into laughter.


"I asked you to eat less, but you didn't listen."

"I'm telling you, the big dinner is at night!"

"If you eat so much at lunch, you won't be able to eat anymore at night. You will definitely be at a loss." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"You didn't tell me earlier!!!"


After taking a break for lunch, Lu Fei took Xue Meimei's pet dog and led the three girls on foot to the Valley of Immortality.

The dormitory is still far away from the Valley of Eternal Life, and we could have gone there on horseback.

But in order to help the three girls digest their lunch, they had to be forced to walk.

After walking for a full hour, the three women complained.

However, when they walked into Changsheng Valley and saw the beautiful environment and fresh air, they immediately smiled and even forgot about the fatigue on the road, screaming and running wildly.

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