A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2201 Rejection

Leader No. 3 was convinced by Lu Fei.

Of course he knew the importance of protective agents, and he also knew that if they were mass-produced, it wouldn't take long before they would be cloned by foreign scientific experts.

In that case, China's advantage in this field will no longer exist.

Now with Lu Fei's promise, there will be no loss to China's archaeological cause.

At worst, he would ask Lu Fei if he needed anything. He believed that Lu Fei would not just sit idly by.

Otherwise, he would not have spent hundreds of billions to establish an archaeological foundation to vigorously support the cause of archaeology.

It was also for this reason that I agreed to Lu Fei's extremely excessive request.

Regardless of whether Lu Fei makes a promise or not, the leader will not make excessive demands.

Such a big leader, since he has given instructions, it is absolutely impossible to go back on his words.

Now getting Lu Fei's promise is simply an unexpected surprise!


"With your boy's guarantee, we can rest assured."

"Put the documents away, and that's it."

"Next, there is one more thing I want to ask for your opinion on."

Ever since Lu Fei entered the office of leader No. 3, Pan Xingzhou and Dong Jianye, who were watching from a distance, as well as Dragon King Chen Honggang, who had just arrived, were extremely nervous.

They didn't let them struggle for too long. In less than half an hour, Lu Fei walked out of the office with his beard and tail intact, and it was delivered by leader No. 3 himself.

Before parting, leader No. 3 smiled and patted Lu Fei on the shoulder, as if he admired it.

Seeing this, the three bosses breathed a sigh of relief.

Returning to Pan Xingzhou's office, the three bosses immediately started asking questions.

"How about it?"

"What did the leader say?"

"Xiao Fei, did the leader blame you?"

"Hey, are the higher ups going to deal with you?"

The three bosses kept saying things to each other, which made Lu Fei's head hurt.

"Guys, do you think I'm so high-spirited now, do I look like I'm about to be dealt with?"

"I have told Mr. Pan a long time ago that this is a righteous act of mine to eliminate harm for the people. Not only will the leader not criticize me, but he will even reward me if he doesn't do well!"

"It turns out that I was right."

"The leader said that Lao Dong and I have made great contributions, and after the superiors study it, we will be rewarded."

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't look like he was joking, the three bosses felt relieved.

Dong Jianye's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"What did you say?"

"The leader also praised me?"

"What did the leader say and how will he reward us?" Dong Jianye asked excitedly.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Fei couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"You have been promoted to two levels in a row. This is already the greatest compliment for you. Don't be dissatisfied."

"The leader just said that. It probably won't be a problem without you." Lu Fei sneered.

Dong Jianye also knew that he might be out of luck. After all, the protagonist was Lu Fei, so he couldn't let him take all the benefits.

Even if he were to be rewarded based on his merits, his achievements could not be compared with Lu Fei's.

"Xiao Fei, the leader didn't say anything else?" Chen Honggang asked worriedly.


Lu Fei didn't want to tell anything about the red sandalwood aniseed, so he simply dealt with Chen Honggang.

In fact, in addition to the wood matter, leader No. 3 also discussed something with Lu Fei.

And this matter was the main purpose of the leader calling him back to Tiandu City.

When Leader No. 3 said this, Lu Fei was a little surprised.

This is not a bad thing

, which is a great thing for Lu Fei.

Leader No. 3 told Lu Fei that many big bosses, including Pan Xingzhou Lan Xiangdong and Zhao Yuanchao before he was arrested, proposed at the meeting that Lu Fei take over Guan Haishan's position and take over China's archaeological undertaking.

It has been more than a year since Kong Lao passed away.

For more than a year, Guan Haishan presided over the work more steadily than with courage. .??.

Although no mistakes were made, there was no improvement at all.

Moreover, this is still based on the good foundation laid by Kong Lao.

To put it bluntly, Guan Haishan now looks like a rich second generation.

Dad passed away and he was eating the family's money.

I haven't finished eating yet, so I won't be in danger for the time being.

However, once the capital is wiped out, too many troubles will follow.

In addition to his lack of courage, Yoshida Chohei also lost a lot of points last year when he brought a few gangsters to the repair house to cause trouble.

If Mr. Kong were still alive and lent them some courage, they would not dare to cause trouble.

But now that the enemy is coming, the Shenzhou archaeological team led by Guan Haishan is at a loss to deal with it.

If Lu Fei's magic soldiers hadn't descended from the sky to come to the rescue, the repair institute would have lost face.

If word spreads, the status of the Restoration Institute in the world will drop sharply, causing a chain reaction, which will be a huge loss!

Coupled with some scattered small details, the leaders were disappointed with Guan Haishan's ability.

If this continues, the goal of bringing archeology to glory will become nothing more than a slogan.

If things go on like this, the energy and spirit of the entire team will be completely wiped out.

When a team loses its spirit, it becomes a bunch of zombies, and it will be too difficult to recover.

The great situation that Kong Lao finally expanded will no longer exist.


Therefore, China's archaeological cause urgently needs a courageous, capable and courageous person to preside over the overall situation.

At the very least, this character cannot be weaker than Kong Fanlong, and it is best to be able to push the waves in front of the Yangtze River.

Only in this way can the slogan become a reality.

Only in this way can we be worthy of the great situation that Mr. Kong has worked hard and hard for decades.

However, such a character is obviously not found in the Shenzhou archaeological team.

Today’s archaeological undertakings in China can be said to be in a state of flux.

The older ones do have some abilities.

But this old guy's dependence on Kong Fanlong has penetrated deep into his bones.

Before, all they had to do was obey Kong Lao's orders unconditionally.

They did whatever Mr. Kong asked them to do. Even if there was no credit, there would be no fault.

It is simply impossible for them to carry on the past and create new situations in the future.

And the young people are impetuous.

He is not very capable, but his eyes are too high, and he cannot be reused at all.

After much thought, the only one who is qualified for this position and convinces everyone is Lu Fei.

Because Lu Fei has all the conditions to lead the archaeological team and is very popular among the archaeological team, the superiors hope that Lu Fei can stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

However, what Leader No. 3 didn't expect was that Lu Fei decisively refused.

The reason is simple: Lu Fei doesn't want to pick Kong Lao's peaches.

Mr. Kong has been working hard for decades, and now he has passed the mantle to his apprentice, who is still nominally a member of the Kong family.

Although Guan Haishan has no merit in being in his current position, he is widely expected and convinced by everyone.

Even though I have a good relationship with the old guys from the archaeological team, if I squeeze out of Guanhai Mountain to pick this peach, I will definitely be called an ungrateful white-eyed wolf and even be spurned by everyone.

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