A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2202: Wallpaper

Leader No. 3 was somewhat surprised when Lu Fei refused.

However, after hearing Lu Fei's reasons, the leader sincerely admired Lu Fei's character.

"Xiao Fei, although what you said makes sense, this matter is related to the future development of the entire archaeological team, so we can't be careless!"

"The current situation is obvious, and only you can turn the tide by standing up."

"Leader No. 1 and several leaders all mean this. You are the most outstanding talent in this field, so you do your job!" .??.??

"As for your worries, we can understand them, and I believe Mr. Kong will also understand them."

"Isn't the purpose of his hard work for so many years just to make the archaeological world flourish?"

"Only by developing his career can this old man rest in peace!"

"Archaeology is of great importance, and of course only those who are capable will be in it. This is not the time to act on impulse. I hope you will focus on the overall situation and consider it seriously." Leader No. 3 said seriously.

During the half hour in the office, Leader No. 3 almost always tried to comfort me with sincere words.

Lu Fei's answer was vague and he never made his position clear. In the end, he said he would seriously consider it before saying goodbye to his leader.

In fact, Lu Fei's words were just to comfort leader No. 3.

In the past, Lu Fei did think about taking charge of the overall situation personally.

As for Guan Haishan's ability, Lu Fei knows it better than anyone else.

Guan Laosan is not even a little bit worse than his master.

If he were to lead the team, the best-case scenario would be to stagnate and then be quickly caught up and surpassed by other countries.

But since seeing Guan Haishan's attitude in the live video, Lu Fei decisively gave up this idea.

Guan Haishan doesn't care on the surface, but in fact he regards his current position as more important than his life.

If you interfere, you will not be able to treat each other as guests in the future.

If I turned against Guan Haishan, what would outsiders think of me?

Of course, I will regard myself as being sorry for the Kong family and ungrateful.

What a ungrateful bastard.

Kong Fanlong was kind to him, and Guan Haishan was a member of his Kong family, so Lu Fei couldn't do this.

Otherwise, how to face Mr. Kong when sweeping the grave?

Although China's archaeological cause is important, Kong Lao's friendship with him is even more important.

If you don't take the lead, but strongly support the archaeological cause financially, this can be regarded as a contribution to Mr. Kong's last wish.

For now, this is the most perfect result, so Lu Fei chose to give up.

After chatting in Pan Xingzhou's office for a while, when it was time to get off work, Mr. Pan proposed that Lu Fei go to his house for dinner.

Before Lu Fei could express his position, Chen Honggang directly refused.

"Mr. Pan, if you want to treat us, please wait for another day!"

"Leader No. 3 has passed this test. My old man is still preparing for a three-court trial!"

"I have to take this kid home, let's talk some other time!"

Lu Fei frowned, but Pan Xingzhou and Dong Jianye couldn't hide their evil smiles.


"Boy, just wish yourself well!"


Lu Fei followed Chen Honggang downstairs, and Xue Taihe's phone call came in.

The old apprentice was worried and waited in the parking lot outside for a long time.

"Second uncle, Lao Xue wants to talk to me about something, please go back first."

"I'll finish talking in a moment. I'll go back and have dinner." Lu Fei said.

Chen Honggang nodded.

"You kid, don't play tricks. If you don't go back today, the old man will go crazy."

"Well, second uncle, please tell me first, what is the old man's attitude?"


"After meeting, you can experience it for yourself!"

"I'm going back."

The second uncle smiled evilly and left, and Lu Fei instinctively felt something was wrong.

When Lu Fei got outside, just as he got into Xue Taihe's car, Lan Xiangdong's call came in again.

"Xiao Fei, do you have any plans for the evening?"

"Your aunt sent you hairy crabs from her hometown. If you have time, come back with me and we can have a nice drink."

Lu Fei sneered in his heart, thinking that Mr. Lan was just a wallflower!

Previously, when Zhao Yuanchao was in power, he deliberately targeted himself, and Lan Xiangdong tried his best to avoid him, for fear of causing trouble.

I went to the courtyard to find him, which made them both very worried.

For nearly a year, Lan Xiangdong didn't contact him, and even Deng Shaohui didn't make a phone call.

Now that Zhao Yuanchao has fallen, and he fell into his own hands, this old cunning guy immediately appeared. He is indeed an old fox who is about to become a spirit!

Lu Fei said a few perfunctory words and rejected Lan Xiangdong's invitation.

Next, Lu Fei received seven calls in a row, all from super bosses working in this compound.

Some of them are familiar to me, some have only met before, and there is even one whose name I have no impression of.

These big guys called Lu Fei and took the initiative to show their goodwill to Lu Fei, planning to treat Lu Fei to dinner.

Lu Fei was amused. The snobbery of these people was so undisguised!

Simply, Lu Fei turned off his phone, and then he could talk to his old apprentice with peace of mind.

"Master, how are you?"

"The leader didn't give you any trouble, did he?" Xue Taihe asked with concern.

Lu Fei shook his head.


"What I did was a good thing, why should they make things difficult for me?"

"I made you worry!"

"By the way, how is the old man's health lately?"

Lu Fei asked, of course, Chen Yunfei.

Lu Fei was not in Tiandu City, so Xue Taihe had to go there every other day to give the old man a physical examination.

With Xue Taihe taking care of him, Lu Fei can rest assured.

"Master, don't worry, everything is fine with Mr. Chen. He is even in better shape than last year."

"If the old man can continue to maintain his mentality, there will be no problem in living for another five years."

Lu Fei nodded and brought the topic to the Xue Family Medicine Garden.

"Old Xue, Xiang'er and the others like the environment of the Bashang Medicine Garden. I have made my own decision and plan to build a small courtyard outside the Changsheng Valley. I plan to take the old man there to soak in the hot springs frequently. Will it affect the normal operation of your base?" Lu Fei asked.

"No, I am honored that Master can come to my place."

"Usually, Meimei goes there to soak in the hot springs. Apart from her, other workers rarely go there."

"The environment there is suitable for health preservation, and it is most suitable for Mr. Chen to live there."

"However, the climate there is quite cold in winter, so the first consideration when building a house is insulation."

"Give me the drawings and I will arrange for someone to help you build it," Xue Taihe said.

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"That's not necessary, just let Xiang'er do it by herself."

"I'm just afraid it will affect your work there."

"Absolutely not. You can build it with confidence. It can occupy any area."

"In addition, I will continue to explain and try not to let employees disturb the peace of the old man and master."

Lu Fei felt a little embarrassed that Lao Xue was so polite.

However, in order to explore the Yuanmeng treasure, we can only shamelessly take advantage.

However, Lu Fei will not let his old apprentice suffer, and sooner or later he will find ways to supplement him in other ways.

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