A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2204 Excited

Discovering the secret of the Lotus Holy Spring, Li Shizhen was filled with excitement.

For a medical geek, discovering a magical herb is even more exciting than discovering mountains of gold and silver.

After in-depth research, Li Shizhen discovered that the growth of earthworm grass is inseparable from pure spring water.

Just like a fish, without the nourishment of spring water, it will lose its life in a short time.

After understanding the magic of Earthworm, Li Shizhen traveled all over China's famous mountains and rivers in the next few decades. Unfortunately, he only found two plants of Earthworm.

It has not been found in private pharmacies, and even those pharmacies and local famous doctors have never seen this herb.

Li Shizhen was quite depressed after seeing the magic of Dilongcao but not being able to find more medicinal herbs to benefit the people.

Next, he conducted in-depth research on the medicinal properties of Earthworm, hoping to find herbs that could replace Earthworm.

Unfortunately, Dilongcao has special medicinal properties and is irreplaceable. Li Shizhen could only express regret.

He did not study it in his life, but he recorded all the medicinal properties and characteristics of Dilongcao in the "Tiancai Dibao" chapter of "Compendium of Materia Medica", hoping that future generations of doctors could study it and benefit mankind.

Unfortunately, earthworm grass will become even rarer in the next few hundred years.

By the Qing Dynasty, this kind of genius treasure could only be regarded as a legend.

Lu Fei had long understood Chen Honggang's symptoms of infertility. Although he had a way to treat it, he suffered from the lack of the genius treasure Dilongcao.

Lu Fei was not sure, and of course he would not tell Chen Honggang, lest he collapse. However, Lu Fei had always cared about this matter.

Chen Honggang is Chen Xiang's uncle. He has given him a lot of help in his growth and is also his immediate boss.

Publicly and privately, Lu Fei hoped that he could recover and give birth to a son and a half daughter to carry on the Chen family's lineage.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei did not find the existence of earth dragon grass in the previous treasures and ancient tombs.


However, this time in the Thomas family collection, Lu Fei was surprised to find this treasure.

Moreover, there are three earth dragon grasses placed in an exquisite gold box.

After taking care of the Thomas family, Lu Fei did not take the other treasures and asked Murray to arrange for them to be sent back to Jincheng in batches.

Lu Fei only took away the three earth dragon grasses.

In the past few days in the Bashang Medicine Garden, Lu Fei prepared herbs in his free time, and finally prepared the ingredients to treat Chen Honggang.

In addition, I also prepared a pair of traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing the ovaries for my second aunt.

Chen Honggang has been injured for decades and must be fully prepared to increase the probability of conception.

When Lu Fei mentioned Earth Dragon Grass, the Chen family's eyes darkened and they had never heard of it. However, his old disciple Xue Taihe jumped up.

"Master, you, you got the Earth Dragon Grass?" Xue Taihe was so shocked that his body was completely broken.

He is a leading figure in contemporary Chinese medicine and the leader of the medical school. Of course he knows the magic of Dilongcao.

Unfortunately, given the Xue family's position in China's medical industry for hundreds of years, they have not seen real Dilongcao for several generations.

How could Xue Taihe not be excited when he heard from his master that he had found Dilongcao?

Lu Fei nodded, took out a rectangular wooden box from his bag and pushed it in front of Xue Taihe.

"I found two strains this time, one is used as medicine, and I will give this one to you."

"Take it back and use the equipment to study it carefully to see if you can find a substitute. Even if the medicine is less effective, it can benefit more infertile families."

"This is a good thing with immeasurable merit." Lu Fei said.



Xue Taihe was so excited that his whole body trembled, and his face was moved to tears.

Earthworm grass has been extinct for hundreds of years. Lu Fei finally found two plants. One was used as medicine, and the other one was given to him. The master was so kind to him that he was frightened by the kindness!

In the past, some colleagues laughed at Xue Taihe and gossiped behind his back, saying that he had no future and was under the tutelage of a young man. ??

Xue Taihe Xin said, you know nothing!

The wisest decision I made in my life was to take Lu Fei as my disciple.

The medical skills, prescriptions and acupuncture techniques he learned from Lu Fei over the past year have made his medical skills advance by leaps and bounds.

There is no age of learning, only those who have mastered it come first.

Lu Fei is more capable than me, so I am lucky to be his disciple. If others want to be his disciple, my master will not pay attention to you.

Xue Taihe was moved to tears and Chen Yunfei couldn't sit still.

"Xiao Xue, don't you fucking cry like a bitch, isn't it embarrassing?"

"Tell me first, is what this turtle Lu Fei said true?"

"Can that thing cure the second child's disease?" Chen Yunfei asked.

Speaking of Chen Honggang's illness, Chen Yunfei was even more depressed than him.

The old man lived to be a hundred years old and still had some feudal habits in his mind.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is to have no descendants.

In his eyes, carrying on the family lineage of the old Chen family is simply more important than Mount Tai.

Unfortunately, the opposite happened.

The eldest daughter gave birth to a daughter, and when she gave birth to Chen Xiang, the eldest daughter-in-law had difficulty giving birth and was no longer able to have children.

The old man placed all his hopes on the second child, but the result was that the second child was even worse. He was missing an egg and couldn't even give birth to one at all. \u003c


In an ordinary family, the old man would even force the eldest son to divorce and find another wife to have a boy.

Given his identity, this can only be an idea, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand the public opinion from the outside world.

It is not appropriate to adopt a child under everyone's attention. Therefore, the old man has long given up all hope and pinned all his hopes on Chen Xiang. He is much better to this only granddaughter than to his two sons.

Chen Yunfei even had a plan. He was going to discuss with Lu Fei and let Lu Fei and Chen Xiang's sons take the surnames of their old Chen family, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

Now when Lu Fei said that he could cure the second child's injury and allow the second child to continue the bloodline of the old Chen family, Chen Yunfei's eyes turned red and his heart started to beat wildly.

Xue Taihe wiped away his tears and nodded heavily.

"Back to Mr. Chen, what my master said is not an exaggeration at all."

"I know Honggang's injury best. I was helpless before because I didn't have the main medicine of Dilongcao."

"Dilongcao is extremely miraculous. With Dilongcao as medicine, Honggang can completely recover after just three months of nursing."

"Moreover, with the stimulation of the effect of earthworm herb, Honggang's sperm quality can be improved a hundred times, and there will be absolutely no problem in fertility."

After Xue Taihe finished speaking, Chen Yunfei stood up with difficulty while holding on to the dining table. He glanced at Lu Fei next to him, and mist filled his chaotic old eyes.

Chen Honggang's wife was so happy that she burst into tears.

The failure to breed offspring for the Chen family has always been her heartache, and she always felt sorry for the Chen family.

Outsiders didn't know that the problem lay with Chen Honggang, and they didn't dare to talk about the Chen family, so many people gossiped behind her back and said it was her problem.

She has suffered too much grievances for this matter, and now she finally has hope through people's discussion. How can she not be excited!

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