A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2205 Endless Aftertaste

Chen Honggang was so excited that tears filled his eyes when he was sure that he still had the possibility of giving birth.

He poured a full glass of wine, stood up and said excitedly.

"Xiao Fei, second uncle, let me toast you."

"If your second aunt and I can reproduce, you will be the biggest contributor to our Chen family." ??

"I respect you."

Lu Fei picked up the wine glass and laughed.

"Second uncle, what you said is wrong. I want to correct it."

"Xiang'er is my wife, and I am also a member of the Chen family. Of course I hope that our Chen family will be prosperous."

"So, you don't need to be polite to me."

"If you are polite anymore, you are treating me like an outsider."

"In addition, after today's drink, you must abstain from alcohol for three months and take medicine to recuperate your body according to Lao Xue's requirements before you can start taking medicine."

"Although this medicine is sure to cure your injuries, it has a higher success rate by conditioning your body to its optimal condition."

"So, you have to stop drinking."


"Second uncle listens to you."

"But today, we two must drink to our heart's content."


The two drank it all in one gulp, and then the second aunt toasted Lu Fei.

The old man sat down and smiled brightly, and Chen Hongyi and his wife couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

Now a unified idea burst out in their hearts at the same time. It is the greatest luck of the Chen family to attract Lu Fei to the Chen family!

Xue Taihe carefully put away the earth dragon grass, but he was still extremely excited.

After drinking for three rounds, Lu Fei said to his mother-in-law.

"Mom, I also brought you a gift this time."

"I got two batches of top-quality red wine from the UK, and the quantity is quite large."

"With the inventory at home, I can definitely open a top winery in the world."

"You choose the location yourself, notify me of the chosen location, and I will handle the rest." Lu Fei said.



of! "

"That's great, thank you Xiao Fei!"

My mother-in-law’s favorite thing is red wine, and her biggest dream is to open a high-end winery.

The Chen family's financial resources were fine, but they had no source of red wine. Therefore, she kept the idea of ​​opening a winery in her heart and could not express it.

During the New Year celebrations at Xuanlong Base, Lu Fei took out several bottles of top-quality red wine. His mother-in-law was so excited that she expressed the thoughts that had been suppressed in her heart for many years.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fei really took it seriously, and she was so happy to get the top-quality red wine back so quickly.

After dinner, Lu Fei personally checked the old man's body.

As Xue Taihe said, everything is normal with the old man.

However, aging and functional deterioration of body functions and organs are unavoidable.

Except for the gods, no one can do anything about it.

Lu Fei can only do his best to delay aging and let the old man live a few more years. This is already a life-changing change.

Afterwards, Chen Yunfei expressed his own views on Lu Fei's handling of Zhao Yuanchao.

To sum up, the old man is still very satisfied with Lu Fei's performance.

There is nothing wrong with being decisive in killing, hating evil as much as enemies, facing difficulties head on, and not leaving the enemy a chance to counterattack.

But the old man emphasized that you must think carefully before doing anything.

Once you attack, you must kill with one blow, and you must not give the opponent a chance to counterattack, otherwise there will be endless consequences.

The old man talked about his various experiences over the past century in every detail, which was really beneficial to Lu Fei.

Starting from the next day, Lu Fei became busy.

Lan Xiangdong and other senior officials tried every means to get close to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei is now a famous man, and his status in the hearts of the big leaders is increasing day by day.

Before, Lan Xiangdong thought about revenge for his brother-in-law Deng Xinhua, but now he doesn't dare to think about revenge at all.

Just kidding, even Zhao Yuanchao, who is one level higher than him, fell into Lu Fei's hands. Does he still dare to challenge Lu Fei?

Besides, from this incident, everyone saw that Lu Fei was infinitely intelligent and thoughtful, and he was just like a little fox.

If you are abroad, you can easily control the situation by remote control from thousands of miles away.

Make strategic plans and win the battle thousands of miles away.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

After seeing Lu Fei's ruthlessness and ability, if you want to go against Lu Fei again, you will be a super idiot!

Now, all these leaders have to do is to please Lu Fei.

Even if you can't get Lu Fei's help, you still have to express your position.

The environment these leaders live in is a huge network, and they are all involved in each other.

God knows what day some unlucky guy will fall into Lu Fei's hands again?

If you get involved, wouldn't it be an unforeseen disaster?

If you are on good terms with Lu Fei, even if this happens, Lu Fei might be accommodating and not care about it.

Another point is that Lu Fei is the son-in-law of the Chen family, a son-in-law with formalities for disclosure.

Being friends with Lu Fei is like hugging the Chen family's thick legs. There are so many benefits!

Therefore, Lu Fei has been having a lot of social activities these days.

But Lu Fei couldn't refuse.

These people are all powerful bosses, and the relationship with them is too tense. It will be inconvenient for him to do things by himself in the future, so Lu Fei has no choice but to deal with it.

Half a month later, it finally stopped, but several friends from the archaeological community came to visit again.

There was nothing he could do, so Lu Fei later treated Fatty Zhang Yanhe and the others to a meal.

This morning, Lu Fei showed up at Guan Haishan's office with the formalities in hand.

Guan Haishan certainly knows that Lu Fei has been in Tiandu City these days.

However, the relationship between him and Lu Fei is now somewhat tense.

During the video archeology, Guan Haishan's attitude annoyed Lu Fei, and he began to ignore him.

At the Rui Stone auction, he was severely beaten by Lu Fei again.

Therefore, Guan Haishan's mood was very complicated. Even he himself didn't know whether he felt sorry for Lu Fei or resented Lu Fei.

Therefore, he has never taken the initiative to meet Lu Fei in the past few days, and even Lu Fei's treat, he did not attend.

Now that Lu Fei came to his office, Guan Haishan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.


"It's really rare for Boss Lu to come to my place!"

"Please take a seat."

Lu Fei nodded and sat down. Guan Haishan took out an exquisite tea can from the cabinet and made tea for Lu Fei himself.

"Although my tea is not as good as yours, it is still pretty good."

"This is Mingqian Longjing. It's made from the ancient tree of Babai Shifeng Mountain. It tastes quite good."

Lu Fei glanced at him and smiled coldly.

"If you show off with my tea, do you still want to show off?"



Guan Haishan's head was buzzing, and then he remembered that this was the shameless Lu Fei of the Lu family in Jincheng!

It's really embarrassing to brag about someone else's tea and have someone point it out.

Guan Haishan's face turned red with embarrassment. Fortunately, Lu Fei didn't continue his venomous remarks, otherwise he would really have found a crack in the ground to get in.

However, looking at the tea can in his hand, Guan Haishan felt emotional again.

Before, the person with the best relationship with Lu Fei in the entire archaeological world was himself.

During that time, the indirect benefits he received from Lu Fei were so numerous that he even forgot about this small tea leaf.

Looking back on that time, it’s really unforgettable!

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