A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2206 It’s so cool.

Recalling the time they spent together in the past, Guan Haishan felt mixed emotions in his heart.

As for the embarrassment that Lu Fei pointed out just now, it doesn't seem to be that important anymore.

After making tea, Guan Haishan personally delivered it to Lu Fei and sighed.

"Baolanfei, we buddies used to talk about everything."

"But now."

"Is this what the fuck is going on?"

"Why is it like this?"

"I know that I wasn't honest enough in some places, but I apologized when it was time to apologize. What else do you want?"

"If you're not happy, just tell me that you can do whatever you want me to do. Can you please stop doing this to me?"

"I feel really bad!"

Speaking of this, Guan Haishan's eyes filled with mist and his voice trembled.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and remained unmoved.

"That's not bad!"

"You are the general counsel, and we are not from the same world."

"I was a bitch before. I shouldn't point fingers at you. I will never do it again in the future, let alone threaten your current status as Mr. Guan."

Lu Fei's words showed his attitude, which was to tell Guan Haishan that I don't care about your position and will never take it away.

But after hearing what Lu Fei said, Guan Haishan was so ashamed.

"Baoshaifei, it seems you still misunderstood me."

"I didn't fancy this position at all because I knew I wasn't capable."

"Master told me more than once when he was still alive that he planned to let you take over, but you refused many times."

"My position is only a temporary measure. If a more capable talent appears, I will of course be willing to step down and make way for someone else."

"In my heart, position and reputation are not important. What is important is to fulfill my master's last wish as much as possible and bring China's archaeological cause to glory."

"Otherwise, after I die, how can I have the dignity to see my teacher?"

“Currently, the talent pool in China’s archaeological field is withering, and there are simply no people suitable for this position.


"But if you, Lu Fei, sit in this position, you will definitely be able to convince everyone, and I am willing to step down and fully assist you." Guan Haishan said seriously.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and then waved his hand.

"I'm not interested in this position."

"I have something else to do with you today."

Lu Fei said, pushing the instructions from leader No. 3 in front of Guan Haishan.

"This is the approval document from Leader No. 3. The previous batch of red sandalwood aniseed belongs to me."

"Mr. Guan, please sign, and I'll go find Fu Yuliang to hand over the matter." Lu Fei said.


"Is it approved so quickly?"

Guan Haishan looked at the approval document and felt huge waves in his heart.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has been no precedent for reselling cultural relics to individuals.

No matter how awesome a person is, the country will never grant it to an individual.

Because this involves the majesty of the law, no exceptions can be made.

Lu Fei asked him to file a report, but Guan Haishan only dared not to do it because of Lu Fei's threat, and just made a symbolic show of dealing with Lu Fei.

But Guan Haishan firmly believes that the senior leaders will never agree.

But I never expected that not only did the superiors agree, but they also approved it so quickly.

This simply subverted Guan Haishan's three views, and he suddenly felt bad.

Looking at the documents again, Guan Haishan couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that the leaders still pay more attention to Lu Fei!

As a general consultant, I am very good on the surface, but in terms of leadership, I am far inferior to Lu Fei. This is really my greatest sorrow!

All are general counsel.

When the teacher was in office, who would dare not give the teacher face?

When making decisions on such a big matter, leaders must seek teachers’ opinions


If the teacher disagrees, even if the leader protects Lu Fei, he will never approve it.

Because, in the eyes of the leaders, teachers are the treasure of the country and the cornerstone of the country. That is a super treasure that no amount of Lu Fei can exchange for.

But when it was his turn, the leaders gave the instructions directly to Lu Fei without even a phone call, and asked Lu Fei to ask him to sign.

The contrast is so great that it makes people feel chilled and unacceptable!

"Mr. Guan, do you think there is anything wrong with this batch of articles?"

"If there is no problem, please sign immediately. I'm waiting to go to Zhongzhou to hand over to Lao Fu!" Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan picked up the instructions tremblingly, but kept looking at Lu Fei.

"Bao Bao Fei, don't call me Mr. Guan. It sounds awkward to me. Just keep it the same as before!"


"That's inappropriate!"

"It would be an insult to your majesty, Mr. Guan, to be heard by outsiders," Lu Fei said.


Guan Haishan's nose was almost crooked with anger, and he thought to himself: In the eyes of you, Lu Fei, do I, the general counsel, still have any fucking dignity?

"Mr. Guan please sign."

Guan Haishan suddenly realized that returning to the previous state with Lu Fei could not be achieved in a short while.

Now this rag is stuck at the tip of a bull's horn, and it's useless to explain himself.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan calmed down and read the document carefully.

Confirm that there is no problem, sign your name and stamp the official seal, and this instruction will take effect.

At this point, we can say that the batch of materials belongs to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei picked up the document and looked at it to make sure there was nothing wrong with it.

He put out his cigarette butt and stood up, put the documents away and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Guan. I have to rush to Zhongzhou to take over, so I won't waste your precious time."

"See you!"


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