Lu Fei left Guan Haishan's office, and Mr. Guan stamped his feet angrily.

This damn bastard, I'm so low-key, what else does he want?

Damn it!

Something shameless to the face.

Don't think that the earth will stop spinning if you leave a rag collector like you. I respect you because I think highly of you. You are too shameless!


Guan Haishan was really angry. Lu Fei's indifference to him had severely hit his self-esteem.

But he had to admit that Lu Fei was indeed much more capable than him.

Without Lu Fei's support, he, the general counsel, would really have many problems that he could not solve.

Therefore, even if he was angry again, he would not dare to explode in front of Lu Fei.

Otherwise, there is really no room for recovery in the relationship between the two.

After calming down for a while, Guan Haishan immediately asked the driver to prepare the car and rush to Zhongzhou.

On the other side, Lu Fei called Xiao Nai Gou and asked him to call Tianbao and Xiao Lei to go to Zhongzhou to pick up the wood and transport the wood back to Jincheng.

The little nanny and his wife went back to northwest China to get married.

In the northwest, people from the Duan family are everywhere, and the little girl feels extremely depressed.

I found a reason a few days ago and successfully escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and returned to Jincheng.

I have nothing to do these two days. Every day I just enjoy the wine Lu Fei brought back with Wang Xinlei.

Now that he has been summoned by his brother, the little puppy is full of strength and sets out immediately.

Over in Tiandu, Lu Fei called Xiao Ma, and the two prepared to drive a special Land Rover to Zhongzhou.

Lu Fei had other purposes for going this time.

It will be much more convenient to take the pony with you.

Unfortunately, the car had just entered the third ring road when a call came from Xianyang. There was a little accident and Xiao Ma needed to go over and deal with it.

Lu Fei believed in Xiao Ma's ability and asked him to take a plane to Xianyang alone without asking any questions.

After that, Lu Fei asked the little puppy to call Gao Meng and Gao Jianhua again.

With both of them helping, the effect is the same.

Tiandu is not too far from Zhongzhou, Lu

Fei was not in a hurry, just enjoying the scenery along the road while driving.

From time to time I go into the service area to take a rest, so the speed is much slower.

It wasn't until 4:30 in the afternoon that Lu Fei drove to the provincial capital of Zhongzhou.

Entering the city, immediately meet up with Little Milk Dog and others who arrived first.

After getting into Lu Fei's car, the little puppy's eyes suddenly lit up.


"Brother, your car seems to be very unusual, doesn't it?"

"Lend it to my brother and let me drive it for a few days?"


"If you don't want to die, you can drive away at any time." Lu Fei sneered.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the little dog also guessed that it was almost the same.

After all, Lu Fei had a special Cherokee, and he knew it, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Is it so serious?" the little puppy asked fearfully.

Lu Fei didn't answer, he just kept sneering.

"Xiaolong, is the wine I brought back good?" Lu Fei suddenly asked.


“Delicious, very good.”

Suddenly, the little milk dog's voice froze.

Realizing that he had spilled the beans, he quickly covered his mouth.

"Why don't you speak?"

"Tell me your experience. How is it different from other red wines?" Lu Fei asked.


"Brother, I heard wrong just now. Without your consent, how dare I open it and taste it!"

"Whether it tastes good or not, you will know if you go back and try it yourself."

"Well, let me tell you what happened in the northwest these days!"

"That idiot Duan Laoer."

The little nanny quickly changed the subject, Wang

Xinlei covered her mouth and almost laughed.

Lu Fei handed over a middle finger and said with great contempt.


"I don't dare admit it after drinking. I'm really disappointed in you."


Knowing that he couldn't hide it anymore, the little naughty dog ​​gave Wang Xinlei a hard look.

"You damn bastard, you dare to snitch on me, are you looking for death?"

"Don't forget, you didn't drink less either!"

Wang Xinlei was extremely aggrieved.

"Brother Long, please don't slander me. When did I report to Brother Fei?"

"Besides, you opened the wine, wouldn't it be a waste if I don't drink it?"

"What does this have to do with me?"


The little puppy wanted to strangle Wang Xinlei to death and kept glaring angrily.


"Don't blame Xiao Lei, he really didn't tell me." Lu Fei said.


"Then who betrayed me?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"It's Xiaolei and I who know about this?" the little dog murmured to himself.


"You still need someone else to make the report?"

"If you don't miss me, you won't be you."

"I asked you to pick up the goods, and I knew you would know how to do it."

"It was a test for you just now. If you admit it happily, I will give you a few more boxes."

"Now, you have no chance."

"Xiao Lei, when your sister returns to Jincheng, you can go to her and receive five more boxes as a reward for your honesty."

"Thank you, Brother Fei!"

The little puppy suddenly became hopeless.

The three brothers joked all the way, and twenty minutes later, the two cars drove to the entrance of the Provincial Museum.

Guan Haishan has arrived early

It's been more than an hour, and now Fatty Wang Fu Yuliang and Zhang Yanhe are waiting outside the door to greet him!

They have been waiting for more than an hour, and their old calves are getting cramped.

When Lu Fei finally arrived, several old guys were so excited that they almost cried.

"Bashao Fei, why are you here!!"

The first leader of the provincial government is on the same level as the second leader of the provincial government.

Guan Haishan is two levels higher than the provincial government, and Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe are one level higher than Fu Yuliang.

These are real bosses.

The four big bosses greeted him at the door, which was definitely a show of respect.

Lu Fei got out of the car, and Guan Haishan, the four of them, led several important leaders of the provincial government, and walked inside surrounded by them.

Even the little puppy Gao Meng and the others enjoy super treatment.

Wang Xinlei and the others have long been accustomed to this kind of situation.

There are more awesome leaders than Guan Haishan. They have met a lot and are quite relaxed.

But Gao Jianhua, who was behind Lu Fei, was no longer calm.

A year ago, he was still a "black household".

Follow Liu Peiwen's Grave Scorpions to fight guerrillas everywhere.

After following Lu Fei, he just hid in the Phoenix Villa on Hong Kong Island and didn't dare to show up in public at all.

After the New Year, Lu Fei got him a serious identity, and Gao Jianhua saw the light of day again.

However, he always felt a little guilty.

This is the psychological effect of years of underground life.

Recently, Gao Jianhua became more confident when he went to Malaysia and the northwest with everyone, but he had never had any contact with senior Chinese officials.

On the way just now, Gao Jianhua was a little nervous when he heard that Gao Meng said he was going to the province for a PhD.

Now that he was enjoying the glory of Lu Fei and being surrounded by several leaders as if they were gods, Gao Jianhua was so nervous that he was sweating profusely.

You know, what these leaders hate most are grave scorpions.

If they knew about his dark past, the consequences would be disastrous, so he felt extremely guilty.

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