A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2209 Something went wrong

When Guan Haishan asked this question, the three fat men were stunned for a moment, and their minds were flooded with thoughts.

Recently, something has gone viral in the archaeological community.

People talked about it, saying that during the anniversary of Confucius, several leaders had interviewed Lu Fei and planned to let Lu Fei step forward to carry the banner of the archaeological team.

Of course, Fatty Wang and others knew more details.

Because they were also present at the time and talked about it with Lu Fei, Lu Fei was decisive.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that since that time, the relationship between Guan Haishan and Lu Fei has undergone some subtle changes.

During the video link at Jincheng Gong Cemetery, Lu Fei made a guest appearance as the commander-in-chief, commanding everyone to do things remotely. Guan Haishan seemed extremely impatient, and Lu Fei quit the video on the spot.

From then on, the relationship between the two worsened.

So much so that at the wedding of the little Malaysian puppy, the two of them barely spoke.

At first, Fatty and others thought Lu Fei was inflated. ??

But now it seems that the problem lies with Guan Laosan.

Guan Haishan was too suspicious and worried that his position would be replaced by Lu Fei, so he was always on guard against Lu Fei!


I hadn't seen it before, and I didn't expect Guan Laosan to be so narrow-minded and extremely suspicious.

How can such a character take on such a heavy responsibility?

Could it be that, once a person has a certain amount of power, his personality will change?

Is power really that important?

Could it be said that China’s archaeological cause is really going to be in decline?

Although they secretly complained, they never dared to speak out.

After all, Guan Haishan is their immediate boss.

Before, everyone regarded him as a friend, and they talked about everything and joked around.

But now that I understand Guan Haishan's character, I must be cautious in the future.

God knows which sentence broke the taboo and hit the boss's lungs. If he had to wear small shoes for himself, it would be too damn uncomfortable.


br\u003e Thinking of this, Fu Yuliang chuckled.

"Mr. Guan, I don't think it will happen!"

"The shabby flying ghost is probably worried that his formula will be leaked."

"Besides, didn't he allow us two to supervise?"

"The two of us stared at him intently. Even if he had powerful means, he wouldn't be able to use them!"

Guan Haishan nodded.

"What you said makes sense, but it can't be ignored."

"This is a national first-class cultural relic. If it is lost or destroyed, none of us can bear the responsibility."


"You can make arrangements overnight to get an X-ray scanner so that everything is foolproof," Guan Haishan said.

Depend on!

Hearing this, the three fat men secretly rolled their eyes.

As expected, he is narrow-minded, guarding against flying rags as much as he guards against thieves.

He was kind enough to help us open the coffin, but knowing that you were guarding against him like this would definitely make Shaft Fei feel chilled.

Why.! !

Of course Lu Fei didn't know how Guan Haishan arranged it, and he had no intention of knowing.

The initiative is in their own hands, and it will be useless no matter how hard they try.

Arriving at the Yunlong Hotel in the provincial capital, the manager was extremely polite when he saw Lu Fei.

Although Lu Fei has nothing to do with the hotel, he is the hotel owner's man!

It is not far-fetched at all to say that the hotel belongs to Lu Fei.

The presidential suite on the top floor happened to be vacant, and the manager immediately arranged three rooms.

Back in the suite, Lu Fei made a cup of tea, kicked out the little dog and others, and dialed Xiao Ma's phone.

On the way to Zhongzhou, Xiaoma has something to do.

After arriving in Xianyang, Lu Fei was worried and called to inquire about the situation.

After answering the phone, Xiao Ma reported that there was indeed something wrong there. Xiao Ma had just arrived and had not had time to report.

Before the Jinling Battle for Treasures, Lu Fei prepared as many trump cards as possible in order to be more confident against Yoshida Ohno.

At that time, we explored several key treasure locations recorded in Gao Jianhua's notes one by one.

The last location recorded in the notes is also the location of the largest treasure trove, located in Xingping Mountain in Xianyang.

Lu Fei and the others explored for more than half a month and finally found the exact location.

Unfortunately, although there were many treasures inside, there were no treasures that could meet Lu Fei's requirements, so Lu Fei did not ask for them.

Although he didn't ask for it at the time, Lu Fei had no intention of giving up.

He rushed to see Deng Xinhua and asked Xiao Ma and Xie Chuncheng to stay and buy the Xingping Mountain treasure site to build a resort.

Use the resort to encircle the treasure, and it will become Lu Fei's private property.

This is the simplest and most practical method.

However, during the formalities, a small accident occurred.

The local government does not plan to sell the land, but will allow it to be leased.

This was considered a normal situation. Lu Fei didn't think too much and asked Xiao Ma to come forward and sign a contract with Xingping Mountain Village. The contract period was fifty years and the resort would be built as usual.

Since it was winter when the contract was signed, construction was not possible.

So after the formalities were completed, we were busy designing and preparing materials.

After the beginning of spring, the resort officially started construction.

At present, one-third of the construction period has been completed. At this rate, it will be completed before the end of the year and will be open for business next year.

Of course, this is just a cover.

However, recently, there has been a little problem there.

Local county one

The Dongsheng Real Estate Company took a fancy to Lu Fei's resort and sent people over more than once to negotiate and acquire it, but of course it failed.

Zhao Dongsheng, the owner of Dongsheng Real Estate Company, did not know that the owner of this villa was Lu Fei.

According to his investigation, the legal person of the resort was named Ma Tengyun, a migrant from the Northeast, so he didn't take Xiao Ma seriously at all.

Moreover, this boss did not supervise in Xianyang, leaving only two younger brothers to take charge of all aspects, and Zhao Dongsheng didn't care even more.

After several rounds of negotiations without achieving the goal, Zhao Dongsheng, a local snake, started to play evil.

At first, Zhao Dongsheng contacted the local building materials market and asked them to ban the supply of building materials to Xingping Villa.

Zhao Dongsheng is the most powerful real estate tycoon in the local county and the largest customer in the building materials market.

In order to curry favor with Zhao Dongsheng, the bosses of the building materials market fully cooperated.

Of course, this little trick could not be hidden from the eyes of Xie Chuncheng, the person in charge of the construction of the villa.

Although Xie Chuncheng is young, he is not the best among many young buddies.

But it is more than enough to fight with a small county boss.

Lu Fei specifically told him that it was best not to cause trouble, otherwise Xie Chuncheng would have countless ways to deal with Zhao Dongsheng.

Even so, he still has tricks up his sleeve.

The next day, Xie Chuncheng gathered the bosses of the Building Materials City together and invited them to dinner.

At the wine table, Xie Chuncheng expressed his willingness to buy their building materials at a 20% premium.

He also said that Xingping Villa is only the first phase of his company's project, and there will be major construction projects in the county and even in the future. If you cooperate with him, you will definitely make a lot of money.

If you are afraid that Zhao Dongsheng will not cooperate with us, the worst we can do is skip the county seat and go to the city to buy building materials.

It’s nothing more than a little more shipping fee.

The reason why I am willing to increase the price for you is that I want to make a friend so that we can cooperate in the future.

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