A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2210 Things may not be that simple

The reason why those building materials bosses are willing to collude with Zhao Dongsheng is to have long-term cooperation with Dongsheng Real Estate Company.

To put it bluntly, it’s just to make money.

But Zhao Dongsheng's promise is just a blank check for the time being, but what Xie Chuncheng brings is real benefits.

The premium is 20%, and there will be cooperation in the future. Only a fool would disagree.

Therefore, after dinner, Xie Chuncheng easily resolved the crisis.

This is because Lu Fei doesn't want to be exposed for the time being, otherwise Xie Chuncheng would have told Brother Fei to take care of his grandson.

I thought that after this incident, Zhao Dongsheng would wake up a little and stop causing trouble.

However, Xie Chuncheng still underestimated Zhao Dongsheng.

Not only did this guy not give up, he actually intensified his efforts.

Unable to contain the building materials, this guy bribed several local departments to go to the villa to disgust Xie Chuncheng.

Today civil engineering is here, tomorrow environmental protection is here, and then electricity, fire protection, etc. come over again and again to cause trouble.

Xie Chuncheng was so angry that he originally wanted to inform Lu Fei, but he was worried that Brother Fei would say that he was not doing well, so he decided to find a way to solve it himself.

Xie Chuncheng has investigated Zhao Dongsheng and found out that this guy is really awesome in the local area. He has a net worth of more than 500 million and is considered the richest man in the local county. He has a good relationship with the leaders of various departments as brothers and sisters.

However, who can compare his assets with this?

It is indeed second to none in the local small county, but compared with Lu Fei, he is like an ant.

The money Fei Ge makes in one day is much more than his total assets. Who is he?

Zhao Dongsheng's purpose is that a powerful dragon cannot defeat a local snake. He believes that Xie Chuncheng will definitely give in and sell the villa to him at a low price.

But he forgot another famous saying, money can make the world go round.

The leaders of various departments in the county have good relations with him, and they are just interested in the benefits that Zhao Dongsheng brings to them.

Xie Chuncheng gave them more, so of course they would favor Xie Chuncheng.

Even if there is no public site

Even if the team remains neutral, Zhao Dongsheng loses.

However, Zhao Dongsheng still refused to give up and made small moves one after another.

Recently, Zhao Dongsheng bribed some local gangsters to often come to the villa construction site to cause trouble.

Of course Xie Chuncheng would not take those gangsters seriously.

The soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth, and the worst possible outcome will be to do nothing.

But Xie Chuncheng never expected that these gangsters were not simple, because they were members of the most famous underground force in Xianyang City, Xu Yaohu and Brother Hu.

Xie Chuncheng asked the construction site workers to beat away the gangsters who came to make trouble twice in a row, which finally caused a big commotion.

Four nights ago, more than a hundred gangsters came to the villa construction site.

He broke into the construction site without saying a word and beat everyone he saw and smashed the equipment he saw.

Xie Chuncheng led his employees to resist, but most of the migrant workers at the construction site were honest people who abide by their duties. How could fighting be compared with ruthless gangsters?

After more than ten minutes of fighting, the migrant workers at the construction site were defeated miserably.

Fifteen people were seriously injured and more than 80 people were slightly injured. Even Xie Chuncheng was shot and his left leg was broken.

Not to mention, the excavators, loaders, mixers, and electrical wires at the construction site were severely damaged and the losses were considerable.

The gangsters retreated, and Xie Chuncheng immediately called the police. However, the police came to the scene to go through the motions, and then went to the hospital to find Xie Chuncheng to make a record. Nothing happened next.

The police had no results, but the gangsters were extremely arrogant.

The next day, Xu Yaohu's people came to the hospital to warn Xie Chuncheng, giving him a week to think carefully and transfer the villa to Zhao Dongsheng at a low price.

Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk.

The matter was so serious that Xie Chuncheng didn't dare to hide it anymore. He didn't dare to notify Lu Fei and reported it to Xiao Ma.


"Brother Fei, I just arrived. Take the time to understand the situation and then report to you."

"They're just a bunch of gangsters. If it doesn't work, just get rid of them." Xiao Ma said viciously.

Lu Fei frowned after listening to Xiao Ma's narration.

"Don't be careless."

"Listening to what you said, I think this matter is not as simple as you think."

"The land in Xingping Mountain is barren and there are no minerals. It is also very far from the downtown area and the surrounding environment is average."

"We have our purpose in building a resort there. Why did Zhao Dongsheng fall in love with that place?"

"How will he make a profit after acquiring our villa?"

"He is a businessman. How can he be so persistent when there is no profit?"

"They are causing trouble over and over again, and they are even asking gangsters to hurt people. They are engaging in such a big fight just for the sake of an unprofitable villa. Do you believe it?" Lu Fei asked.


Xiao Ma thought about it and couldn't help but gasped.

Brother Fei is right!

We built the villa for the sake of underground treasures, without even expecting the villa to make money.

It's impossible to make money in such a place where nothing matters!

But it is such a garbage industry, and Zhao Dongsheng is so persistent. This is definitely not normal.

"Brother Fei, did they also see something?" Xiao Ma asked fearfully.

"Hard to say!"

"However, it's very possible."

"So, you must not act rashly."

"You just take care of Chuncheng in the hospital. Brother Yuan will be back soon to investigate."

"Find out what's going on and then make plans."

"By the way, how is Chuncheng's injury?" Lu Fei asked.



br\u003e “The left ankle bone was fractured, the calf was broken, and there was a cut in the head that required five stitches, but the appearance was not disfigured.”

Hearing this, Lu Fei's teeth clenched.

In such a long time, none of his brothers had suffered such serious injuries.

I didn't expect to be beaten like this by a local snake.

Damn it!

No matter who dares to bully my brother, Lu Fei, he must pay the price.

When I investigate clearly, I will ask you to pay ten thousand times the price.

Lu Fei said after calming down.

"You and Chuncheng must pay attention to safety over there."

"In addition, injured migrant workers will be given the highest compensation, and we will pay for all medical expenses."

"Don't worry about other things, just take care of Chuncheng."

"I'll be over as soon as I finish my work here."

"Yes, Brother Fei!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei's obsidian eyes burst out with murderous intent. If anyone saw it, they would be scared to death.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and immediately called Gao Yuan.

"Brother Yuan, please come back."

There are two people who are best at investigating this kind of thing.

The first one is to open.

Open your arms and find out easily.

However, Lu Fei certainly wouldn't bother opening his mouth for such a trivial matter.

And there is a secret in it, and they can't let them know.

Apart from Zhang Zhang, Gao Yuan is the best candidate.

The London side has almost been dealt with in the past few days. With the second brother in charge, there will be absolutely no problem. Gao Yuan can come back with peace of mind.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei was still uneasy and asked Wang Dalei and Qin Tianhao to go to Xianyang to protect the safety of Xiao Ma and Chuncheng.

Daleizi is the second master on his side. With him here, nothing will go wrong.

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