A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2211 It’s so unfair

Lu Fei was not in a hurry to go to Xianyang to avenge his brother.

Lu Fei didn't look down on the richest man in a county and some city-level gangsters.

I still have important things to do here, and I can't get away for the time being.

In addition, the situation in Xianyang is a bit complicated and must be investigated carefully before responding.

Lu Fei was completely relieved to transfer Gao Yuan back and leave it to him.

Early the next morning, Fatty Wang Fu Yuliang came to the hotel early to wait for Lu Fei.

After having a special breakfast outside, Lu Fei took his little brothers to the Provincial University Courtyard again.

Guan Haishan and Zhang Yanhe were waiting here, and they were extremely polite when they saw Lu Fei.

Fu Yuliang led everyone to warehouse No. 1 at the back, where Ji Kai's coffin and the coffin of the female corpse in the main tomb were displayed.

This is an independent space with an area of ​​about 200 square meters. There is not a single window on all sides, but it has been heated and ventilated to preserve the cultural relics to the maximum extent.

At the gate, two security guards were on serious alert.

In addition, a brand new X-ray scanner is installed at the door.

Although the scanners here are not as high-end as those of the Thomas family, they are still top-notch equipment.


Lu Fei sneered and glanced at Guan Haishan with contempt.

"Mr. Guan, was this thing prepared for me overnight?" Lu Fei asked.

Guan Haishan smiled awkwardly, wondering how Lu Fei could tell.


"How can this be?"

"You have too much heart, kid."

"This is the No. 1 warehouse of the Provincial Museum, the most important place."

"All staff entering and exiting need to be strictly inspected."

"This thing has been installed for more than a year, and thanks to you, it was purchased with funds funded by your foundation!" Guan Haishan said.


Lu Fei smiled, walked to the scanner in two steps, squatted down and tore off a small piece of protective plastic at the foot.

The cloth was waved in front of everyone, and Guan Haishan suddenly blushed.

"Not bad!"

"Your protection measures are indeed in place. It has been more than a year since the instrument was installed. It has been exposed to wind and sun, but the plastic packaging sheet is still as good as new. It is really rare."

"Mr. Fu, can you tell me how you did it?" Lu Fei sneered.


Fu Yuliang was so ashamed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Damn it!

The installation was so hurried last night that I didn't even tear off the outer plastic sheet.

Now that Tao Zao Fei has caught the handle, this is so embarrassing.

Damn it!

It's all Guan Laosan's nonsense.

If he hadn't had to install this thing, why would I be so embarrassed!

Now that I’m in trouble, maybe Baoshao Fei will think of me as a bad guy too.

Why! !

Isn't this just bad luck?

Seeing that Fu Yuliang was speechless, Lu Fei sneered even more.

Throwing away the plastic sheet, he glanced at Fu Yuliangdao with disdain.

"Vice President, let me ask you an out-of-box question."

"What would you do if your relative bought a knife with your money and stabbed you with the knife later?"

"Also, if you are lucky enough to survive, will you still give this person money in the future?"


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Fu Yuliang and the other four were completely in trouble.

They are all grown-ups, so how could they not hear what Lu Fei meant?

This is not outside the box, this is talking about them!

The meaning of Lu Fei's words has nothing to do with "knife".

What this means is that you used funds from my foundation to acquire these high-tech instruments and then used them against me. What exactly does that mean?

If you do this, will you still want funding from our foundation in the future?

Fu Yuliang suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and Fatty Zhang Yanhe Wang unconsciously took two steps away from Guan Haishan.

This is the critical moment to stand in line.

If they angered Baolanfei, none of them would want funding from the foundation in the future.

You know, the foundation's annual allocation is really important to them.

Without this kind of funding, many plans would not be implemented!

Therefore, Fatty and Zhang Yanhe didn't care so much anymore and hurriedly left Guanhai Mountain.

This is a critical moment for taking sides. If you don’t take a stand, you may be beaten to death with a flying stick!

If that were the case, they would be so unjust.

It was too obvious now. Guan Haishan was so embarrassed that his old face turned into a grocery store. The color changed constantly. He wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Especially the group of brothers behind Lu Fei, whose eyes were full of banter, made him even more unbearable.

Damn it!

I am the chief archaeological consultant of China!

He is the supreme leader in the archaeological world. When did he ever receive such cowardice?

But Lu Fei was not used to it, and he still made insinuations in front of so many people. It was damned!

Guan Haishan was resentful in his heart, but in this situation, he did not dare to explode, which would make him even more guilty.

Lu Fei came here for his own purpose.

He understood this, and Lu Fei didn't want to be too serious with them, as that would not do him any good.

Just point it out and let them understand that they are not stupid.

It's up to them what to do in the future. They don't have that much time in the United States.

Fight with them all the time.

Seeing that they were silent, Lu Fei chuckled, lit a cigarette and handed it to Fu Yuliang.

He patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Lao Fu, I'd like to discuss with you whether we can remove this equipment?"

"Brother, it's not that I have a guilty conscience, it's that I'm carrying a finished protective agent that cannot be exposed."

"We are all working for the country, there is no need to be so serious, right?"

The meaning of Lu Fei's words is also very clear.

If you use this thing to scan yourself, you cannot accept it.

Use my protective agent to open the coffin and remove this thing. I will turn around and leave without my help.

Of course Fu Yuliang understood this.

However, this thing was installed under Guan Haishan's order, and he didn't dare to make the decision.

He glanced at Guan Haishan out of the corner of his eye. The latter was stunned for a moment, then immediately walked over with a big smile.

"No problem, of course no problem!"

"Lao Fu, have someone remove the instrument immediately. Bao Bao Fei is one of our own, so you can rest assured."


Your uncle!

Two black lines appeared on Fu Yuliang's head, and he greeted the elders of Guan Haishan fiercely.

Damn it, it’s you anyway, I’ve become a bad guy inside and out.

Damn Fei, you must see clearly with your fiery eyes!

All this has nothing to do with me, brother!

If you take your anger out on me, then I am so damn unjust, Fu Yuliang cursed.

Guan Haishan ordered, and several staff members immediately came to remove the instruments and move them far away, out of sight and out of mind.

Fu Yuliang took a deep breath and prepared to go in with Zhang Luo Lufei.

But at this time, Lu Fei took out a small electronic instrument from his bag.

Seeing this instrument, the jaws of Guan Haishan and others dropped to the floor.

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