A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2212 I want to check

Fu Yuliang's equipment was removed, but Lu Fei took out a rectangular electronic instrument from his bag.

"Electronic scanner?"

Seeing this thing, the jaws of the four people in Guan Haishan dropped to the ground.

"No. Bao Bao Fei, you, what are you going to do with such a thing?" Fu Yuliang asked confused.


"Don't be nervous, my protective agent is too precious and must not be leaked."

"Originally, I wasn't going to take this thing out."

"However, seeing those things of yours just now made me question your character."

"So, I want to scan to see if you have any electronic surveillance equipment secretly installed on you."

"Lao Fu, we are all friends. Please forgive me and I hope you can cooperate." Lu Fei said lightly.

Depend on

Several groups of crows suddenly flew over the heads of Fu Yuliang and the others, holding a long string of exclamation marks.

Damn it!

This grandson is so inhuman.

We set up an X-ray scanner, but he gave us a lot of insinuations.

Our equipment was taken away, but this bitch came up with such a disgusting thing, why should he be so shameless?

This is simply a rhythm that is so annoying that no one pays for it!

The four people's faces were as dark as water, but Lu Fei laughed.


"Are you really guilty of having electronic devices secretly installed on your body?"


Fu Yuliang was furious when he heard this.

"Balan Fei, you are so fucking dirty, am I that kind of person?"

The employees of the provincial college who were watching from a distance opened their mouths wide and were completely shocked when they heard the boss speak such civilized language.

I go!

Our vice president is usually quite civilized, but today he used foul language. Where is his moral integrity?

Lu Fei didn't care at all when Lao Fu broke out.


"Since it's not installed, are you still afraid of me checking it?"

Lu Fei said.

"Fart, I didn't do anything wrong. Are you scared?"

"You check it, I'll check it for you."

"Son of a bitch, if you can't find out, you'll have to treat me later."

"no problem!"

"I'll treat you to it for a whole year."

Lu Fei said with a smile, and asked Xiao Ma to take the instrument and scan Fu Yuliang's body without ceremony.

He checked up and down carefully, not even missing his hair. Fu Yuliang rolled his eyes in anger.

After the scan was completed, the instrument did not alarm, but now Fu Yuliang was indifferent.

"Baolanfei, you are so fucking dirty."

"Lao Kong is right, you are a fox."

"What do you say now?"

"You must treat us." Fu Yuliang shouted.


"No problem, you can prepare what you want to eat by yourself. Once you think about it, I will arrange it right away."

With that said, Lu Fei walked around Fu Yuliang and came to Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, it's your turn."


When the surrounding employees heard this, their eyes almost exploded with shock.


Lu Fei dared to investigate even Boss Guan, he was so awesome.

He is simply my idol!

Looking at Guan Haishan again, his face turned purple.


Because he really had a hidden camera secretly installed on his body.

Although that thing is hidden, it can never escape the scanning of electronic equipment.

It would be too embarrassing if this was revealed in front of everyone.

The general counsel actually peeked into someone else's protective agent and secretly carried surveillance equipment to prepare for secret filming.

If this spreads out, he won't be able to see anyone.


Guan Haishan's old face was hot and he was sweating profusely.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he thought of a good way to deal with it.


"It's so hot today!"

With that said, Guan Haishan took off his coat and handed it to his secretary, and stood openly in front of Lu Fei, preparing to be scanned.

His hidden camera was hidden on the zipper tab of his jacket.

Take off your coat and you'll be safe.

Lu Fei winked, and immediately went to do a pretentious scan and put the instrument back.

The reason why he wasn't so careful was because Xiao Ma had already discovered the hidden camera.

It's gone now, and scanning carefully is useless.

Not to mention Xiao Ma, Guan Haishan's expression changed, and he suddenly took off his coat, and everyone could see clearly.

Fu Yuliang, Wang Fatty and the three of them felt huge waves in their hearts.

They never imagined that Guan Laosan could do such a despicable thing.

Is this still the same Guan Laosan from before?

Is this still the honest, honest and low-key Guan Haishan who once regarded archaeology as his life and even dared to taste old urine?

Oh my God!

Can power really change a person's character?

If that were the case, it would be really terrible.

Although the three of them did not dare to challenge Guan Haishan head-on, at this moment, Guan Haishan's image in their minds had begun to gradually collapse.

In fact, these three people had a deep contempt for him, and they understood why Lu Fei and Guan Haishan were drifting away.

Just scan Guan Haishan and Fu Yuliang, because according to the agreement, only the two of them can follow in to supervise Lu Fei.

Lu Fei handed the scanner to the little dog and asked them to wait outside.

He took Xiao Ma alone and followed Fu Yuliang and the others into Warehouse No. 1.

Entering the warehouse gate, the temperature instantly dropped by ten

several degrees.

There were two coffins placed in a space of less than two hundred square meters.

The air plummeted, the light dimmed, and there were two coffins.

If a timid girl comes to this environment, she will scream in surprise.

One is a partially rotted black lacquered wood coffin, but it has been protected and wrapped with a thick protective layer of solid wood.

This black lacquer coffin was the coffin of a female corpse that was placed in the east ear room at that time. It was also the coffin of Ji Kai's mother that everyone analyzed.

On a shelf five meters away, there was a huge stone coffin.

This is Ji Kai's bluestone coffin in the main tomb chamber.

And it was lifted and transported as a whole.

However, the coffin is currently in the same state as when it was in the main tomb chamber, and no attempts have been made to open it.

Now, all I have to do is wait for Lu Fei's protective agent.

During the previous archaeological process, many stone coffins of this scale have been discovered.

Every time I find it, I can only open it directly.

At the moment of opening, the lacquerware, silk fabrics, silk fabrics, wood products, bamboo products, etc. inside will undergo violent oxidation due to being stored in a sealed environment for thousands of years and suddenly coming into contact with air.

Lacquerware will lose color, woodware and bambooware will rot quickly, and silk and silk fabrics will instantly oxidize to ash.

The words recorded with pen and ink will also oxidize and fall off.

It’s so hard to preserve.

Because of this, the archaeological community has received very few documents, and the historical research on that period is relatively vague.

This is a disaster for archaeology.

There was no way before, but now, people have high hopes for Lu Fei's protective agent.

If his protective agent works well, it may be able to greatly reduce the damage.

If important documents are found in the coffin, a series of mysteries can be revealed.

It is precisely because of this that the senior executives of China made an exception and traded old red sandalwood materials with Lu Fei.

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