A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2215 Too rigid

When they came outside, Guan Haishan said goodbye to Fatty Wang Zhang Yanhe for the same reason, and asked them to fully cooperate with Lu Fei.

After leaving the provincial expo, Guan Haishan returned directly to Tiandu City full of anger.

It's not that he doesn't want to be here to witness the results, it's because he really doesn't have the face to stay.

After Guan Haishan left, Fatty and Zhang Yanhe looked at each other.


"What happened inside? Guan Laosan's face is so scary!" Zhang Yanhe murmured to himself.

"You think too much."

"What could happen?"

"Although Mr. Guan is a bit petty, he is not going to break up with Lu Fei. I guess he really has something going on." Fatty said. .??.

"Hey, let's talk to Baoshaifei and go in for a visit too?"

"It's really annoying to wait here." Zhang Yanhe said.

"forget it!"

"It's not like you don't know about Bao Bao Fei's bad temper. If you tell him, you might get ridiculed by him again."

"You tell me, I'm not going!"

Zhang Yanhe clucked her lips, feeling that what the fat man said made sense, so she finally endured it and asked the staff to lead them to the reception room to drink tea while waiting.

"Baoshaifei, can we start now?"

Fu Yuliang asked in warehouse No. 1.

Lu Fei didn't show any pretense and started preparing immediately.

Lu Fei asked Gao Meng to fetch a bucket of warm water, took out a large bag of pre-prepared powder from his bag, poured it into the bucket, and stirred it quickly.

This powder is ground more finely than white flour, and is slightly yellow in color. Even with the naked eye, Daluo Jinxian can't tell anything fishy about it.

"Is this a protective agent?" Fu Yuliang asked doubtfully.

"You do not believe?"



"How can it be?"

"I'm just curious."

"By the way, the smell of this powder is so strange. What's in it?" Fu Yuliang asked curiously.

Lu Fei stopped and glared at him fiercely.

"Why, you also want to know

My secret? "


Fu Yuliang trembled and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just too curious and asked casually."


"It's not okay to ask casually."

"Depend on."

Pour the powder into water and stir evenly. It will immediately take on a light green color and exude a grassy smell.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has studied more than a dozen anti-oxidation protective agents for decades, but the results are not ideal.

Their research mainly focused on chemical ingredients. Fu Yuliang had seen them all and had some understanding of the taste of those chemical ingredients.

He sniffed hard, but after smelling it for a long time, Fu Yuliang was confused because there was no smell he was familiar with.

In other words, he couldn't analyze the ingredients of Lu Fei's protective agent at all.

Looking at his look, Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't waste your time. If you can tell the ingredients inside with your nose, my protective agent will be worthless."


"I just smelled it casually, but the smell of your protective agent is really special!"

"By the way, can this be used?" Fu Yuliang asked.

"Not yet, we have to wait a while."

Lu Fei said and continued to stir at a constant speed.

After stirring for more than ten minutes, the water temperature dropped rapidly.

Lu Fei stretched out his hand to test, then took out a mineral water bottle and added a bottle of white transparent liquid into it.


"Isn't this the key?" Fu Yuliang couldn't help but ask.

"That's the point. This is just ordinary mineral water."


Fuck your motherfucker!

You take me for granted

Is it a stick?

I bet that this bottle is the essence of the protective agent.


I'm not that easy to fool, Fu Yuliang thought in his heart. ??

The transparent liquid was poured into the water, and a reaction immediately occurred. The liquid became slightly viscous, but the taste remained unchanged, but the previous light green color gradually disappeared.

Go ahead, it’s so amazing!

Fu Yuliang witnessed this magical change with his own eyes and admired Lu Fei even more.

However, out of admiration, Fu Yuliang rolled his eyes.

The old man said to himself that Baolan Fei was really a thief.

As for your thing, let alone a video, even if you send the finished product to the Academy of Sciences, those old guys may not be able to study it, and you still make it so mysterious. It's really full.

Hiss! !


Maybe Baoshaofei just wants to find an excuse to get Guan Laosan away!

Why! !

What happened to these two people?

It looked like one person before, but why is it like this now?

It’s so hard to see through!

After the water temperature has completely dropped, let Gao Meng find a basin and pour some transparent liquid into the basin.

Afterwards, Lu Fei asked Fu Yuliang to find two large brushes, and ordered him and Gao Meng to evenly brush the entire coffin with the liquid without leaving anything behind.

Looking at this huge stone coffin, Fu Yuliang couldn't help but frown.

"I said, wouldn't it be enough to clean the gaps in the stone coffin?"

"Why do you still need to brush them all?" Fu Yuliang asked.

After glaring at this guy, Lu Fei said coldly.

"Just do whatever I ask you to do. Why is there so much nonsense?"

"I don't even care about my protective agent, why are you so worried?"


"Baolanfei, your uncle, can't you speak properly?"

"according to

In terms of age, I am your elder. "Fu Yuliang argued hard.


"Don't always use your age as an excuse. That's the most incompetent sign."

"The bastard can live for hundreds of years, and his lifespan is much longer than yours. What's the point?"

"I poof!!"

Fu Yuliang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. If he couldn't beat him, he would have to fight Lu Fei desperately.


"Let's not talk about age, let's talk about the matter. Applying protective agent is to prevent oxidation from entering the air."

"We only need to cover the gaps in the coffin. Why do we need to paint them all?"


"The protective agent you studied before was just applied to the gaps, but is it of any use?" Lu Fei sneered.


"Basha Fei, can we talk properly?"

"Aren't I also worried about you wasting materials?" Fu Yuliang said angrily.

After hearing what he said, Lu Fei's attitude really changed.

"Lao Fu, the minds of archaeologists of your generation are too rigid."

“There is an old saying that there is no wall that is airtight, and this is not unfounded.”

"The density of stone is far less than that of crystal and glass, and there are gaps in the crystal structure inside the stone. As long as there are gaps, air will enter."

"Since air can enter, the protective molecules of the protective agent can also penetrate in, so that oxygen can be isolated to the maximum extent."

"Moreover, it can also speed up the penetration process of the protective agent, do you understand?" Lu Fei said.

"I see."

With that said, Fu Yuliang understood.

"However, I am also a great leader with a strong grasp of provincial knowledge!"

"Is it okay for you to let me do this rough work?"


"If you don't want to do it, you can leave. I can replace you at any time."


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