A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2216 I can’t stand it anymore

Fu Yuliang, the provincial leader who was usually very talkative, was forced to do hard work by Lu Fei today. Boss Fu was so depressed that he wanted to curse in the street.

However, he was just thinking about it.

He also hoped that Lu Fei's protective agent would be able to open the coffin perfectly. Of course, he didn't dare to complain, so he had to follow Gao Meng and start cleaning patiently.

What surprised Fu Yuliang was that when the protective agent was applied to the stone coffin, it actually penetrated into it. This made him more confident in Lu Fei's protective agent, and he was no longer as frustrated as before when he worked.

Ignoring the two of them, Lu Fei lit up his cigarette and walked to the black wooden coffin with his hands behind his back to take a look at it for himself.

What I saw in the video before was just a rough outline, but now watching it up close, I can see it in more detail.

After processing, the rotten lid of the black lacquered wooden coffin was removed and replaced with a glass cover.

This kind of glass cover is specially designed for archaeology, which can prevent ultraviolet rays from intruding and inhibit bacteria, thus playing a good protective role.

As can be seen in the video at that time, there were a large number of luxurious burial objects in the coffin.

There are dozens of pieces of gold, silver, jade and lacquerware.

But now everything has been cleaned out, including corpse liquid, rotten fibers, etc., everything has been cleaned up.

Inside was a dark yellow female corpse.

Looking at this skeleton, this woman was about 1.6 meters tall during her lifetime.

Looking at the texture of the bones, he should not have been more than forty years old when he died.

From today's perspective, dying at the age of forty is already considered very young.

But in ancient times, the average life span of people was appallingly low.

The eating habits and medical skills at that time were extremely backward, and even the most common cold could kill people.

The high-ranking officials are fine, but ordinary people can only leave their life span to God.

If you are lucky and don't get sick, you can live for a few more decades. If you are not lucky, it is normal for you to have braids in your teens.

Moreover, the condition is serious

If it is serious, it will also cause plague. If the plague spreads, it is unknown how many people will die.

During that period, women usually began to reproduce when they were fifteen or sixteen years old, and they gave birth continuously, which caused serious damage to a woman's body. She was lucky to live to the age of fifty.

If it weren't for the fact that most men had to spend their lives in war, the average life span of women would definitely not be as high as that of men.

By the Ming Dynasty, medical skills were unprecedentedly developed.

Moreover, Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty also recorded all the cures for all difficult and complicated diseases since ancient times in the "Yongle Dadian".

This is an unprecedented contribution to Chinese traditional medicine.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient remedies can be passed down.

With the rapid development of medical skills, people's average life span has increased significantly, laying a good foundation for people's genes to live a long life today.

Therefore, judging from the age of the woman in the coffin, more than 90% is the biological mother of Jin Chenggong Jikai.

However, this is just speculation. To convince everyone, there must be solid evidence. It is for this reason that ancient documents and texts are particularly important.

Without written records, everything is just speculation.

Today, the foreign archaeological community simply does not admit that the Chinese civilization had a Xia Dynasty, and there is also no conclusive evidence.

Although we can be 100% sure, there is no evidence to refute it, so we can only worry.

It can be seen how important archaeological excavation and exploring history are.

Due to the huge size of the stone coffin, it took two and a half hours to apply it all. Fu Yuliang grimaced in exhaustion and could not straighten his waist.

"Balan Fei, can you turn it on now?" Fu Yuliang asked with a grin on his face and rubbed his waist.

"Where is this? You need to apply it at least five times."

OK. "


When Fu Yuliang heard this, he almost cried, and he suddenly felt hopeless.

"Five times?"

"Does it need to be used so many times?"

"How much protective agent will be wasted?" Lao Fu asked

"I don't even feel bad, why are you worried?"

"The protective agent here is almost dry. Take a drink of water and you can start applying it a second time." Lu Fei said.

Hearing this, Fu Yuliang was like a deflated rubber ball. All the strength in his body was instantly drained, and he collapsed directly on the ground.

"I can't do it anymore, I really can't do it anymore."

"If you let me do this with my old physique, it won't take five times before you have to prepare a coffin for me."

"Balan Fei, why don't you call Fatty and Zhang Yanhe in!"

"The two of them have much better physical strength than me." Fu Yuliang suggested.

"Lao Fu, you are wrong."

"Yesterday I said two people were allowed to come in, but your old guy was more active than anyone else and almost started fighting with the fat man."

"It was hard to get a spot, why did you go back on your word again?"


"Your uncle!"

"How did I know this was the case?"

"I came here to supervise you, not to be your laborer at all."

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have come even if I were beaten to death!" Fu Yuliang said on the verge of tears.


"I don't care about that. When you come, you have to listen to my arrangements. Even if you don't want to do it, you have to do it." Lu Fei said with a bad smile.

"You don't want Bilian!"

Fu Yuliang's nose was so angry that he was crooked.

"Bao Bao Fei, I'm here to supervise you. This should be your job, but you pretend to be the uncle smoking aside. Do you still have any shame?"

"I don't care. You can apply it next time. I can't stand it anymore."


"I'm here to help you. I'm giving you a lot of face by sending someone to help you. Don't be ignorant."

"I ask you again, do you want to do it or not?"

"If you want to do it, hurry up. If you don't want to, just give me the ingredients. I will leave immediately." Lu Fei said.


Fu Yuliang's lips turned blue with anger. He finally understood that he had been tricked by the damn Tao Fei.

This grandson didn’t hold his fart back in the first place!

Damn it!

This son of a bitch has always been willing to deceive people without paying for their lives. How come I wasn't alert?

Damn it!

"The rags fly, I really can't stand it anymore, my waist is about to break."

"How about I quit and let Fatty and Zhang Yanhe come in?" Fu Yuliang begged.

"That's not possible. This was arranged yesterday. How could we go back on our word?"

"My protective agent is an exclusive secret recipe. Gold is very valuable, just in case."

"Stop it!"

Fu Yuliang was so angry that he quickly stopped Lu Fei.

"Stop talking. It's all my fault for not thinking clearly. I deserve it."

"However, we agreed yesterday that there were two people. Now that Guan Laosan is gone, is there anything wrong with arranging for another person to come in?"

"Zhang Yanhe is young, can I let Zhang Yanhe come in and help me win?" Fu Yuliang asked.


"Why can't it work again?"

"Although Guan Haishan left, he gave up on his own initiative, but I didn't drive him away."

"His presence or absence counts as a quota, and substitution is not allowed for this quota."

"Just accept your fate!"

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