A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2219 Chapter 2219

Fu Yuliang was almost driven crazy by Lu Fei.

However, he is still quite rational in his heart. At this time, Baolan Fei can still joke, but he must be 100% sure.

Baoshaifei has always been magical, and he believes that he will not be disappointed this time.

Therefore, Fu Yuliang was completely relieved, took a long breath, took the control handle from Lu Fei's hand, and started to control it himself.

buzz buzz

The tiny crane winch slowly retracted, and the chain pulled by the wire rope instantly straightened, making Fu Yuliang nervous again.

Looking at Lu Fei, the latter's expression was still relaxed. After taking a few deep breaths, Fu Yuliang pressed the button again.

The winch slowly pulled out a gap of about half a centimeter in the stone coffin cover, and Fu Yuliang immediately let go.

This half centimeter gap is the largest gap between the stone coffin and the hidden lock on the lid.

If you continue to use force, the stone coffin will probably be destroyed.

The stone coffins from the Spring and Autumn Period are themselves special first-class cultural relics, and there are few intact ones in the whole of China.

If it is damaged, it will be a huge loss.

After dodging a gap, Lu Fei and Fu Yuliang smelled a metallic smell at the same time.

It is said to have a smell, but it is not obvious.

Only an experienced veteran with many years of archaeological experience can clearly feel it.

Fu Yuliang definitely possesses this, and Lu Fei, who has lived in two lifetimes, is obviously much more sensitive than him.

Based on the taste, Lu Fei could even tell what the taste contained.

There are gold ware, silver ware, bronze ware, jade ware, lacquer ware, etc., there are about a dozen types.

Sniffing hard, Fu Yuliang was also extremely excited.

"Quack quack!!"

"Sure enough, there is something good!"

"It's a pity that Fatty and the others couldn't see it right away. I guess they would have to cry with regret."


Fu Yuliang laughed happily, but Lu Fei flipped

Roll your eyes.

"Hurry up!"

"I don't have that much time to play with you."

"The sarcophagus must be opened tonight. I will go to Jincheng tomorrow." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, okay, Baoshaifei, it's all thanks to you this time."

The reason why Fu Yuliang said this was because he truly realized the magic of the protective agent.

Although the stone coffin was not completely opened, Fu Yuliang had a rough guess based on the smell inside.

Moreover, he was 100% sure that the contents inside had not oxidized.

If oxidation occurs and the smell of putrefaction occurs, he will definitely be able to smell it. He is too experienced in this area.

Since there is no rotten smell, it means that the protective agent really works, and the protective effect is perfect.

It's nothing short of miraculous.

Next, Fu Yuliang turned on the flashlight and carefully searched for the secret lock groove of the stone coffin.

While searching, mark the side with a stone pen.

What surprised Fu Yuliang was that the stone coffin built by Ji had as many as thirty-six hidden locks.

According to experience, there are generally twenty-four secret locks in stone coffins.

In previous archaeological operations, more than 90% of them were this number, including the large king-level tombs unearthed.

In addition to the twenty-four secret locks, there are also several stone coffins with twenty secret locks.

But the stone coffin in front of you has an astonishing thirty-six hidden locks. This is a unique thing and is simply unbelievable.

Looking at the thirty-six painted marks, Lu Fei's eyes shone brightly.

What happened next was easy for Fu Yuliang.

Use special tools to inject special acid into thirty

Among the six grooves, the acrid smoke of metal corrosion immediately rose, and Lu Fei and the other three quickly stepped aside.

After about ten minutes, the smoke gradually thinned out.


A subtle voice sounded, and Lu Fei and Fu Yuliang became excited at the same time.

Because they knew that this was a horizontal copper bar that was broken by corrosion and fell down.

"Bah, bah, bah."

Then, exciting sounds sounded one after another.

Twenty minutes later, everything calmed down and the smoke completely disappeared. Fu Yuliang was the first to rush forward with his sixty-year-old body.

The movements are light and the body is as light as a swallow. It is almost like two people when applying protective agent during the day.

Lu Fei looked at each other from afar, smiled, and followed.

Fu Yuliang pressed the button, and the lid rose another inch. The old guy immediately laughed so excitedly that his dentures almost fell out.


"It's open, it's finally open."


"Take a few photos in a while, I will make the fat man angry to death."


"Okay, stop yelling, there's a sarcophagus inside, hurry up!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Oh yes!"

"Sorry, I'm so excited."

"Baoshafei, your protective agent is so awesome."

"I will make a detailed report later. Just wait for the reward from above!"

"You have made a great contribution this time!" Fu Yuliang said.

"Pull him down!"

"I don't like any credit, it's just a transaction between us."

"This time it's over. The transaction is over. If there are no special circumstances in the future, try not to bother me. I'm very busy.

very. "

"Beat sex!"

Fu Yuliang rolled his eyes at Lu Fei and handed the control to Lu Fei, but Lu Fei did not take it.

After all, I am still an outsider here and it is not suitable for me to interfere in other people's affairs.

Fu Yuliang didn't show any pretense, he pressed the green button hard, and the hoist pulled the lid of the stone coffin up slowly.

Raise it half a meter, then move the lid aside and carefully place it on the prepared wooden shelf.

The moment Fu Yuliang removed the lid, everything in the gap between the stone coffin and the sarcophagus was clearly reflected in the sights of Lu Fei and Gao Meng.

Under the illumination of the ceiling lights, it was really brilliant and dazzling.

One of the small objects made Lu Fei's little heart almost jump out of his chest. Two dazzling rays of light suddenly burst out from his obsidian eyes.

While Fu Yuliang was operating the overhead crane to slowly move the lid, he was always staring at Lu Fei from the corner of his eye.

Although he believed in Lu Fei, it was still necessary to be cautious.

Guan Laosan is not here, so he is the only one responsible for supervision. If something unexpected happens, he cannot explain it.

Seeing Lu Fei standing obediently one meter away from the stone coffin, Fu Yuliang felt relieved.

At the same time, he still despised Guan Haishan in his heart.

The heart says that Guan Laosan is a dirty person.

There are so many rags and good things that no museum can compare with. How could they take a fancy to these things like ours?

Besides, they spent hundreds of billions to build a foundation, and donated more than two billion to the archaeological community every year.

How could someone with such a noble character do such a shameful thing?

It's just nonsense.

Thinking of this, Fu Yuliang even despised himself for spying on Lu Fei just now.

So I no longer dared to doubt, and concentrated on moving the stone coffin lid from the overhead crane.

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