A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2220 It’s all garbage

Fu Yuliang didn't have any grudge against Lu Fei in his heart, but he relaxed wholeheartedly.

He carefully placed the lid of the stone coffin, threw away the manipulator, and rushed to the stone coffin impatiently.

"Wow, wow, wow"

Fu Yuliang was completely shocked when he saw what was inside. He kept making crow-like cries, but he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

A coffin is not a coffin.

A coffin is a coffin, and a coffin, as its name suggests, is the object that wraps the coffin.

In ancient times, the coffin was a symbol of status.

Coffins first appeared in the Shang Dynasty, but no Shang Dynasty coffins have been unearthed so far. They are only recorded in "Book of Rites. Tan Gong Shang".

By the Zhou Dynasty, coffins had a clear hierarchy. ??

Ordinary people cannot use coffins, which are exclusive to high-ranking officials.

The most impressive thing is the emperor's coffin, which has four levels.

During the archaeological work of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team, it was discovered that the three-story coffins were the most advanced ones. By the Spring and Autumn Period, the three-story coffins were already at the level of kings. Under normal circumstances, there were only two floors, or even one floor.

Between the coffins and the coffins, there are gaps of varying sizes.

Initially, this gap was used to place antiseptic medicinal materials.

The purpose is to wrap the coffin with several layers of medicinal materials, and use the medicinal properties to control the body in the coffin from decaying.

This is of course nonsense and in fact of no use.

By the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, people realized that it was a waste to imitate medicinal materials in the coffin, and it would be more beneficial to bury them with some of the deceased's favorite objects.

Therefore, from then on, the coffins were basically filled with funerary objects.

And they are the most essential among the funerary objects.

The coffin in front of Ji Kai is big enough.

And Ji Kai is the biological son of Duke Wen of Jin. According to the rules, Ji Kai's treatment is at least double the coffin.

Lu Fei was very surprised when the lid could be opened.

There is only one coffin inside, and the one placed in the middle is the real sarcophagus.


There is obviously something wrong with this style!

Since there is only one coffin, the gap between the stone coffin and the coffin is relatively large.

The gap between the outer wall of the stone coffin and the sarcophagus is thirty centimeters wide.

This width is enough to add two more coffins.

Although the stone coffin only has one floor, the gaps on this floor are filled with all kinds of burial objects.

There are a lot of gold, silver, bronze tableware and wine utensils.

Various daily necessities such as lacquerware, jade pendants, jade congs, jade reeds and other jade articles are neatly placed.

In addition, there are a large number of small pottery figurines.

Almost all of the pottery figurines are dressed as servants and painted with paint, making them vivid and lifelike.

The paint on the surface of the pottery figurines has only faded slightly over the years and has not been completely oxidized, so it is quite well preserved.

This is of course the result of Lu Fei's protective agent.

Seeing these funerary objects, Fu Yuliang smiled so hard that his whole body trembled, and his dentures could no longer be fixed.

"Wa hahaha!"


"Awesome, so awesome."

"There are so many funerary objects, and they are quite well preserved. Even the colors of the lacquerware and pottery figurines have not oxidized."

"Baolan Fei, you are so awesome, your protective agent is so awesome, it is simply a miracle."

"With your protective agent, it is not impossible to open Qin Ling!"

"Hahaha, it's so cool."

Fu Yuliang smiled unbridled, but Lu Fei's expression was still serious, which made Fu Yuliang feel somewhat disappointed.


"What’s wrong with you?"

"Why aren't you happy after seeing so many good things?"

"This is not your style

ah? Fu Yuliang asked.

"What's there to be excited about?"

"It's just a pile of garbage." Lu Fei said disdainfully.


Fu Yuhao suffered from vomiting blood.

"Your uncle!"

"Any of the funerary objects here are first-class cultural relics, and you actually said they were garbage?"

"Aren't you too arrogant?" Fu Yuliang jumped up and shouted.

"When I say rubbish, I mean rubbish."

"There are many similar cultural relics unearthed in China."

"But what I hope to see is an inscription or a document."

"Why are we going to all this trouble?"

"Isn't it to unravel that history?"

"Without documents, how do you know that there will be a female corpse in Ji Kai's Dong'er Room?"

"Without any documents, how do you explain the tomb-guarding manor outside that has been passed down for thousands of years?"

"With Ji Kai's status, it should obviously be a two-layer coffin, but now there is only one layer."

"There is no documentation, how do you explain this?"

"Also, logically speaking, Ji Kai's grave should not appear in Bianliang. There is no written evidence. How can you explain this?" Lu Fei said.


Fu Yuliang calmed down instantly after hearing this.


What we need to find is evidence and written records. Only written records can solve many mysteries.

However, there are a dazzling array of funerary objects in front of us, which are visible to the naked eye but without any written records. Isn’t this a blind man’s electric light wasted in vain?

Thinking of this, Fu Yuliang also felt a little depressed.

"Baoshafei, don't be anxious."

"According to the size of the stone coffin, the burial objects must be at least fifty centimeters thick."

"Maybe there are documents down there?"


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